pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.neutron.models.SubnetPool.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.neutron.models
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import cats.derived
import cats.derived.ShowPretty
import{Cidr, IpAddress, IpVersion}
import io.circe.derivation.{deriveCodec, deriveEncoder, renaming}
import io.circe.{Codec, Encoder}
import io.chrisdavenport.cats.time.offsetdatetimeInstances
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.common.models.{Identifiable, Link}
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.keystone.KeystoneClient
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.keystone.models.Project
object SubnetPool {
object Create {
implicit val decoder: Encoder[Create] = deriveEncoder(renaming.snakeCase)
implicit val show: ShowPretty[Create] = derived.semiauto.showPretty
case class Create(
name: String,
description: String = "",
projectId: Option[String] = None,
prefixes: List[Cidr[IpAddress]], // All the CIDRs must be IPv4, ou IPv6 they cannot be mixed.
minPrefixlen: Option[Int] = None,
maxPrefixlen: Option[Int] = None,
defaultPrefixlen: Option[Int] = None,
isDefault: Option[Boolean] = None,
shared: Option[Boolean] = None,
defaultQuota: Option[Int] = None,
addressScopeId: Option[String] = None,
object Update {
implicit val decoder: Encoder[Update] = deriveEncoder(renaming.snakeCase)
implicit val show: ShowPretty[Update] = derived.semiauto.showPretty
case class Update(
name: Option[String] = None,
description: Option[String] = None,
prefixes: Option[List[Cidr[IpAddress]]] = None, // All the CIDRs must be IPv4, ou IPv6 they cannot be mixed.
minPrefixlen: Option[Int] = None,
maxPrefixlen: Option[Int] = None,
defaultPrefixlen: Option[Int] = None,
isDefault: Option[Boolean] = None,
defaultQuota: Option[Int] = None,
addressScopeId: Option[String] = None,
) {
lazy val needsUpdate: Boolean = {
// We could implement this with the next line, but that implementation is less reliable if the fields of this class change
// productIterator.asInstanceOf[Iterator[Option[Any]]].exists(_.isDefined)
List(name, description, prefixes, minPrefixlen, maxPrefixlen, defaultPrefixlen, isDefault, addressScopeId).exists(_.isDefined)
implicit val codec: Codec[SubnetPool] = {
@nowarn // False negative from the compiler. This Encoder is being used in the deriveDecoder which is a macro.
implicit val ipVersionCodec: Codec[IpVersion] = ipVersionIntCodec
deriveCodec(Map("revision" -> "revision_number").withDefault(renaming.snakeCase))
implicit val show: ShowPretty[SubnetPool] = derived.semiauto.showPretty
case class SubnetPool(
id: String,
name: String,
description: String,
projectId: String,
prefixes: List[Cidr[IpAddress]], // All the CIDRs must be IPv4, ou IPv6 they cannot be mixed.
ipVersion: IpVersion,
minPrefixlen: Int,
maxPrefixlen: Int,
defaultPrefixlen: Int,
isDefault: Boolean,
shared: Boolean,
defaultQuota: Option[Int] = None,
addressScopeId: Option[String] = None,
revision: Int,
createdAt: OffsetDateTime,
updatedAt: OffsetDateTime,
tags: List[String],
links: List[Link] = List.empty
) extends Identifiable {
def project[F[_]](implicit keystone: KeystoneClient[F]): F[Project] = keystone.projects(projectId)