Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Configuration options for the NxMonorepoProject.
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "jsii-pacmak/1.73.0 (build 6faeda3)", date = "2023-01-24T23:29:37.685Z") =$Module.class, fqn = "aws-prototyping-sdk.nx_monorepo.NxMonorepoProjectOptions")$Proxy.class)
public interface NxMonorepoProjectOptions extends, io.github.cdklabs.projen.typescript.TypeScriptProjectOptions {
* Whether to include an upgrade-deps task at the root of the monorepo which will upgrade all dependencies.
* Default: true
default @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable java.lang.Boolean getMonorepoUpgradeDeps() {
return null;
* Monorepo Upgrade Deps options.
* This is only used if monorepoUpgradeDeps is true.
* Default: undefined
default @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable getMonorepoUpgradeDepsOptions() {
return null;
* Configuration for NX.
default @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable getNxConfig() {
return null;
* Configuration for workspace.
default @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable getWorkspaceConfig() {
return null;
* @return a {@link Builder} of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions}
static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* A builder for {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions}
public static final class Builder implements {
java.lang.Boolean monorepoUpgradeDeps; monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions; nxConfig; workspaceConfig;
java.lang.Boolean disableTsconfig;
java.lang.Boolean docgen;
java.lang.String docsDirectory;
java.lang.String entrypointTypes;
java.lang.Boolean eslint;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.EslintOptions eslintOptions;
java.lang.String libdir;
java.lang.Boolean projenrcTs;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.typescript.ProjenrcOptions projenrcTsOptions;
java.lang.Boolean sampleCode;
java.lang.String srcdir;
java.lang.String testdir;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.TypescriptConfigOptions tsconfig;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.TypescriptConfigOptions tsconfigDev;
java.lang.String tsconfigDevFile;
java.lang.String typescriptVersion;
java.lang.String defaultReleaseBranch;
java.lang.String artifactsDirectory;
java.lang.Boolean autoApproveUpgrades;
java.lang.Boolean buildWorkflow;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.workflows.Triggers buildWorkflowTriggers;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.BundlerOptions bundlerOptions;
java.lang.Boolean codeCov;
java.lang.String codeCovTokenSecret;
java.lang.String copyrightOwner;
java.lang.String copyrightPeriod;
java.lang.Boolean dependabot;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.DependabotOptions dependabotOptions;
java.lang.Boolean depsUpgrade;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.UpgradeDependenciesOptions depsUpgradeOptions;
java.util.List gitignore;
java.lang.Boolean jest;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.JestOptions jestOptions;
java.lang.Boolean mutableBuild;
java.util.List npmignore;
java.lang.Boolean npmignoreEnabled;
java.lang.Boolean packageValue;
java.lang.Boolean prettier;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.PrettierOptions prettierOptions;
java.lang.Boolean projenDevDependency;
java.lang.Boolean projenrcJs;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.ProjenrcOptions projenrcJsOptions;
java.lang.String projenVersion;
java.lang.Boolean pullRequestTemplate;
java.util.List pullRequestTemplateContents;
java.lang.Boolean release;
java.lang.Boolean releaseToNpm;
java.lang.Boolean releaseWorkflow;
java.util.List workflowBootstrapSteps;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GitIdentity workflowGitIdentity;
java.lang.String workflowNodeVersion;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.AutoApproveOptions autoApproveOptions;
java.lang.Boolean autoMerge;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.AutoMergeOptions autoMergeOptions;
java.lang.Boolean clobber;
java.lang.Boolean devContainer;
java.lang.Boolean github;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GitHubOptions githubOptions;
java.lang.Boolean gitpod;
java.lang.Boolean mergify;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.MergifyOptions mergifyOptions;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.ProjectType projectType;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GithubCredentials projenCredentials;
java.lang.String projenTokenSecret;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.SampleReadmeProps readme;
java.lang.Boolean stale;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.StaleOptions staleOptions;
java.lang.Boolean vscode;
java.lang.String name;
java.lang.Boolean commitGenerated;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.LoggerOptions logging;
java.lang.String outdir;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.Project parent;
java.lang.String projenCommand;
java.lang.Boolean projenrcJson;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.ProjenrcOptions projenrcJsonOptions;
java.lang.Boolean renovatebot;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.RenovatebotOptions renovatebotOptions;
