Download epubcheck JAR file with all dependencies
epubcheck from group org.w3c (version 5.0.1)
EPUBCheck is a tool to validate the conformance of EPUB publications against
the EPUB specifications. EPUBCheck can be run as a standalone command-line tool or used
as a Java library.
Artifact epubcheck
Group org.w3c
Version 5.0.1
Last update 30. April 2023
Tags: line conformance standalone official checker epubcheck used command tool pubcheck java library epub publications
Organization The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
License BSD 3-Clause License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies Saxon-HE, commons-compress, jing, sac, guava, imageio-jpeg, jackson-core-asl, jackson-mapper-asl,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.w3c
Version 5.0.1
Last update 30. April 2023
Tags: line conformance standalone official checker epubcheck used command tool pubcheck java library epub publications
Organization The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
License BSD 3-Clause License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies Saxon-HE, commons-compress, jing, sac, guava, imageio-jpeg, jackson-core-asl, jackson-mapper-asl,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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