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* Agent API
* This document refers to Symphony API calls to send and receive messages and content. They need the on-premise Agent installed to perform decryption/encryption of content. - sessionToken and keyManagerToken can be obtained by calling the authenticationAPI on the symphony back end and the key manager respectively. Refer to the methods described in authenticatorAPI.yaml. - Actions are defined to be atomic, ie will succeed in their entirety or fail and have changed nothing. - If it returns a 40X status then it will have sent no message to any stream even if a request to aome subset of the requested streams would have succeeded. - If this contract cannot be met for any reason then this is an error and the response code will be 50X. - MessageML is a markup language for messages. See reference here:
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.48.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
* Do not edit the class manually.
package org.symphonyoss.symphony.agent.model;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
* A historic message to be imported into the system. The importing user must have the Content Management role. Also, the importing user must be a member of the conversation it is importing into. The user that the message is intended to have come from must also be present in the conversation. The intended message timestamp must be a valid time from the past. It cannot be a future timestamp. By design, imported messages do not stream to datafeed or firehose endpoints.
@ApiModel(description = "A historic message to be imported into the system. The importing user must have the Content Management role. Also, the importing user must be a member of the conversation it is importing into. The user that the message is intended to have come from must also be present in the conversation. The intended message timestamp must be a valid time from the past. It cannot be a future timestamp. By design, imported messages do not stream to datafeed or firehose endpoints. ")
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2017-10-14T03:33:40.723-04:00")
public class V4ImportedMessage {
private String message = null;
private String data = null;
private Long intendedMessageTimestamp = null;
private Long intendedMessageFromUserId = null;
private String originatingSystemId = null;
private String originalMessageId = null;
private String streamId = null;
public V4ImportedMessage message(String message) {
this.message = message;
return this;
* Message text in MessageMLV2
* @return message
@ApiModelProperty(example = "null", required = true, value = "Message text in MessageMLV2")
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public V4ImportedMessage data(String data) { = data;
return this;
* Entity data in EntityJSON
* @return data
@ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "Entity data in EntityJSON")
public String getData() {
return data;
public void setData(String data) { = data;
public V4ImportedMessage intendedMessageTimestamp(Long intendedMessageTimestamp) {
this.intendedMessageTimestamp = intendedMessageTimestamp;
return this;
* The timestamp representing the time when the message was sent in the original system in milliseconds since Jan 1st 1970.
* @return intendedMessageTimestamp
@ApiModelProperty(example = "null", required = true, value = "The timestamp representing the time when the message was sent in the original system in milliseconds since Jan 1st 1970. ")
public Long getIntendedMessageTimestamp() {
return intendedMessageTimestamp;
public void setIntendedMessageTimestamp(Long intendedMessageTimestamp) {
this.intendedMessageTimestamp = intendedMessageTimestamp;
public V4ImportedMessage intendedMessageFromUserId(Long intendedMessageFromUserId) {
this.intendedMessageFromUserId = intendedMessageFromUserId;
return this;
* The long integer userid of the Symphony user who you intend to show sent the message.
* @return intendedMessageFromUserId
@ApiModelProperty(example = "null", required = true, value = "The long integer userid of the Symphony user who you intend to show sent the message. ")
public Long getIntendedMessageFromUserId() {
return intendedMessageFromUserId;
public void setIntendedMessageFromUserId(Long intendedMessageFromUserId) {
this.intendedMessageFromUserId = intendedMessageFromUserId;
public V4ImportedMessage originatingSystemId(String originatingSystemId) {
this.originatingSystemId = originatingSystemId;
return this;
* The ID of the system through which the message was originally sent.
* @return originatingSystemId
@ApiModelProperty(example = "null", required = true, value = "The ID of the system through which the message was originally sent. ")
public String getOriginatingSystemId() {
return originatingSystemId;
public void setOriginatingSystemId(String originatingSystemId) {
this.originatingSystemId = originatingSystemId;
public V4ImportedMessage originalMessageId(String originalMessageId) {
this.originalMessageId = originalMessageId;
return this;
* The ID of the message in the original system.
* @return originalMessageId
@ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "The ID of the message in the original system. ")
public String getOriginalMessageId() {
return originalMessageId;
public void setOriginalMessageId(String originalMessageId) {
this.originalMessageId = originalMessageId;
public V4ImportedMessage streamId(String streamId) {
this.streamId = streamId;
return this;
* Get streamId
* @return streamId
@ApiModelProperty(example = "null", required = true, value = "")
public String getStreamId() {
return streamId;
public void setStreamId(String streamId) {
this.streamId = streamId;
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
V4ImportedMessage v4ImportedMessage = (V4ImportedMessage) o;
return Objects.equals(this.message, v4ImportedMessage.message) &&
Objects.equals(, &&
Objects.equals(this.intendedMessageTimestamp, v4ImportedMessage.intendedMessageTimestamp) &&
Objects.equals(this.intendedMessageFromUserId, v4ImportedMessage.intendedMessageFromUserId) &&
Objects.equals(this.originatingSystemId, v4ImportedMessage.originatingSystemId) &&
Objects.equals(this.originalMessageId, v4ImportedMessage.originalMessageId) &&
Objects.equals(this.streamId, v4ImportedMessage.streamId);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(message, data, intendedMessageTimestamp, intendedMessageFromUserId, originatingSystemId, originalMessageId, streamId);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("class V4ImportedMessage {\n");
sb.append(" message: ").append(toIndentedString(message)).append("\n");
sb.append(" data: ").append(toIndentedString(data)).append("\n");
sb.append(" intendedMessageTimestamp: ").append(toIndentedString(intendedMessageTimestamp)).append("\n");
sb.append(" intendedMessageFromUserId: ").append(toIndentedString(intendedMessageFromUserId)).append("\n");
sb.append(" originatingSystemId: ").append(toIndentedString(originatingSystemId)).append("\n");
sb.append(" originalMessageId: ").append(toIndentedString(originalMessageId)).append("\n");
sb.append(" streamId: ").append(toIndentedString(streamId)).append("\n");
return sb.toString();
* Convert the given object to string with each line indented by 4 spaces
* (except the first line).
private String toIndentedString(java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == null) {
return "null";
return o.toString().replace("\n", "\n ");