java.lang.Boolean allowLibraryDependencies;
java.lang.String authorEmail;
java.lang.String authorName;
java.lang.Boolean authorOrganization;
java.lang.String authorUrl;
java.lang.Boolean autoDetectBin;
java.util.Map bin;
java.lang.String bugsEmail;
java.lang.String bugsUrl;
java.util.List bundledDeps;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.CodeArtifactOptions codeArtifactOptions;
java.util.List deps;
java.lang.String description;
java.util.List devDeps;
java.lang.String entrypoint;
java.lang.String homepage;
java.util.List keywords;
java.lang.String license;
java.lang.Boolean licensed;
java.lang.String maxNodeVersion;
java.lang.String minNodeVersion;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.NpmAccess npmAccess;
java.lang.String npmRegistry;
java.lang.String npmRegistryUrl;
java.lang.String npmTokenSecret;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.NodePackageManager packageManager;
java.lang.String packageName;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.PeerDependencyOptions peerDependencyOptions;
java.util.List peerDeps;
java.lang.String repository;
java.lang.String repositoryDirectory;
java.util.List scopedPackagesOptions;
java.util.Map scripts;
java.lang.String stability;
java.lang.String jsiiReleaseVersion;
java.lang.Number majorVersion;
java.lang.Number minMajorVersion;
java.lang.String npmDistTag;
java.util.List postBuildSteps;
java.lang.String prerelease;
java.lang.Boolean publishDryRun;
java.lang.Boolean publishTasks;
java.util.Map releaseBranches;
java.lang.Boolean releaseEveryCommit;
java.lang.Boolean releaseFailureIssue;
java.lang.String releaseFailureIssueLabel;
java.lang.String releaseSchedule;
java.lang.String releaseTagPrefix;
io.github.cdklabs.projen.release.ReleaseTrigger releaseTrigger;
java.lang.String releaseWorkflowName;
java.util.List releaseWorkflowSetupSteps;
java.util.Map versionrcOptions;
java.lang.String workflowContainerImage;
java.util.List workflowRunsOn;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getMonorepoUpgradeDeps}
* @param monorepoUpgradeDeps Whether to include an upgrade-deps task at the root of the monorepo which will upgrade all dependencies.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder monorepoUpgradeDeps(java.lang.Boolean monorepoUpgradeDeps) {
this.monorepoUpgradeDeps = monorepoUpgradeDeps;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getMonorepoUpgradeDepsOptions}
* @param monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions Monorepo Upgrade Deps options.
* This is only used if monorepoUpgradeDeps is true.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions( monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions) {
this.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions = monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getNxConfig}
* @param nxConfig Configuration for NX.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder nxConfig( nxConfig) {
this.nxConfig = nxConfig;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getWorkspaceConfig}
* @param workspaceConfig Configuration for workspace.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder workspaceConfig( workspaceConfig) {
this.workspaceConfig = workspaceConfig;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDisableTsconfig}
* @param disableTsconfig Do not generate a `tsconfig.json` file (used by jsii projects since tsconfig.json is generated by the jsii compiler).
* @return {@code this}
public Builder disableTsconfig(java.lang.Boolean disableTsconfig) {
this.disableTsconfig = disableTsconfig;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDocgen}
* @param docgen Docgen by Typedoc.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder docgen(java.lang.Boolean docgen) {
this.docgen = docgen;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDocsDirectory}
* @param docsDirectory Docs directory.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder docsDirectory(java.lang.String docsDirectory) {
this.docsDirectory = docsDirectory;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getEntrypointTypes}
* @param entrypointTypes The .d.ts file that includes the type declarations for this module.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder entrypointTypes(java.lang.String entrypointTypes) {
this.entrypointTypes = entrypointTypes;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getEslint}
* @param eslint Setup eslint.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder eslint(java.lang.Boolean eslint) {
this.eslint = eslint;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getEslintOptions}
* @param eslintOptions Eslint options.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder eslintOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.EslintOptions eslintOptions) {
this.eslintOptions = eslintOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getLibdir}
* @param libdir Typescript artifacts output directory.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder libdir(java.lang.String libdir) {
this.libdir = libdir;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenrcTs}
* @param projenrcTs Use TypeScript for your projenrc file (`.projenrc.ts`).
