org.umlg.runtime.adaptor.GroovyExecutor3 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.umlg.runtime.adaptor;
* Date: 2013/06/09
* Time: 8:34 PM
public class GroovyExecutor3 {
// public static GroovyExecutor3 INSTANCE = new GroovyExecutor3();
// private UmlgGremlinGroovyScriptEngine scriptEngine;
// private boolean isNeo4j;
// private static Set getUmlgImports() {
// try {
// Class> umlgGroovyImporter = Class.forName("org.umlg.runtime.adaptor.UmlgGroovyImporter");
// Field imports = umlgGroovyImporter.getField("imports");
// return (Set) imports.get(null);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
// private static Set getUmlgStaticImports() {
// try {
// Class> umlgGroovyImporter = Class.forName("org.umlg.runtime.adaptor.UmlgGroovyImporter");
// Field imports = umlgGroovyImporter.getField("importStatic");
// return (Set) imports.get(null);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
// private GroovyExecutor3() {
// try {
// Class.forName("org.umlg.runtime.adaptor.UmlgNeo4jGraph");
// this.isNeo4j = true;
// } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// this.isNeo4j = false;
// }
// DefaultImportCustomizerProvider.initializeStatically(getUmlgImports(), getUmlgStaticImports());
// this.refresh();
// }
// public void refresh() {
// this.scriptEngine = new UmlgGremlinGroovyScriptEngine("GremlinExecutorBaseClass");
// }
// /**
// * Executes a groovy query. If the contextId is null then it is ignored.
// * If it is not null then all instances of the keywork "this" will be replaced with "g.v(contextId)"
// *
// * @param contextId
// * @param groovy
// * @return
// */
// public String executeGroovyAsString(Object contextId, String groovy) {
// StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
// stopWatch.start();
// Object result = executeGroovy(contextId, groovy);
// Iterator tempIterator = Collections.emptyIterator();
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// while (true) {
// if (tempIterator.hasNext()) {
// while (tempIterator.hasNext()) {
// final Object object =;
// sb.append(((null == object) ? null : object.toString()));
// sb.append("\n");
// }
// break;
// } else {
// try {
// if (result instanceof Iterator) {
// tempIterator = (Iterator) result;
// if (!tempIterator.hasNext()) break;
// } else if (result instanceof Iterable) {
// tempIterator = ((Iterable) result).iterator();
// if (!tempIterator.hasNext()) break;
// } else if (result instanceof Object[]) {
// tempIterator = new ArrayIterator((Object[]) result);
// if (!tempIterator.hasNext()) break;
// } else if (result instanceof Map) {
// tempIterator = ((Map) result).entrySet().iterator();
// if (!tempIterator.hasNext()) break;
// } else {
// sb.append(((null == result) ? null : result.toString()));
// break;
// }
// } catch (final Exception e) {
// throw e;
// }
// }
// }
// stopWatch.stop();
// sb.append("Time to execute query = ");
// sb.append(stopWatch.toString());
// return sb.toString();
// }
// public Object executeGroovy(Object context, String groovy) {
// groovy = groovy.replaceAll("::", "____");
// if (context != null) {
// if (context instanceof UmlgNode) {
// Object id = ((UmlgNode) context).getId();
// groovy = groovy.replaceAll("self(?=([^\"']*[\"'][^\"']*[\"'])*[^\"']*$)", "g.V(\"" + id.toString() + "\")");
// } else if (!(context instanceof Long)) {
// groovy = groovy.replaceAll("self(?=([^\"']*[\"'][^\"']*[\"'])*[^\"']*$)", "g.V(\"" + context.toString() + "\")");
// } else if (context instanceof Long) {
// groovy = groovy.replaceAll("self(?=([^\"']*[\"'][^\"']*[\"'])*[^\"']*$)", "g.V(\"" + context.toString() + "L\")");
// } else {
// groovy = groovy.replaceAll("self(?=([^\"']*[\"'][^\"']*[\"'])*[^\"']*$)", "g.V(" + context.toString() + ")");
// }
// }
//// Graph graph = ((UmlgAdminGraph)UMLG.get()).getReadOnlyGraph();
// try {
// return GroovyExecutor2.INSTANCE.eval(groovy);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// throw UmlgExceptionUtilFactory.getTumlExceptionUtil().handle(e);
// }
//// GremlinExecutorBaseClass.load(graph);
//// this.scriptEngine.put("g", graph);
//// Object result;
//// try {
//// result = this.scriptEngine.eval(groovy);
//// } catch (ScriptException e) {
//// throw UmlgExceptionUtilFactory.getTumlExceptionUtil().handle(e);
//// }
//// return result;
// }
// private void seperateOutDefFromGroovy(String groovy, StringBuilder groovyToIntercept, StringBuilder groovyDef) {
// while (groovy.indexOf("def") != -1) {
// int indexOfDef = groovy.indexOf("def");
// groovyToIntercept.append(groovy.substring(0, indexOfDef));
// groovy = groovy.substring(indexOfDef, groovy.length());
// int indexOfCurly = groovy.indexOf("}");
// groovyDef.append(groovy.substring(0, indexOfCurly + 1));
// groovy = groovy.substring(indexOfCurly + 1, groovy.length());
// //check for semicolon
// int indexOfSemicolon = groovy.indexOf(";");
// if (indexOfSemicolon != -1) {
// groovyDef.append(groovy.substring(0, indexOfSemicolon + 1));
// groovy = groovy.substring(indexOfSemicolon + 1, groovy.length());
// }
// //check for new line
// int indexOfNewline = groovy.indexOf("\n");
// if (indexOfNewline != -1) {
// groovyDef.append(groovy.substring(0, indexOfNewline + 1));
// groovy = groovy.substring(indexOfNewline + 1, groovy.length());
// }
// }
// groovyToIntercept.append(groovy);
// }