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* Copyright 2019 Scanamo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scanamo
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.time.format.{ DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeParseException }
import java.time.{ Instant, OffsetDateTime, ZonedDateTime }
import java.util.UUID
import cats.syntax.either._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** Type class for defining serialisation to and from * DynamoDB's `AttributeValue`.
"There is no format for ${T}, you may have to do one of the following:\n" +
" 1- enable automatic derivation:\n" +
" ```\n" +
" import\n" +
" ```\n" +
" 2- enable semi-automatic derivation:\n" +
" ```\n" +
" import org.scanamo.generic.semiauto._\n" +
" implicit val format${T}: DynamoFormat[${T}] = deriveDynamoFormat[${T}]\n" +
" ```\n" +
" 3- or write your own custom format:\n" +
" ```\n" +
" implicit val format${T}: DynamoFormat[${T}] =\n" +
" new DynamoFormat[${T}] {\n" +
" ...\n" +
" }\n" +
" ```"
trait DynamoFormat[T] {
def read(av: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, T]
def read(av: AttributeValue): Either[DynamoReadError, T] = read(DynamoValue.fromAttributeValue(av))
def write(t: T): DynamoValue
def iso[U](r: T => U, w: U => T): DynamoFormat[U] = DynamoFormat.iso(r, w)(this)
def xmap[U](r: T => Either[DynamoReadError, U], w: U => T): DynamoFormat[U] = DynamoFormat.xmap(r, w)(this)
object DynamoFormat extends PlatformSpecificFormat with FormatDerivation {
def apply[T](implicit D: DynamoFormat[T]): DynamoFormat[T] = D
def build[T](r: DynamoValue => Either[DynamoReadError, T], w: T => DynamoValue): DynamoFormat[T] =
new DynamoFormat[T] {
def read(av: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, T] = r(av)
def write(t: T): DynamoValue = w(t)
/** DynamoFormats for object-like structures
* @note
* All data types used as the carrier type in [[Table]] operations should derive an instance from this class
trait ObjectFormat[T] extends DynamoFormat[T] {
def readObject(o: DynamoObject): Either[DynamoReadError, T]
def writeObject(t: T): DynamoObject
final def read(dv: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, T] =
dv.asObject.fold[Either[DynamoReadError, T]](Left(NoPropertyOfType("M", dv)))(readObject)
final def write(t: T): DynamoValue =
object ObjectFormat {
def apply[T](implicit T: ObjectFormat[T]): ObjectFormat[T] = T
def build[T](r: DynamoObject => Either[DynamoReadError, T], w: T => DynamoObject): ObjectFormat[T] =
new ObjectFormat[T] {
def readObject(o: DynamoObject): Either[DynamoReadError, T] = r(o)
def writeObject(t: T): DynamoObject = w(t)
private[scanamo] def coerce[A, B, T >: Null <: Throwable: ClassTag](f: A => B): A => Either[DynamoReadError, B] =
a => Either.catchOnly[T](f(a)).leftMap(TypeCoercionError(_))
/** Returns a [[DynamoFormat]] for the case where `A` and `B` are isomorphic,
* i.e. an `A` can always be converted to a `B` and vice versa.
* If there are some values of `B` that have no corresponding value in `A`, use [[DynamoFormat.xmap]] or
* [[DynamoFormat.coercedXmap]].
def iso[A, B](r: B => A, w: A => B)(implicit f: DynamoFormat[B]): DynamoFormat[A] =
new DynamoFormat[A] {
final def read(item: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, A] =
final def write(t: A): DynamoValue = f.write(w(t))
/** Returns a [[DynamoFormat]] for the case where `A` and `B` form an epimorphism,
* i.e. an `A` can always be converted to a `B` but the opposite is not necessarily true.