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenrcTs(java.lang.Boolean projenrcTs) {
this.projenrcTs = projenrcTs;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenrcTsOptions}
* @param projenrcTsOptions Options for .projenrc.ts.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenrcTsOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.typescript.ProjenrcOptions projenrcTsOptions) {
this.projenrcTsOptions = projenrcTsOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getSampleCode}
* @param sampleCode Generate one-time sample in `src/` and `test/` if there are no files there.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder sampleCode(java.lang.Boolean sampleCode) {
this.sampleCode = sampleCode;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getSrcdir}
* @param srcdir Typescript sources directory.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder srcdir(java.lang.String srcdir) {
this.srcdir = srcdir;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getTestdir}
* @param testdir Jest tests directory. Tests files should be named `xxx.test.ts`.
* If this directory is under srcdir
(e.g. src/test
, src/__tests__
* then tests are going to be compiled into lib/
and executed as javascript.
* If the test directory is outside of src
, then we configure jest to
* compile the code in-memory.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder testdir(java.lang.String testdir) {
this.testdir = testdir;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getTsconfig}
* @param tsconfig Custom TSConfig.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder tsconfig(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.TypescriptConfigOptions tsconfig) {
this.tsconfig = tsconfig;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getTsconfigDev}
* @param tsconfigDev Custom tsconfig options for the development tsconfig.json file (used for testing).
* @return {@code this}
public Builder tsconfigDev(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.TypescriptConfigOptions tsconfigDev) {
this.tsconfigDev = tsconfigDev;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getTsconfigDevFile}
* @param tsconfigDevFile The name of the development tsconfig.json file.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder tsconfigDevFile(java.lang.String tsconfigDevFile) {
this.tsconfigDevFile = tsconfigDevFile;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getTypescriptVersion}
* @param typescriptVersion TypeScript version to use.
* NOTE: Typescript is not semantically versioned and should remain on the
* same minor, so we recommend using a ~
dependency (e.g. ~1.2.3
* @return {@code this}
public Builder typescriptVersion(java.lang.String typescriptVersion) {
this.typescriptVersion = typescriptVersion;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDefaultReleaseBranch}
* @param defaultReleaseBranch The name of the main release branch. This parameter is required.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder defaultReleaseBranch(java.lang.String defaultReleaseBranch) {
this.defaultReleaseBranch = defaultReleaseBranch;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getArtifactsDirectory}
* @param artifactsDirectory A directory which will contain build artifacts.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder artifactsDirectory(java.lang.String artifactsDirectory) {
this.artifactsDirectory = artifactsDirectory;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAutoApproveUpgrades}
* @param autoApproveUpgrades Automatically approve deps upgrade PRs, allowing them to be merged by mergify (if configued).
