ru.vyarus.yaml.updater.parse.comments.CommentsReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package ru.vyarus.yaml.updater.parse.comments;
import ru.vyarus.yaml.updater.parse.comments.model.CmtNode;
import ru.vyarus.yaml.updater.parse.comments.model.CmtTree;
import ru.vyarus.yaml.updater.parse.comments.util.CountingIterator;
import ru.vyarus.yaml.updater.parse.comments.util.MultilineValue;
import ru.vyarus.yaml.updater.parse.common.YamlModelUtils;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Custom yaml parser, preserving comments. Everything above property assumed to be it's comment.
* Possible free comment at the end of file is parsed as special comment-only node.
* Parser works by line. For values, it does not parse exact value, instead remembers entire line to aggregate
* possible in-line comments. Multi-line values are explicitly supported (but, also, all lines in multi line value
* remembered completely to exactly reproduce original structure).
* Parser assumed to be used on valid yaml file only (and so snakeyaml must be used first to validate file).
* @author Vyacheslav Rusakov
* @since 22.04.2021
public final class CommentsReader {
// assume explicit sequence and object notion as non parsable (keep and store as-is)
private static final List VALUE_BOUNDARY_START = Arrays.asList('{', '[');
private CommentsReader() {
* @param yaml yaml file
* @return parsed yaml model tree
public static CmtTree read(final File yaml) {
try {
return readLines(Files.readAllLines(yaml.toPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to read file: " + yaml.getAbsolutePath(), e);
* @param yaml yaml string
* @return parsed yaml model tree
public static CmtTree read(final String yaml) {
try {
return readLines(Arrays.asList(yaml.split("\\r?\\n")));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to read yaml string", e);
private static CmtTree readLines(final List lines) {
final Context context = new Context();
readNodes(new CountingIterator<>(lines.iterator()), context);
return new CmtTree(context.rootNodes, lines.size());
private static void readNodes(final CountingIterator lines, final Context context) {
while (lines.hasNext()) {
final String line =;
try {
context.lineNum = lines.getPosition();
processLine(line, context);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error parsing line " + lines.getPosition(), ex);
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:NeedBraces", "checkstyle:EmptyStatement", "checkstyle:MultipleStringLiterals",
"PMD.EmptyWhileStmt", "PMD.ControlStatementBraces"})
private static void processLine(final String line, final Context context) {
final CharacterIterator chars = new StringCharacterIterator(line);
try {
while (chars.current() == ' ' && != CharacterIterator.DONE) ;
final int whitespace = chars.getIndex();
final boolean whitespaceOnly = chars.getIndex() == chars.getEndIndex();
if (context.detectMultilineValue(whitespace, whitespaceOnly, line)) {
// multiline value continues
if (whitespaceOnly) {
// whitespace only: consider this as comment for simplicity to preserve overall structure
// NOTE this might be the second line of flow multiline value, which is impossible to know before
// looking next line
} else {
parseValue(line, context, chars, whitespace);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error parsing line on position " + (chars.getIndex() + 1) + ": "
+ visualizeError(line, chars), ex);
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:NeedBraces", "checkstyle:EmptyStatement",
"PMD.EmptyWhileStmt", "PMD.ControlStatementBraces"})
private static void parseValue(final String line,
final Context context,
final CharacterIterator chars,
final int padding) {
switch (chars.current()) {
case '#':
// commented line (stored as is)
case '-':
// list value
// if list contains sub-object, starting on the same line as tick then virtual node
// created to store sub-object (in this case two objects would represent same line)
// In case of empty dash, object encapsulated automatically
// skip whitespace after dash
while ( == ' ') ;
// property-like structure might be quoted (simple string)
Prop lprop = null;
if (!VALUE_BOUNDARY_START.contains(chars.current())) {
lprop = parseProperty(chars, line);
if (lprop == null) {
// not a property (simple value); take everything after dash
lprop = new Prop(padding, null, line.substring(padding + 1));
// first property in list item or list constant
context.listValue(padding, lprop);
// flow multiline is when string value continues on new line without special markers
if (!context.detectFlowMultiline(padding, line)) {
// property
final Prop prop = parseProperty(chars, line);
if (prop == null) {
// could be multiline starting with an empty line
if (!context.detectEmptyFlowMultiline(padding, line)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Property line expected, but no property found");
} else {, prop);
private static Prop parseProperty(final CharacterIterator chars, final String line) {
// stream assumed to be set at the beginning of possible property (after list dash or after whitespace)
final int padding = chars.getIndex();
final int comment = line.indexOf('#', padding);
// colon must be followed with space (at least one) otherwise it's not a property name
final int split = findPropertySeparator(line, padding);
if (split < 0 || (comment > 0 && split > comment)) {
// no property marker or it is in comment part - not a property
return null;
// in cases when there is a whitespace between property name and colon - it's removed
final String name = line.substring(padding, split).trim();
// value may include in-line comment! pure value is not important
final String value = split + 1 == chars.getEndIndex() ? "" : line.substring(split + 1);
final Prop res = new Prop(padding, name, value);
// detecting multiline markers
res.multiline = MultilineValue.detect(value);
return res;
* Property separator is colon, followed by whitespace or newline. For example {@code some:name} is not a property,
* but string. Also, colon might be in property name: {@code na:me: value}. Property name might be quoted:
* {@code "prop: name": value}. And may contain escaped quotes: {@code "some''s:name": value}.
