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import java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo;
import java.util.Properties;
public enum ClickHouseConnectionSettings implements DriverPropertyCreator {
ASYNC("async", false, ""),
BUFFER_SIZE("buffer_size", 65536, ""),
APACHE_BUFFER_SIZE("apache_buffer_size", 65536, ""),
SOCKET_TIMEOUT("socket_timeout", 30000, ""),
CONNECTION_TIMEOUT("connection_timeout", 10 * 1000, "connection timeout in milliseconds"),
SSL("ssl", false, "enable SSL/TLS for the connection"),
SSL_ROOT_CERTIFICATE("sslrootcert", "", "SSL/TLS root certificate"),
SSL_MODE("sslmode", "strict", "verify or not certificate: none (don't verify), strict (verify)"),
USE_PATH_AS_DB("use_path_as_db", true, "whether URL path should be treated as database name"),
PATH("path", "/", "URL path"),
CHECK_FOR_REDIRECTS("check_for_redirects", false, "whether we should check for 307 redirect using GET before sending POST to given URL"),
MAX_REDIRECTS("max_redirects", 5, "number of redirect checks before using last URL"),
* */
DATA_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT( "dataTransferTimeout", 10000, "Timeout for data transfer. "
+ " socketTimeout + dataTransferTimeout is sent to ClickHouse as max_execution_time. "
+ " ClickHouse rejects request execution if its time exceeds max_execution_time"),
KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT("keepAliveTimeout", 30 * 1000, ""),
* for ConnectionManager
TIME_TO_LIVE_MILLIS("timeToLiveMillis", 60 * 1000, ""),
DEFAULT_MAX_PER_ROUTE("defaultMaxPerRoute", 500, ""),
MAX_TOTAL("maxTotal", 10000, ""),
* additional
USE_OBJECTS_IN_ARRAYS("use_objects_in_arrays", false, "Whether Object[] should be used instead primitive arrays."),
MAX_COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE("maxCompressBufferSize", 1024*1024, ""),
USE_SERVER_TIME_ZONE("use_server_time_zone", true, "Whether to use timezone from server. On connection init select timezone() will be executed"),
USE_TIME_ZONE("use_time_zone", "", "Which time zone to use"),
USE_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_FOR_DATES("use_server_time_zone_for_dates", false,
"Whether to use timezone from server on Date parsing in getDate(). " +
"If false, Date returned is a wrapper of a timestamp at start of the day in client timezone. " +
"If true - at start of the day in server or use_timezone timezone.")
private final String key;
private final Object defaultValue;
private final String description;
private final Class clazz;
ClickHouseConnectionSettings(String key, Object defaultValue, String description) {
this.key = key;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
this.clazz = defaultValue.getClass();
this.description = description;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public Object getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
public Class getClazz() {
return clazz;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public DriverPropertyInfo createDriverPropertyInfo(Properties properties) {
DriverPropertyInfo propertyInfo = new DriverPropertyInfo(key, driverPropertyValue(properties));
propertyInfo.required = false;
propertyInfo.description = description;
propertyInfo.choices = driverPropertyInfoChoices();
return propertyInfo;
private String[] driverPropertyInfoChoices() {
return clazz == Boolean.class || clazz == Boolean.TYPE ? new String[]{"true", "false"} : null;
private String driverPropertyValue(Properties properties) {
String value = properties.getProperty(key);
if (value == null) {
value = defaultValue == null ? null : defaultValue.toString();
return value;