* Throw if set to true but autoApproveOptions
are not defined.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder autoApproveUpgrades(java.lang.Boolean autoApproveUpgrades) {
this.autoApproveUpgrades = autoApproveUpgrades;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getBuildWorkflow}
* @param buildWorkflow Define a GitHub workflow for building PRs.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder buildWorkflow(java.lang.Boolean buildWorkflow) {
this.buildWorkflow = buildWorkflow;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getBuildWorkflowTriggers}
* @param buildWorkflowTriggers Build workflow triggers.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder buildWorkflowTriggers(io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.workflows.Triggers buildWorkflowTriggers) {
this.buildWorkflowTriggers = buildWorkflowTriggers;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getBundlerOptions}
* @param bundlerOptions Options for `Bundler`.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder bundlerOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.BundlerOptions bundlerOptions) {
this.bundlerOptions = bundlerOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getCodeCov}
* @param codeCov Define a GitHub workflow step for sending code coverage metrics to Uses codecov/codecov-action@v3 A secret is required for private repos. Configured with @codeCovTokenSecret.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder codeCov(java.lang.Boolean codeCov) {
this.codeCov = codeCov;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getCodeCovTokenSecret}
* @param codeCovTokenSecret Define the secret name for a specified token A secret is required to send coverage for private repositories.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder codeCovTokenSecret(java.lang.String codeCovTokenSecret) {
this.codeCovTokenSecret = codeCovTokenSecret;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getCopyrightOwner}
* @param copyrightOwner License copyright owner.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder copyrightOwner(java.lang.String copyrightOwner) {
this.copyrightOwner = copyrightOwner;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getCopyrightPeriod}
* @param copyrightPeriod The copyright years to put in the LICENSE file.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder copyrightPeriod(java.lang.String copyrightPeriod) {
this.copyrightPeriod = copyrightPeriod;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDependabot}
* @param dependabot Use dependabot to handle dependency upgrades.
* Cannot be used in conjunction with depsUpgrade
* @return {@code this}
public Builder dependabot(java.lang.Boolean dependabot) {
this.dependabot = dependabot;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDependabotOptions}
* @param dependabotOptions Options for dependabot.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder dependabotOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.DependabotOptions dependabotOptions) {
this.dependabotOptions = dependabotOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDepsUpgrade}
* @param depsUpgrade Use github workflows to handle dependency upgrades.
* Cannot be used in conjunction with dependabot
* @return {@code this}
public Builder depsUpgrade(java.lang.Boolean depsUpgrade) {
this.depsUpgrade = depsUpgrade;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDepsUpgradeOptions}
* @param depsUpgradeOptions Options for `UpgradeDependencies`.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder depsUpgradeOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.UpgradeDependenciesOptions depsUpgradeOptions) {
this.depsUpgradeOptions = depsUpgradeOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getGitignore}
* @param gitignore Additional entries to .gitignore.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder gitignore(java.util.List gitignore) {
this.gitignore = gitignore;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getJest}
* @param jest Setup jest unit tests.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder jest(java.lang.Boolean jest) {
this.jest = jest;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getJestOptions}
* @param jestOptions Jest options.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder jestOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.JestOptions jestOptions) {
this.jestOptions = jestOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getMutableBuild}
* @param mutableBuild Automatically update files modified during builds to pull-request branches.
* This means
* that any files synthesized by projen or e.g. test snapshots will always be up-to-date
* before a PR is merged.
* Implies that PR builds do not have anti-tamper checks.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder mutableBuild(java.lang.Boolean mutableBuild) {
this.mutableBuild = mutableBuild;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getNpmignore}
* @param npmignore Additional entries to .npmignore.
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated - use `project.addPackageIgnore`
public Builder npmignore(java.util.List npmignore) {
this.npmignore = npmignore;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getNpmignoreEnabled}
* @param npmignoreEnabled Defines an .npmignore file. Normally this is only needed for libraries that are packaged as tarballs.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder npmignoreEnabled(java.lang.Boolean npmignoreEnabled) {
this.npmignoreEnabled = npmignoreEnabled;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPackageValue}
* @param packageValue Defines a `package` task that will produce an npm tarball under the artifacts directory (e.g. `dist`).