* @param line line to find property in
* @return separator (colon) position or -1 if not found
private static int findPropertySeparator(final String line, final int padding) {
int from = 0;
if (line.length() > padding + 1) {
// check for quoted property name
final char possibleQuote = line.charAt(padding);
if (possibleQuote == '"' || possibleQuote == '\'') {
from = line.indexOf(possibleQuote, padding + 1);
int pos;
while ((pos = line.indexOf(':', from)) > 0) {
// colon must follow by newline or whitespace, otherwise it's not a separator (single string)
if (pos == line.length() - 1 || line.charAt(pos + 1) == ' ') {
return pos;
from = pos + 1;
return -1;
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:MultipleStringLiterals", "PMD.UseStringBufferForStringAppends"})
private static String visualizeError(final String line, final CharacterIterator chars) {
String demo = "\n\t" + line + "\n\t";
final int index = chars.getIndex();
if (index > 1) {
final char[] array = new char[index - 1];
Arrays.fill(array, '-');
demo += new String(array);
demo += '^';
return demo;
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:VisibilityModifier", "PMD.DefaultPackage"})
private static class Prop {
final int padding;
final String key;
final String value;
MultilineValue.Marker multiline;
Prop(final int padding, final String key, final String value) {
this.padding = padding;
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return key + ":" + value;
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:VisibilityModifier", "PMD.DefaultPackage"})
private static class Context {
int lineNum;
// storing only root nodes, sub nodes only required in context
List rootNodes = new ArrayList<>();
CmtNode current;
// comments aggregator
List comments = new ArrayList<>();
MultilineValue.Marker multiline;
public void comment(final String line) {
public void listValue(final int padding, final Prop prop) {
if (prop.key == null) {
// scalar list value or sub object starts on new line (empty dash)
property(padding, prop);
} else {
// sub object starts from dash: using virtual list node to group object
property(padding, null);
// property becomes first child of virtual dash node
property(prop.padding, prop);
public void property(final int padding, final Prop prop) {
final CmtNode root = YamlModelUtils.findNextLineRoot(padding, current);
final CmtNode node = new CmtNode(root, padding, lineNum);
// null in case of trailing comment node
if (prop != null) {
if (prop.key != null) {
if (prop.value != null) {
// remember multiline marker it it was detected in value
multiline = prop.multiline;
current = node;
if (root == null) {
public boolean detectMultilineValue(final int padding, final boolean whitespaceOnly, final String line) {
if (multiline != null && (whitespaceOnly || multiline.indent <= padding)) {
if (multiline.indent == -1) {
// indent computed by the first line (multiline defined, but without number (| or >))
multiline.indent = padding;
return true;
} else if (multiline != null) {
// obviously multiline ended
// here we look for the last lines - it could be empty lines appended by mistake
// (ending = 1 is a '+' case - greedy newline "eating" all whitespace after it)
if (multiline.ending != 1) {
// in all other cases, whitespace lines must be re-considered as comments
final List lines = current.getValue();
for (int i = lines.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
final String ln = lines.get(i);
// detaching empty ending line (but only with lesser indent)
if (ln.trim().isEmpty() && ln.length() < multiline.indent) {
// insert at 0 because we go backward
comments.add(0, lines.remove(i));
} else {
multiline = null;
return false;
public boolean detectFlowMultiline(final int padding, final String line) {
if (current != null) {
// will go there only once for multiline value as after this multiline would be already detected,
// aggregating everything below (by padding)
if (current.getPadding() < padding
&& MultilineValue.couldBeFlowMultiline(current.getValue().get(0))) {
startFlowMultiline(padding, line);
return true;
return false;
public boolean detectEmptyFlowMultiline(final int padding, final String line) {
// in contrast to the previous method this one handles case when first multiline line is empty line
// in this case we have to check next line and only if it's not list value or property assume
// multiline continuation
if (current != null && current.getPadding() < padding) {
startFlowMultiline(padding, line);
return true;
return false;
public void finish() {
// save trailing comments as separate node
if (!comments.isEmpty()) {
property(0, null);
private void startFlowMultiline(final int padding, final String line) {
if (!comments.isEmpty()) {
// edge case: when the second (and maybe few following) lines of flow multiline value
// are empty lines, it is impossible to detect as multiline, and they would go to comment
// instead
multiline = MultilineValue.flowMarker(padding);
private void flushComments(final CmtNode node) {
if (!comments.isEmpty()) {