def xmap[A, B](r: B => Either[DynamoReadError, A], w: A => B)(implicit f: DynamoFormat[B]): DynamoFormat[A] =
new DynamoFormat[A] {
final def read(item: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, A] =
final def write(t: A): DynamoValue = f.write(w(t))
/** Returns a [[DynamoFormat]] for the case where `A` can always be converted `B`, with `write`, but `read` may throw
* an exception for some value of `B`
def coercedXmap[A, B: DynamoFormat, T >: Null <: Throwable: ClassTag](read: B => A, write: A => B): DynamoFormat[A] =
xmap(coerce[B, A, T](read), write)
private def coerceNumber[N: Numeric](f: String => N): String => Either[DynamoReadError, N] =
DynamoFormat.coerce[String, N, NumberFormatException](f)
private def coerceByteBuffer[B](f: ByteBuffer => B): ByteBuffer => Either[DynamoReadError, B] =
DynamoFormat.coerce[ByteBuffer, B, IllegalArgumentException](f)
private def attribute[T](
decode: DynamoValue => Option[T],
encode: T => DynamoValue,
propertyType: String
): DynamoFormat[T] =
new DynamoFormat[T] {
final def read(av: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, T] =
Either.fromOption(decode(av), NoPropertyOfType(propertyType, av))
final def write(t: T): DynamoValue = encode(t)
implicit val stringFormat: DynamoFormat[String] = new DynamoFormat[String] {
final def read(av: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, String] =
if (av.isNull)
av.asString.fold[Either[DynamoReadError, String]](Left(NoPropertyOfType("S", av)))(Right(_))
final def write(s: String): DynamoValue = DynamoValue.fromString(s)
implicit val booleanFormat: DynamoFormat[Boolean] = attribute(_.asBoolean, DynamoValue.fromBoolean, "BOOL")
private def numFormat[N: Numeric](f: String => N): DynamoFormat[N] =
new DynamoFormat[N] {
final def read(av: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, N] =
for {
ns <- Either.fromOption(av.asNumber, NoPropertyOfType("N", av))
transform = coerceNumber(f)
n <- transform(ns)
} yield n
final def write(n: N): DynamoValue = DynamoValue.fromNumber(n)
implicit val longFormat: DynamoFormat[Long] = numFormat(_.toLong)
implicit val intFormat: DynamoFormat[Int] = numFormat(_.toInt)
implicit val floatFormat: DynamoFormat[Float] = numFormat(_.toFloat)
implicit val doubleFormat: DynamoFormat[Double] = numFormat(_.toDouble)
implicit val bigDecimalFormat: DynamoFormat[BigDecimal] = numFormat(BigDecimal(_))
implicit val shortFormat: DynamoFormat[Short] = numFormat(_.toShort)
// Thrift and therefore Scanamo-Scrooge provides a byte and binary types backed by byte and byte[].
implicit val byteFormat: DynamoFormat[Byte] = numFormat(_.toByte)
// Since DynamoValue includes a ByteBuffer instance, creating byteArray format backed by ByteBuffer
implicit val byteBufferFormat: DynamoFormat[ByteBuffer] = attribute(_.asByteBuffer, DynamoValue.fromByteBuffer, "B")
implicit val byteArrayFormat: DynamoFormat[Array[Byte]] =
DynamoFormat.xmap(coerceByteBuffer(_.array), ByteBuffer.wrap)(byteBufferFormat)
implicit val uuidFormat: DynamoFormat[UUID] =
DynamoFormat.coercedXmap[UUID, String, IllegalArgumentException](UUID.fromString, _.toString)
implicit val javaListFormat: DynamoFormat[List[DynamoValue]] =
dv =>
if (dv.isNull) Some(List.empty)
else dv.asArray.flatMap(_.asArray),
l => DynamoValue.fromValues(l),
implicit def listFormat[T](implicit f: DynamoFormat[T]): DynamoFormat[List[T]] =
DynamoFormat.xmap[List[T], List[DynamoValue]](_.traverse(,
implicit def seqFormat[T](implicit f: DynamoFormat[T]): DynamoFormat[Seq[T]] =
