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package ru.circumflex
package orm
import core._
/*!# SQLable & Expression
Every object capable of rendering itself into an SQL statement
should extend the `SQLable` trait.*/
trait SQLable {
def toSql: String
/*!# Parameterized expressions
The `Expression` trait provides basic functionality for dealing
with SQL expressions with JDBC-style parameters.
trait Expression extends SQLable {
def parameters: Seq[Any]
def toInlineSql: String = parameters.foldLeft(toSql)((sql, p) =>
sql.replaceFirst("\\?", ormConf.dialect.escapeParameter(p)
.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\")
.replaceAll("\\$", "\\\\\\$")))
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case e: Expression =>
e.toSql == this.toSql && e.parameters.toList == this.parameters.toList
case _ => false
override def hashCode = 0
override def toString = toSql
object Expression {
implicit def toPredicate(expression: Expression): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(expression.toSql, expression.parameters)
implicit def toProjection[T](expression: Expression): Projection[T] =
new ExpressionProjection[T](expression.toSql)
/*!# Schema Object
Every database object which could be created or dropped should
implement the `SchemaObject` trait.
trait SchemaObject {
def sqlCreate: String
def sqlDrop: String
def objectName: String
override def hashCode = objectName.toLowerCase.hashCode
override def equals(obj: Any) = obj match {
case so: SchemaObject => so.objectName.equalsIgnoreCase(this.objectName)
case _ => false
override def toString = objectName
/*!# Value holders
Value holder is an atomic data-carrier unit of a record. It carries methods for
identifying and manipulating data fields inside persistent records.
trait ValueHolder[T, R <: Record[_, R]] extends Container[T] with Wrapper[Option[T]] {
def name: String
def record: R
def item = value
/*!## Setters
Setters provide a handy mechanism for preprocessing values before
setting them. They are functions `T => T` which are applied one-by-one
each time you set new non-null value. You can add a setter by invoking
the `addSetter` method:
val pkg = "package".TEXT.NOT_NULL
pkg := " ru/circumflex/ORM " // "ru.circumflex.orm" will be assigned
## Accessing & Setting Values
Values are stored internally as `Option[T]`. `None` stands both for
uninitialized and `null` values. Following examples show how field values
can be accessed or set:
val id = "id" BIGINT
// accessing
id.value // Option[Long]
id.get // Option[Long]
id() // Long or exception
getOrElse(default: Long) // Long
// setting
id := 1l
The `isEmpty` method indicates whether the underlying value is `null` or not.
## Methods from `Option`
Since `ValueHolder` is just a wrapper around `Option`, we provide
some methods to work with your values in functional style
(they delegate to their equivalents in `Option`).
## Equality & Others
Two fields are considered equal if they belong to the same type of records
and share the same name.
The `hashCode` calculation is consistent with `equals` definition.
The `canEqual` method indicates whether the two fields belong to the same
type of records.
Finally, `toString` returns the qualified name of relation which it
belongs to followed by a dot and the field name.
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: ValueHolder[_, _] => this.canEqual(that) && ==
case _ => false
override lazy val hashCode: Int = record.relation.qualifiedName.hashCode * 31 +
def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: ValueHolder[_, _] => this.record.canEqual(that.record)
case _ => false
override def toString: String = record.relation.qualifiedName + "." + name
/*! The `placeholder` method returns an expression which is used to mark a parameter
inside JDBC `PreparedStatement` (usually `?` works, but custom data-type may require
some special treatment).
def placeholder = ormConf.dialect.placeholder
/*! ## Composing predicates
`ValueHolder` provides very basic functionality for predicates composition:
* `aliasedName` returns the name of this holder qualified with node alias (in appropriate context);
* `EQ` creates an equality predicate (i.e. `column = value` or `column = column`);
* `NE` creates an inequality predicate (i.e. `column <> value` or `column <> column`).
* `IS_NULL` and `IS_NOT_NULL` creates (not-)nullability predicates
(i.e. `column IS NULL` or `column IS NOT NULL`).
More specific predicates can be acquired from subclasses.
def aliasedName = aliasStack.pop() match {
case Some(alias: String) => alias + "." + name
case _ => name
def EQ(value: T): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(ormConf.dialect.EQ(aliasedName, placeholder), List(value))
def EQ(col: ColumnExpression[_, _]): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(ormConf.dialect.EQ(aliasedName, col.toSql), Nil)
def NE(value: T): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(ormConf.dialect.NE(aliasedName, placeholder), List(value))
def NE(col: ColumnExpression[_, _]): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(ormConf.dialect.NE(aliasedName, col.toSql), Nil)
def IS_NULL: Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(ormConf.dialect.IS_NULL(aliasedName), Nil)
def IS_NOT_NULL: Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(ormConf.dialect.IS_NOT_NULL(aliasedName), Nil)
object ValueHolder {
implicit def toColExpr[T, R <: Record[_, R]](vh: ValueHolder[T, R]): ColumnExpression[T, R] =
new ColumnExpression(vh)
implicit def toOrder(vh: ValueHolder[_, _]): Order =
new Order(vh.aliasedName, Nil)
implicit def toProjection[T](vh: ValueHolder[T, _]): Projection[T] =
new ExpressionProjection[T](vh.aliasedName)
class ColumnExpression[T, R <: Record[_, R]](column: ValueHolder[T, R])
extends Expression {
def parameters = Nil
val toSql = column.aliasedName