* @return {@code this}
public Builder packageValue(java.lang.Boolean packageValue) {
this.packageValue = packageValue;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPrettier}
* @param prettier Setup prettier.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder prettier(java.lang.Boolean prettier) {
this.prettier = prettier;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPrettierOptions}
* @param prettierOptions Prettier options.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder prettierOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.PrettierOptions prettierOptions) {
this.prettierOptions = prettierOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenDevDependency}
* @param projenDevDependency Indicates of "projen" should be installed as a devDependency.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenDevDependency(java.lang.Boolean projenDevDependency) {
this.projenDevDependency = projenDevDependency;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenrcJs}
* @param projenrcJs Generate (once) .projenrc.js (in JavaScript). Set to `false` in order to disable .projenrc.js generation.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenrcJs(java.lang.Boolean projenrcJs) {
this.projenrcJs = projenrcJs;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenrcJsOptions}
* @param projenrcJsOptions Options for .projenrc.js.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenrcJsOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.ProjenrcOptions projenrcJsOptions) {
this.projenrcJsOptions = projenrcJsOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenVersion}
* @param projenVersion Version of projen to install.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenVersion(java.lang.String projenVersion) {
this.projenVersion = projenVersion;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPullRequestTemplate}
* @param pullRequestTemplate Include a GitHub pull request template.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder pullRequestTemplate(java.lang.Boolean pullRequestTemplate) {
this.pullRequestTemplate = pullRequestTemplate;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPullRequestTemplateContents}
* @param pullRequestTemplateContents The contents of the pull request template.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder pullRequestTemplateContents(java.util.List pullRequestTemplateContents) {
this.pullRequestTemplateContents = pullRequestTemplateContents;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getRelease}
* @param release Add release management to this project.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder release(java.lang.Boolean release) {
this.release = release;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseToNpm}
* @param releaseToNpm Automatically release to npm when new versions are introduced.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder releaseToNpm(java.lang.Boolean releaseToNpm) {
this.releaseToNpm = releaseToNpm;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseWorkflow}
* @param releaseWorkflow DEPRECATED: renamed to `release`.
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated see `release`.
public Builder releaseWorkflow(java.lang.Boolean releaseWorkflow) {
this.releaseWorkflow = releaseWorkflow;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getWorkflowBootstrapSteps}
* @param workflowBootstrapSteps Workflow steps to use in order to bootstrap this repo.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder workflowBootstrapSteps(java.util.List extends io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.workflows.JobStep> workflowBootstrapSteps) {
this.workflowBootstrapSteps = (java.util.List)workflowBootstrapSteps;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getWorkflowGitIdentity}
* @param workflowGitIdentity The git identity to use in workflows.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder workflowGitIdentity(io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GitIdentity workflowGitIdentity) {
this.workflowGitIdentity = workflowGitIdentity;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getWorkflowNodeVersion}
* @param workflowNodeVersion The node version to use in GitHub workflows.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder workflowNodeVersion(java.lang.String workflowNodeVersion) {
this.workflowNodeVersion = workflowNodeVersion;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAutoApproveOptions}
* @param autoApproveOptions Enable and configure the 'auto approve' workflow.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder autoApproveOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.AutoApproveOptions autoApproveOptions) {
this.autoApproveOptions = autoApproveOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAutoMerge}
* @param autoMerge Enable automatic merging on GitHub.
* Has no effect if github.mergify
* is set to false.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder autoMerge(java.lang.Boolean autoMerge) {
this.autoMerge = autoMerge;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAutoMergeOptions}
* @param autoMergeOptions Configure options for automatic merging on GitHub.
* Has no effect if
* github.mergify
or autoMerge
is set to false.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder autoMergeOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.AutoMergeOptions autoMergeOptions) {
this.autoMergeOptions = autoMergeOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getClobber}
* @param clobber Add a `clobber` task which resets the repo to origin.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder clobber(java.lang.Boolean clobber) {
this.clobber = clobber;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDevContainer}
* @param devContainer Add a VSCode development environment (used for GitHub Codespaces).
* @return {@code this}
public Builder devContainer(java.lang.Boolean devContainer) {
this.devContainer = devContainer;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getGithub}
* @param github Enable GitHub integration.
* Enabled by default for root projects. Disabled for non-root projects.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder github(java.lang.Boolean github) {
this.github = github;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getGithubOptions}
* @param githubOptions Options for GitHub integration.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder githubOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GitHubOptions githubOptions) {
this.githubOptions = githubOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getGitpod}
* @param gitpod Add a Gitpod development environment.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder gitpod(java.lang.Boolean gitpod) {
this.gitpod = gitpod;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getMergify}
* @param mergify Whether mergify should be enabled on this repository or not.