DynamoFormat.xmap[Seq[T], List[T]](l => Right(l.toSeq), _.toList)
implicit def vectorFormat[T](implicit f: DynamoFormat[T]): DynamoFormat[Vector[T]] =
DynamoFormat.xmap[Vector[T], List[DynamoValue]](_.toVector.traverse(,
implicit def arrayFormat[T: ClassTag](implicit f: DynamoFormat[T]): DynamoFormat[Array[T]] =
DynamoFormat.xmap[Array[T], List[DynamoValue]](
private def numSetFormat[T: Numeric](r: String => Either[DynamoReadError, T]): DynamoFormat[Set[T]] =
new DynamoFormat[Set[T]] {
final def read(av: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, Set[T]] =
if (av.isNull)
for {
ns <- Either.fromOption(av.asArray.flatMap(_.asNumericArray), NoPropertyOfType("NS", av))
set <- ns.traverse(r)
} yield set.toSet
// Set types cannot be empty
final def write(t: Set[T]): DynamoValue =
if (t.isEmpty)
implicit val intSetFormat: DynamoFormat[Set[Int]] = numSetFormat(coerceNumber(_.toInt))
implicit val longSetFormat: DynamoFormat[Set[Long]] = numSetFormat(coerceNumber(_.toLong))
implicit val floatSetFormat: DynamoFormat[Set[Float]] = numSetFormat(coerceNumber(_.toFloat))
implicit val doubleSetFormat: DynamoFormat[Set[Double]] = numSetFormat(coerceNumber(_.toDouble))
implicit val BigDecimalSetFormat: DynamoFormat[Set[BigDecimal]] = numSetFormat(coerceNumber(BigDecimal(_)))
implicit val stringSetFormat: DynamoFormat[Set[String]] =
new DynamoFormat[Set[String]] {
final def read(av: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, Set[String]] =
if (av.isNull)
Either.fromOption(av.asArray.flatMap(_.asStringArray).map(_.toSet), NoPropertyOfType("SS", av))
// Set types cannot be empty
final def write(t: Set[String]): DynamoValue =
if (t.isEmpty)
implicit def genericSet[T: DynamoFormat]: DynamoFormat[Set[T]] = DynamoFormat.iso[Set[T], List[T]](_.toSet, _.toList)
private val javaMapFormat: DynamoFormat[DynamoObject] =
attribute(_.asObject, DynamoValue.fromDynamoObject, "M")
implicit def mapFormat[V](implicit f: DynamoFormat[V]): DynamoFormat[Map[String, V]] =
xmap[Map[String, V], DynamoObject](_.toMap[V], m => DynamoObject(m.toSeq: _*))(javaMapFormat)
implicit def optionFormat[T](implicit f: DynamoFormat[T]): DynamoFormat[Option[T]] =
new DynamoFormat[Option[T]] {
final def read(av: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, Option[T]] =
if (av.isNull)
final def write(t: Option[T]): DynamoValue = t.fold(DynamoValue.nil)(f.write)
/** This ensures that if, for instance, you specify an update with Some(5) rather than making the type of `Option`
* explicit, it doesn't fall back to auto-derivation
implicit def someFormat[T](implicit f: DynamoFormat[T]): DynamoFormat[Some[T]] =
new DynamoFormat[Some[T]] {
def read(av: DynamoValue): Either[DynamoReadError, Some[T]] =
Option(av).map([DynamoReadError, Some[T]](MissingProperty))
def write(t: Some[T]): DynamoValue = f.write(t.get)
/** Format for dealing with points in time stored as the number of milliseconds since Epoch.
implicit val instantAsLongFormat: DynamoFormat[Instant] =
DynamoFormat.coercedXmap[Instant, Long, ArithmeticException](x => Instant.ofEpochMilli(x), x => x.toEpochMilli)
/** Format for dealing with date-times with an offset from UTC.
implicit val offsetDateTimeFormat: DynamoFormat[OffsetDateTime] =
DynamoFormat.coercedXmap[OffsetDateTime, String, DateTimeParseException](
/** Format for dealing with date-times with a time zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system.
implicit val zonedDateTimeFormat: DynamoFormat[ZonedDateTime] =
DynamoFormat.coercedXmap[ZonedDateTime, String, DateTimeParseException](