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* Copyright 2019 Scanamo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scanamo
import cats.{ Monad, MonoidK }
import org.scanamo.DynamoResultStream.{ QueryResponseStream, ScanResponseStream }
import org.scanamo.ops.{ ScanamoOps, ScanamoOpsT }
import org.scanamo.query.{ Condition, ConditionExpression, Query, UniqueKey, UniqueKeyCondition }
import org.scanamo.request.{ ScanamoQueryOptions, ScanamoQueryRequest, ScanamoScanRequest }
import{ QueryResponse, ScanResponse }
/** Represents a secondary index on a DynamoDB table.
* Can be constructed via the [[org.scanamo.Table#index index]] method on [[org.scanamo.Table Table]]
sealed abstract class SecondaryIndex[V] {
/** Scan a secondary index
def scan(): ScanamoOps[List[Either[DynamoReadError, V]]]
/** Scans the index and returns the raw DynamoDB result.
def scanRaw: ScanamoOps[ScanResponse]
/** Performs a scan with the ability to introduce effects into the computation. This is useful for huge tables when
* you don't want to load the whole of it in memory, but scan it page by page.
* To control how many maximum items to load at once, use [[scanPaginatedM]]
final def scanM[M[_]: Monad: MonoidK]: ScanamoOpsT[M, List[Either[DynamoReadError, V]]] = scanPaginatedM(Int.MaxValue)
/** Performs a scan with the ability to introduce effects into the computation. This is useful for huge tables when
* you don't want to load the whole of it in memory, but scan it page by page, with a maximum of `pageSize` items per
* page..
* @note
* DynamoDB will only ever return maximum 1MB of data per scan, so `pageSize` is an upper bound.
def scanPaginatedM[M[_]: Monad: MonoidK](pageSize: Int): ScanamoOpsT[M, List[Either[DynamoReadError, V]]]
/** Run a query against keys in a secondary index
def query(query: Query[_]): ScanamoOps[List[Either[DynamoReadError, V]]]
/** Queries the index and returns the raw DynamoDB result.
def queryRaw(query: Query[_]): ScanamoOps[QueryResponse]
/** Performs a query with the ability to introduce effects into the computation. This is useful for huge tables when
* you don't want to load the whole of it in memory, but scan it page by page.
* To control how many maximum items to load at once, use [[queryPaginatedM]]
final def queryM[M[_]: Monad: MonoidK](query: Query[_]): ScanamoOpsT[M, List[Either[DynamoReadError, V]]] =
queryPaginatedM(query, Int.MaxValue)
/** Performs a scan with the ability to introduce effects into the computation. This is useful for huge tables when
* you don't want to load the whole of it in memory, but scan it page by page, with a maximum of `pageSize` items per
* page.
* @note
* DynamoDB will only ever return maximum 1MB of data per query, so `pageSize` is an upper bound.
def queryPaginatedM[M[_]: Monad: MonoidK](query: Query[_],
pageSize: Int
): ScanamoOpsT[M, List[Either[DynamoReadError, V]]]
/** Query or scan an index, limiting the number of items evaluated by Dynamo
def limit(n: Int): SecondaryIndex[V]
/** Filter the results of `scan` or `query` within DynamoDB
* Note that rows filtered out still count towards your consumed capacity
def filter[C: ConditionExpression](condition: C): SecondaryIndex[V]
def descending: SecondaryIndex[V]
def from[K: UniqueKeyCondition](key: UniqueKey[K]): SecondaryIndex[V]
/** Primes a search request with a key to start from:
* @param exclusiveStartKey
* A [[DynamoObject]] containing attributes that match the partition key and sort key of the secondary index as
* well as the partition key of the table itself
* @return
* A new [[SecondaryIndex]] which when queried will return items after the provided exclusive start key
* @example
* {{{
* import org.scanamo._
* import org.scanamo.syntax._
* val table: Table[_] = ???
* val secondaryIndex: SecondaryIndex[_] = table.index("myIndex")
* val exclusiveStartKey = DynamoObject(
* Map(
* "myIndexPartitionKeyName" -> myIndexPartitionKeyValue.asDynamoValue,
* "myIndexSortKeyName" -> myIndexSortKeyValue.asDynamoValue,
* "myTablePartitionKeyName" -> myTablePartitionKeyValue.asDynamoValue
* )
* )
* val indexStartingFromExclusiveStartKey: SecondaryIndex[_] = secondaryIndex.from(exclusiveStartKey)
* }}}
def from(exclusiveStartKey: DynamoObject): SecondaryIndex[V]
private[scanamo] case class SecondaryIndexWithOptions[V: DynamoFormat](
tableName: String,
indexName: String,
queryOptions: ScanamoQueryOptions
) extends SecondaryIndex[V] {
def limit(n: Int): SecondaryIndexWithOptions[V] = copy(queryOptions = queryOptions.copy(limit = Some(n)))
def from[K: UniqueKeyCondition](key: UniqueKey[K]) =
copy(queryOptions = queryOptions.copy(exclusiveStartKey = Some(key.toDynamoObject)))
def from(exclusiveStartKey: DynamoObject) =
copy(queryOptions = queryOptions.copy(exclusiveStartKey = Some(exclusiveStartKey)))
def filter[C: ConditionExpression](condition: C) =
SecondaryIndexWithOptions[V](tableName, indexName, ScanamoQueryOptions.default).filter(Condition(condition))
def filter[T](c: Condition[T]): SecondaryIndexWithOptions[V] =
copy(queryOptions = queryOptions.copy(filter = Some(c)))
def descending: SecondaryIndexWithOptions[V] =
copy(queryOptions = queryOptions.copy(ascending = false))
def scan() =[V](ScanamoScanRequest(tableName, Some(indexName), queryOptions)).map(_._1)
def scanRaw: ScanamoOps[ScanResponse] = ScanamoOps.scan(ScanamoScanRequest(tableName, Some(indexName), queryOptions))
def scanPaginatedM[M[_]: Monad: MonoidK](pageSize: Int) =
ScanResponseStream.streamTo[M, V](ScanamoScanRequest(tableName, Some(indexName), queryOptions), pageSize)
def query(query: Query[_]) =[V](ScanamoQueryRequest(tableName, Some(indexName), query, queryOptions)).map(_._1)
def queryRaw(query: Query[_]): ScanamoOps[QueryResponse] =
ScanamoOps.query(ScanamoQueryRequest(tableName, Some(indexName), query, queryOptions))
def queryPaginatedM[M[_]: Monad: MonoidK](query: Query[_], pageSize: Int) =
QueryResponseStream.streamTo[M, V](ScanamoQueryRequest(tableName, Some(indexName), query, queryOptions), pageSize)