org.tinfour.utils.GridSpecification Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2015 Gary W. Lucas.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Revision History:
* Date Name Description
* ------ --------- -------------------------------------------------
* 10/2015 G. Lucas Created
* 01/2018 G. Lucas Refactored for Tinfour 2.0 migration
* Notes:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.tinfour.utils;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
* Provides metadata for describing a grid and mapping Cartesian coordinates
* to and from grid coordinates. Also provides convenience routines for writing
* data to Esri's ASCII raster format (.asc files).
public class GridSpecification {
* Specifies how the cells are oriented relative to the coordinates of the of
* the grid. If CenterOfCell is specified, then the coordinates for the
* lower-left corner of the grid would lie in the center of the cell. If the
* CornerOfCell argument was specified, then the corner of the grid would lay
* on the lower-left corner of the cell.
public enum CellPosition {
* The coordinates give the center of the cell.
* The coordinates given the lower-left corner of the cell
private final CellPosition cellPosition;
private final double cellSize;
private final double xLowerLeft;
private final double yLowerLeft;
private final double xUpperRight;
private final double yUpperRight;
private final int nRows;
private final int nCols;
private final int nCells;
* Constructs an instance based on a specified set of bounds with the
* requirement that the grid coordinates are integral multiples of the
* cellSize.
* Because the grid coordinate points will be aligned on integral multiples of
* the cellSize, there is no guarantee that the grid coordinates will exactly
* match the xmin/xmax, ymin/ymax values. The guarantee is that the grid
* points will be within the specified bounds. The cell alignment will be
* treated according to the specified CellPosition. The number of rows and
* columns will be computed based on the bounds and cell size.
* Caution: Interpretation of grid coordinates for
* Esri ASCII grid file form
* If you use this class to write files in Esri's ASCII format, the following
* cautions apply. The available documentation regarding how Esri
* specifies the coordinates for an ASCII grid are not publically available.
* Thus this class makes the following assumption based
* on the available information regarding the positioning of
* cells. If CenterOfCell is specified, then the coordinates for the
* lower-left corner and upper-right corners of the rectangular domain would
* lie in the lie in the center of the cell. If the CornerOfCell argument was
* specified, then these coordinates would lie respectively on the lower-left
* corner of the lower-left cell and on the upper-right corner of the
* upper-right cell. Consequently, when an application specifies a
* CornerOfCell positioning, the grid will contain one more row and column
* than when the application specifies a CenterOfCell. *
* @param cellPosition specifies the orientation of grid cells relative
* to the origin; the origin may be at the center or lower-left corner
* of a grid cell.
* @param cellSize the dimension of the grid cell in the same coordinate
* system as the bounds
* @param xmin the minimum x coordinate for the area of interest
* @param xmax the maximum x coordinate for the area of interest
* @param ymin the minimum y coordinate for the area of interest
* @param ymax the maximum y coordinate for the area of interest
public GridSpecification(
CellPosition cellPosition,
double cellSize,
double xmin,
double xmax,
double ymin,
double ymax) {
this.cellPosition = cellPosition;
this.cellSize = cellSize;
if (cellSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Zero or negative cell size not allowed");
if (xmin >= xmax || ymin >= ymax) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Min/max bounds incorrect");
int j0 = (int) Math.ceil(xmin / cellSize);
int j1 = (int) Math.floor(xmax / cellSize);
int i0 = (int) Math.ceil(ymin / cellSize);
int i1 = (int) Math.floor(ymax / cellSize);
int nR, nC;
if (cellPosition == CellPosition.CornerOfCell) {
nR = (i1 - i0 + 1);
nC = (j1 - j0 + 1);
} else {
// center of cell
nR = i1 - i0;
nC = j1 - j0;
if (nR == 0) {
nR = 1;
if (nC == 0) {
nC = 1;
nRows = nR;
nCols = nC;
nCells = nRows * nCols;
if (cellPosition == CellPosition.CornerOfCell) {
xLowerLeft = j0 * cellSize;
yLowerLeft = i0 * cellSize;
} else {
// center of cell
xLowerLeft = j0 * cellSize+ cellSize/2;
yLowerLeft = i0 * cellSize+cellSize/2;
xUpperRight = xLowerLeft+(nCols-1)*cellSize;
yUpperRight = yLowerLeft+(nRows-1)*cellSize;
* Maps the specified row and column values to the Cartesian coordinates in
* the system defined by the grid. The result is stored in an instance of
* Point2D.
