pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.neutron.models.Router.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.neutron.models
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import cats.derived.ShowPretty
import cats.{Show, derived}
import io.circe.derivation.{deriveCodec, deriveEncoder, renaming}
import io.circe.{Codec, Encoder}
import io.chrisdavenport.cats.time.offsetdatetimeInstances
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.common.models.{Identifiable, Link}
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.keystone.KeystoneClient
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.keystone.models.Project
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.neutron.NeutronClient
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.neutron.models.Router.{ConntrackHelper, ExternalGatewayInfo}
object Router {
object Create {
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Create] = deriveEncoder(renaming.snakeCase)
implicit val show: ShowPretty[Create] = derived.semiauto.showPretty
case class Create(
name: String,
description: String = "",
adminStateUp: Boolean = true,
externalGatewayInfo: Option[ExternalGatewayInfo] = None,
// its weird not being able to set the routes
distributed: Option[Boolean] = None,
ha: Option[Boolean] = None,
availabilityZoneHints: Option[List[String]] = None,
projectId: Option[String] = None,
object Update {
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Update] = deriveEncoder(renaming.snakeCase)
implicit val show: ShowPretty[Update] = derived.semiauto.showPretty
case class Update(
name: Option[String] = None,
description: Option[String] = None,
adminStateUp: Option[Boolean] = None,
externalGatewayInfo: Option[ExternalGatewayInfo] = None,
routes: Option[List[Route[IpAddress]]] = None,
distributed: Option[Boolean] = None,
ha: Option[Boolean] = None,
) {
lazy val needsUpdate: Boolean = {
// We could implement this with the next line, but that implementation is less reliable if the fields of this class change
// productIterator.asInstanceOf[Iterator[Option[Any]]].exists(_.isDefined)
List(name, description, adminStateUp, externalGatewayInfo, distributed, ha, routes).exists(_.isDefined)
object ConntrackHelper {
implicit val codec: Codec[ConntrackHelper] = deriveCodec(renaming.snakeCase)
implicit val show: ShowPretty[ConntrackHelper] = derived.semiauto.showPretty
case class ConntrackHelper(protocol: String, port: Int, helper: String)
object ExternalIp {
implicit val codec: Codec[ExternalIp] = deriveCodec(renaming.snakeCase)
implicit val show: Show[ExternalIp] =
case class ExternalIp(subnetId: String, ipAddress: Option[IpAddress] = None) {
def subnet[F[_]](implicit neutron: NeutronClient[F]): F[Subnet[IpAddress]] = neutron.subnets(subnetId)
def prevalingIp(existing: Option[IpAddress]): Option[IpAddress] = {
// If ipAddress is setting an address even if its the same as existing, then ipAddress prevails in relationship with the existing one
// otherwise the existing one wins. The existing will prevail when ipAddress = None (most likely from a Create) and existing = Some.
// Or in other words, when we created we didn't care about which IP we got but once it got created and an IP address as been assigned
// we don't want to change it.
object ExternalGatewayInfo {
implicit val codec: Codec[ExternalGatewayInfo] = deriveCodec(renaming.snakeCase)
implicit val show: ShowPretty[ExternalGatewayInfo] = derived.semiauto.showPretty
case class ExternalGatewayInfo(networkId: String, enableSnat: Boolean, externalFixedIps: List[ExternalIp])
implicit val codec: Codec[Router] = deriveCodec(Map("revision" -> "revision_number").withDefault(renaming.snakeCase))
implicit val show: ShowPretty[Router] = derived.semiauto.showPretty
case class Router(
id: String,
name: String,
description: String,
projectId: String,
adminStateUp: Boolean,
status: String,
externalGatewayInfo: Option[ExternalGatewayInfo] = None,
routes: List[Route[IpAddress]] = List.empty,
distributed: Boolean,
ha: Boolean,
flavorId: Option[String] = None,
conntrackHelpers: List[ConntrackHelper] = List.empty,
availabilityZoneHints: List[String] = List.empty,
availabilityZones: List[String] = List.empty,
revision: Int,
createdAt: OffsetDateTime,
updatedAt: OffsetDateTime,
tags: List[String] = List.empty,
links: List[Link] = List.empty
) extends Identifiable {
def project[F[_]](implicit keystone: KeystoneClient[F]): F[Project] = keystone.projects(projectId)