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* Copyright 2021 Yak.Works - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
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import groovy.json.JsonParserType
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.builder.Builder
import groovy.transform.builder.SimpleStrategy
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import yakworks.api.HttpStatus
import static
import static
import static
* Builder arguments for a query to pass from controllers etc to the MangoQuery
* Can think of it a bit like a SQL query.
* This holds
* - what we want to select (includes)
* - projections if it s projection query (projections)
* - the where conditions (criteria)
* - the orderBy (sort)
* - and how we want the paging to be handled (pager), number of items per page, etc..
* contains some intermediary fields such as 'q' that are used to parse it into what we need
@Builder(builderStrategy= SimpleStrategy, prefix="")
class QueryArgs {
List ignoreKeys = ['controller', 'action', 'format', 'nd', '_search', 'includes', 'includesKey' ]
* extra closure that can be passed to MangoCriteria
Closure closure
* when true , in build method, will only add params under q.
* When false(default) and no q is present build will add any param thats not special(like max, sort, page, etc)
* into q as a criteria param.
boolean isStrict = false
* when true, then criteria is required.
boolean qRequired = false
* Criteria map to pass to the MangoBuilder. when QueryArgs is built from query params, then this is the q=...
Map qCriteria = [:] as Map
* The Pager instance for paged list queries
Pager pager
* holder for sort configuration to make it easier to grok
* The key is the field, can be dot path for nested like
* The value is either 'asc' or 'desc'
Map sort
* holder for projections
* The key is the field, can be dot path for nested like
* The value is one of 'group', 'sum', 'count'
Map projections
* Construct from a pager
static QueryArgs of(Pager pager){
def qa = new QueryArgs()
qa.pager = pager
return qa
* Construct from a controller style params object where each key has as string value
* just as if it came from a url
static QueryArgs of(Map params){
def qa = new QueryArgs()
* Construct from a mango closure
static QueryArgs of(@DelegatesTo(MangoDetachedCriteria) Closure closure){
def qa = new QueryArgs()
return qa.query(closure)
static QueryArgs withProjections(Map projs){
def qa = new QueryArgs()
return qa.projections(projs)
* Intelligent defaults to setup the criteria and pager from the controller style params map
* - looks for q param and parse if json object (starts with {)
* - or sets up the $qSearch map if its text
* - if qSearch is provided as separate param along with q then adds it as a $qSearch
* - for any of above options for $qSearch sets up object with configured qSearchIncludes
* Pager
* - if pager key is passed in then uses that
* - removes 'max', 'offset', 'page' and sets up pager object if not passed in
* Sort and Order
* - sets up an '$sort' map if sort or order key are passed in
* Translates q from json
* example params= [q: "{foo: 'test*'}", sort:'foo', page: 2, offset: 10]
* criteria= [foo:'test*', $sort:'foo'] and pager will be setup
* Transalates qSearch fields when q is a string
* params= [q: "foo", qSearchFields:['name', 'num']]
* criteria= [$q: [text: "foo", 'fields': ['name', 'num']
* @param paramsMap the params to parse, this is clones and no changes will be made to it
* @return this instance
QueryArgs build(Map paramsMap){
//copy it
Map params = Maps.clone(paramsMap) as Map
//remove the fields that grails adds for controller and action
// FIXME this is done in EntityResponder now but if thats no uses, call this
params.removeAll {it.key in ignoreKeys }
// pull out the max, page and offset and assume the rest is criteria,
// if pager is already set then we do nothing with the pagerMap
Map pagerMap = [:]
['max', 'offset', 'page'].each{ String k ->
if(params.containsKey(k)) pagerMap[k] = params.remove(k)
// if no pager was set then use what we just removed to set one up
if(!pager) pager = Pager.of(pagerMap)
//sorts and orderBy
String orderBy = params.remove('order') ?: 'asc'
def sortField = params.remove('sort')
if(sortField) sort = buildSort(sortField, orderBy)
def projField = params.remove('projections')
if(projField) projections = buildProjections(projField)
// check for and remove the q param
// whatever is in q if its parsed as a map and set to the criteria so it overrides everything
def qParam = params.q ? params.remove('q') : params.remove(CRITERIA)
if(qParam && qParam instanceof String) qParam = qParam.trim()
if(qParam) {
if (qParam instanceof String) {
String qString = qParam as String
Map parsedMap
//if the q param start with { then assume its json and parse it
//the parsed map will be set to the criteria.
if (qString.trim().startsWith('{')) {
qCriteria = parseJson(qString)
} else {
//if its just a string then its assumed its a quick search, see below as it can be explicitely passed too
qCriteria[QSEARCH] = qString
//as is, mostly for testing and programtic stuff
else if(qParam instanceof Map) {
qCriteria = qParam as Map
//if no q was passed in then use whatever is left in the params as the criteria if strict is false
else if(!isStrict){
qCriteria = params
//now check if qSearch was passed as a separate param and its doesn't already exists in the criteria
String qSearchParam = params.remove('qSearch')
if(qSearchParam && !qCriteria.containsKey(QSEARCH)){
qCriteria[QSEARCH] = qSearchParam
// if sort was populated, add it to the criteria with the $sort if its doesn't exist
// if(sort && !criteria.containsKey(MangoOps.SORT) ) {
// criteria[MangoOps.SORT] = sort
// }
return this
* builds a COPY of qCrieria merged with sort if it exists and removes the $qSearch=* if it exists
Map buildCriteria(){
Map criterium = qCriteria
// if sort was populated, add it to the criteria with the $sort if its doesn't exist
if(sort && !qCriteria.containsKey(SORT) ) {
criterium = qCriteria + ([(SORT): sort] as Map)
//remove the qSearch=* if its been passed in.