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated use `githubOptions.mergify` instead
public Builder mergify(java.lang.Boolean mergify) {
this.mergify = mergify;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getMergifyOptions}
* @param mergifyOptions Options for mergify.
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated use `githubOptions.mergifyOptions` instead
public Builder mergifyOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.MergifyOptions mergifyOptions) {
this.mergifyOptions = mergifyOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjectType}
* @param projectType Which type of project this is (library/app).
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated no longer supported at the base project level
public Builder projectType(io.github.cdklabs.projen.ProjectType projectType) {
this.projectType = projectType;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenCredentials}
* @param projenCredentials Choose a method of providing GitHub API access for projen workflows.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenCredentials(io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GithubCredentials projenCredentials) {
this.projenCredentials = projenCredentials;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenTokenSecret}
* @param projenTokenSecret The name of a secret which includes a GitHub Personal Access Token to be used by projen workflows.
* This token needs to have the repo
, workflows
* and packages
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated use `projenCredentials`
public Builder projenTokenSecret(java.lang.String projenTokenSecret) {
this.projenTokenSecret = projenTokenSecret;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReadme}
* @param readme The README setup.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder readme(io.github.cdklabs.projen.SampleReadmeProps readme) {
this.readme = readme;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getStale}
* @param stale Auto-close of stale issues and pull request.
* See staleOptions
for options.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder stale(java.lang.Boolean stale) {
this.stale = stale;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getStaleOptions}
* @param staleOptions Auto-close stale issues and pull requests.
* To disable set stale
to false
* @return {@code this}
public Builder staleOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.StaleOptions staleOptions) {
this.staleOptions = staleOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getVscode}
* @param vscode Enable VSCode integration.
* Enabled by default for root projects. Disabled for non-root projects.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder vscode(java.lang.Boolean vscode) {
this.vscode = vscode;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getName}
* @param name This is the name of your project. This parameter is required.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder name(java.lang.String name) { = name;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getCommitGenerated}
* @param commitGenerated Whether to commit the managed files by default.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder commitGenerated(java.lang.Boolean commitGenerated) {
this.commitGenerated = commitGenerated;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getLogging}
* @param logging Configure logging options such as verbosity.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder logging(io.github.cdklabs.projen.LoggerOptions logging) {
this.logging = logging;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getOutdir}
* @param outdir The root directory of the project.
* Relative to this directory, all files are synthesized.
* If this project has a parent, this directory is relative to the parent
* directory and it cannot be the same as the parent or any of it's other
* sub-projects.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder outdir(java.lang.String outdir) {
this.outdir = outdir;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getParent}
* @param parent The parent project, if this project is part of a bigger project.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder parent(io.github.cdklabs.projen.Project parent) {
this.parent = parent;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenCommand}
* @param projenCommand The shell command to use in order to run the projen CLI.
* Can be used to customize in special environments.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenCommand(java.lang.String projenCommand) {
this.projenCommand = projenCommand;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenrcJson}
* @param projenrcJson Generate (once) .projenrc.json (in JSON). Set to `false` in order to disable .projenrc.json generation.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenrcJson(java.lang.Boolean projenrcJson) {
this.projenrcJson = projenrcJson;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getProjenrcJsonOptions}
* @param projenrcJsonOptions Options for .projenrc.json.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder projenrcJsonOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.ProjenrcOptions projenrcJsonOptions) {
this.projenrcJsonOptions = projenrcJsonOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getRenovatebot}
* @param renovatebot Use renovatebot to handle dependency upgrades.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder renovatebot(java.lang.Boolean renovatebot) {
this.renovatebot = renovatebot;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getRenovatebotOptions}
* @param renovatebotOptions Options for renovatebot.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder renovatebotOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.RenovatebotOptions renovatebotOptions) {
this.renovatebotOptions = renovatebotOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAllowLibraryDependencies}
* @param allowLibraryDependencies Allow the project to include `peerDependencies` and `bundledDependencies`.