* @param row the specified row, numbered from zero, ordered top to bottom
* @param col the specified column, numbered from zero, ordered left to right
* @param p2d an instance of Point2D to receive the x,y coordinates
public void mapRowColumnToXy(double row, double col, Point2D p2d) {
xLowerLeft + col * cellSize,
yUpperRight - row * cellSize);
* Maps the specified x and y coordinates to non-integral row and column
* values.
* @param x the x coordinate for computation
* @param y the y coordinate for computation
* @param c an array to store the row and column values; row will be stored at
* the specified offset, column will be stored at offset+1.
* @param offset the starting position within array c for storing data
public void mapXyToRowColumn(double x, double y, double[] c, int offset) {
c[offset] = (yUpperRight - y) / cellSize;
c[offset + 1] = (x - xLowerLeft) / cellSize;
* Writes a two dimensional array of values to a file in a form compatible
* with Esri's ASCII raster file format. The array is assumed to be structured
* to match the specifications of the current instance. Esri uses the
* extension ".asc" to indicate ASCII raster files.
* The dataFormat is a Java-style format string, such as "%f" or "%8.3f". No
* default is provided because it is assumed that the application has more
* valid information about the nature of the data than could be readily
* deduced from the inputs. The no-data value is usually a string giving
* numeric value outside the range of what could be expected in the normal
* course of operations. These formats should follow the conventions defined
* by Esri (see on-line ArcGIS documentation for more detail).
* @param file a value file reference.
* @param values a two-dimensional array of values to be written to the output
* file; array must be dimensioned compatible with the specifications of the
* current instance.
* @param dataFormat the format converter for formatting numerical values.
* @param noDataString the string to be used for no-data values.
* @throws IOException in the event of an unrecoverable I/O error.
public void writeAsciiFile(File file,
float[][] values,
String dataFormat,
String noDataString) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
PrintStream output = new PrintStream(bos, false, "US-ASCII");
output.format("NCOLS %d%n", nCols);
output.format("NROWS %d%n", nRows);
switch (getCellPosition()) {
case CornerOfCell:
output.format("XLLCORNER %f%n", xLowerLeft);
output.format("YLLCORNER %f%n", yLowerLeft);
case CenterOfCell:
output.format("XLLCENTER %f%n", xLowerLeft);
output.format("YLLCENTER %f%n", yLowerLeft);
output.format("CELLSIZE %f%n", getCellSize());
output.format("NODATA_VALUE %s%n", noDataString);
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; iRow++) {
// the first row is at the top of the raster
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < nCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol > 0) {
output.append(" ");
float z = values[iRow][iCol];
if (Float.isNaN(z)) {
} else {
output.format(dataFormat, z);
* @return the cellPosition
public CellPosition getCellPosition() {
return cellPosition;
* @return the cellSize
public double getCellSize() {
return cellSize;
* @return the x coordinate of the lower-left bounds of the grid
public double getLowerLeftX() {
return xLowerLeft;
* @return the y coordinate of the lower-left bounds of the grid
public double getLowerLeftY() {
return yLowerLeft;
* @return the x coordinate of the upper-right bounds of the grid
public double getUpperRightX() {
return xUpperRight;
* @return the y coordinate of the upper-right bounds of the grid
public double getUpperRightY() {
return yUpperRight;
* @return the number of rows in the grid
public int getRowCount() {
return nRows;
* @return the number of Columns in the grid.
public int getColumnCount() {
return nCols;
* @return the number of cells in the grid.
public int getCellCount() {
return nCells;