if(criterium.containsKey(QSEARCH) && criterium[QSEARCH] == "*") criterium.remove(QSEARCH)
return criterium
* Throws IllegalArgumentException if qRequired is true.
* This forces it to pick up the q params in case it accidentally or inadvertantly dropped off.
* Can bypass this by passing in q=* or qSearch=*
* @throws DataProblemException
QueryArgs validateQ(){
//FIXME we wouldnt need it if manual query parsing / lost params issue is fixed - See #1924
if(qRequired && !qCriteria){
throw DataProblem.of('')
.status(HttpStatus.I_AM_A_TEAPOT) //TODO 418 error for now so its easy to add to retry as it gets droppped sometimes
.title("q or qSearch parameter restriction is required").toException()
return this
Applies Default sort by id:asc if no sort is provided in params
Does not apply default sort if
- $sort is provided in `q` criteria
- If params has projections - because thn there's no id column. In this case, if required, params should explicitely pass sort
when paging we need a sort so rows dont show up next page see
QueryArgs defaultSortById() {
if(!sort && !projections) {
sort = ['id':'asc']
return this
* if the string is known to be json then parse the json and returns the map
* also adds in the includes if its has a $qSearch prop
Map parseJson(String qString){
//jsonSlurper LAX allows fields to not be quoted
JsonSlurper jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper().setType(JsonParserType.LAX)
// parseText returns LazyValueMap which will throw `Not that kind of map` when trying to add new key
Map parsedMap = new HashMap(jsonSlurper.parseText(qString) as Map)
return parsedMap
* parses the sort string. if its just a simple string without , or : then creates a
* asc sort map. if its starts with { then parses as json.
* sort string should be in one of the following formats
* - simple field name such as 'name'
* - field seperated by : such as 'name:desc'
* - multiple fields seperated by comma, ex: 'num:asc, name:desc'
* - json in same format as above, ex '{num:"asc", name:"desc"}' but parses simply by stripping out the { and "
* @param sortObj see above for valid options
* @param orderBy only relevant if sortText is a single sort string with field name
* @return the sort Map or null if failed
Map buildSort(Object sortObj, String orderBy = 'asc'){
if(sortObj instanceof Map) {
return sortObj
} else if(sortObj instanceof String) {
//make sure its trimmed
String sortText = sortObj.trim()
Map sortMap = [:] as Map
//sort just looks like json in case api programmer wants to be consistent.
//but its a query param and we really expect it in the format like sort=foo:asc,bar:desc
// so we convert something passes as json like q={"foo":"asc","bar":"desc"} by simply stripping out the " and the {
// We DONT use json pareser since it messes up the order, and the order matters here.
sortText = sortText.replaceAll(/[}{'"]/, "")
//will only be one item in list if no ',' token
List sortList = sortText.tokenize(',')*.trim() as List
for (String sortEntry : sortList) {
if (sortText.contains(':')) {
List sortTokens = sortEntry.tokenize(':')*.trim() as List
sortMap[sortTokens[0]] = sortTokens[1]
} else {
//its should just a field name
sortMap[sortEntry] = orderBy
return sortMap
} else {
log.error("sort argument must be map or string")
return [:]
* parses the projection string. If it start with { and will parse as json.
* parse string should be in one of the following formats
* - fields seperated by comma, ex: 'type:group,calc.totalDue:sum'
* - json in same format as above, ex '{type:"group", "calc.totalDue":"sum"}'
* @param projText see above for valid options
* @return the projection Map or null if failed
Map buildProjections(Object projectionsObj){
if(projectionsObj instanceof Map) {
return projectionsObj
} else if(projectionsObj instanceof String){
//make sure its trimmed
String projText = (projectionsObj as String).trim()
Map projMap = [:] as Map
//for convienience we allow the { to be left off so we add it if it is
if (!projText.startsWith('{')) projText = "{$projText}"
projMap = parseJson(projText) as Map
return projMap
} else {
log.error("projection argument must be map or string")
return [:]
QueryArgs query(@DelegatesTo(MangoDetachedCriteria) Closure closure) {
this.closure = closure
return this
* looks for the qsearch fields for this entity and returns the map
* like [text: "foo", 'fields': ['name', 'num']]
* if no qSearchFields then its just returns [text: "foo"]
// Map makeQSearchMap(String searchText){
// Map qMap = [text: searchText] as Map
// if (qSearchFields) {
// qMap['fields'] = qSearchFields
// }
// return qMap
// }