Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import org.log4s.getLogger
import org.http4s.Status.Conflict
import org.http4s.client.Client
import org.http4s.{Header, Uri}
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.keystone.models.Session
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.neutron.models.{FloatingIp, NeutronError}
final class FloatingIps[F[_] : Concurrent : Client](baseUri: Uri, session: Session)
extends CrudService[F, FloatingIp[IpAddress], FloatingIp.Create[IpAddress], FloatingIp.Update[IpAddress]](baseUri, "floatingip", session.authToken) {
override def defaultResolveConflict(existing: FloatingIp[IpAddress], create: FloatingIp.Create[IpAddress],
keepExistingElements: Boolean, extraHeaders: Seq[Header.ToRaw]): F[FloatingIp[IpAddress]] = {
if (existing.portId.isDefined && create.portId != existing.portId) {
// A VM is already using the existing Floating IP, and its not the intended VM (the portIds are different)
// so its really a conflict and there is nothing we can do.
val message = show"""The following $name already exists and its in use (has a port associated with it):
Concurrent[F].raiseError(NeutronError(Conflict.reason, message))
} else {
val updated = FloatingIp.Update(
fixedIpAddress = if (existing.fixedIpAddress != create.fixedIpAddress) create.fixedIpAddress else None,
description = Option(create.description).filter(_ != existing.description),
if (updated.needsUpdate) update(, updated, extraHeaders:_*)
else Concurrent[F].pure(existing)
override def createOrUpdate(create: FloatingIp.Create[IpAddress], keepExistingElements: Boolean = true, extraHeaders: Seq[Header.ToRaw] = Seq.empty)
(resolveConflict: (FloatingIp[IpAddress], FloatingIp.Create[IpAddress]) => F[FloatingIp[IpAddress]] = defaultResolveConflict(_, _, keepExistingElements,
extraHeaders)): F[FloatingIp[IpAddress]] = {
// A floating ip create is, mostly, not idempotent. We want it to be idempotent, so we decided to make the dnsName, dnsDomain unique **within** a project.
(create.projectId orElse session.scopedProjectId, create.dnsName, create.dnsDomain) match {
case (None, _, _) | (_, None, _) | (_, _, None) =>
// If either the projectId, dnsName or dnsDomain are not set there is nothing we can do to implement the create idempotently
super.create(create, extraHeaders:_*)
case (Some(projectId), Some(dnsName), Some(dnsDomain)) =>
// We cannot search for the dnsName or dnsDomain
list("floating_network_id" -> create.floatingNetworkId, "project_id" -> projectId).flatMap { floatingIps =>
// So we filter for them on the client side
floatingIps.filter { floatingIp =>
floatingIp.dnsName.contains(dnsName) && floatingIp.dnsDomain.contains(dnsDomain)
} match {
case Nil => super.create(create, extraHeaders:_*)
case List(existing) =>"createOrUpdate: found unique $name (id: ${}) with the correct dnsName, dnsDomain, projectId, and portId.")
resolveConflict(existing, create)
case _ =>
val message = s"""Cannot create a $name idempotently because more than one exists with:
|floating network id: ${create.floatingNetworkId}
|project: $projectId
|dnsName: $dnsName
|dnsDomain: $dnsDomain""".stripMargin
Concurrent[F].raiseError(NeutronError(Conflict.reason, message))