* This is normally only allowed for libraries. For apps, there's no meaning
* for specifying these.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder allowLibraryDependencies(java.lang.Boolean allowLibraryDependencies) {
this.allowLibraryDependencies = allowLibraryDependencies;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAuthorEmail}
* @param authorEmail Author's e-mail.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder authorEmail(java.lang.String authorEmail) {
this.authorEmail = authorEmail;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAuthorName}
* @param authorName Author's name.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder authorName(java.lang.String authorName) {
this.authorName = authorName;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAuthorOrganization}
* @param authorOrganization Is the author an organization.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder authorOrganization(java.lang.Boolean authorOrganization) {
this.authorOrganization = authorOrganization;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAuthorUrl}
* @param authorUrl Author's URL / Website.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder authorUrl(java.lang.String authorUrl) {
this.authorUrl = authorUrl;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getAutoDetectBin}
* @param autoDetectBin Automatically add all executables under the `bin` directory to your `package.json` file under the `bin` section.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder autoDetectBin(java.lang.Boolean autoDetectBin) {
this.autoDetectBin = autoDetectBin;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getBin}
* @param bin Binary programs vended with your module.
* You can use this option to add/customize how binaries are represented in
* your package.json
, but unless autoDetectBin
is false
, every
* executable file under bin
will automatically be added to this section.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder bin(java.util.Map bin) {
this.bin = bin;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getBugsEmail}
* @param bugsEmail The email address to which issues should be reported.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder bugsEmail(java.lang.String bugsEmail) {
this.bugsEmail = bugsEmail;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getBugsUrl}
* @param bugsUrl The url to your project's issue tracker.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder bugsUrl(java.lang.String bugsUrl) {
this.bugsUrl = bugsUrl;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getBundledDeps}
* @param bundledDeps List of dependencies to bundle into this module.
* These modules will be
* added both to the dependencies
section and bundledDependencies
section of
* your package.json
* The recommendation is to only specify the module name here (e.g.
* express
). This will behave similar to yarn add
or npm install
in the
* sense that it will add the module as a dependency to your package.json
* file with the latest version (^
). You can specify semver requirements in
* the same syntax passed to npm i
or yarn add
(e.g. express@^2
) and
* this will be what you package.json
will eventually include.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder bundledDeps(java.util.List bundledDeps) {
this.bundledDeps = bundledDeps;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getCodeArtifactOptions}
* @param codeArtifactOptions Options for npm packages using AWS CodeArtifact.
* This is required if publishing packages to, or installing scoped packages from AWS CodeArtifact
* @return {@code this}
public Builder codeArtifactOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.CodeArtifactOptions codeArtifactOptions) {
this.codeArtifactOptions = codeArtifactOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDeps}
* @param deps Runtime dependencies of this module.
* The recommendation is to only specify the module name here (e.g.
* express
). This will behave similar to yarn add
or npm install
in the
* sense that it will add the module as a dependency to your package.json
* file with the latest version (^
). You can specify semver requirements in
* the same syntax passed to npm i
or yarn add
(e.g. express@^2
) and
* this will be what you package.json
will eventually include.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder deps(java.util.List deps) {
this.deps = deps;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDescription}
* @param description The description is just a string that helps people understand the purpose of the package.
* It can be used when searching for packages in a package manager as well.
* See
* @return {@code this}
public Builder description(java.lang.String description) {
this.description = description;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getDevDeps}
* @param devDeps Build dependencies for this module.
* These dependencies will only be
* available in your build environment but will not be fetched when this
* module is consumed.
* The recommendation is to only specify the module name here (e.g.
* express
). This will behave similar to yarn add
or npm install
in the
* sense that it will add the module as a dependency to your package.json
* file with the latest version (^
). You can specify semver requirements in
* the same syntax passed to npm i
or yarn add
(e.g. express@^2
) and
* this will be what you package.json
will eventually include.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder devDeps(java.util.List devDeps) {
this.devDeps = devDeps;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getEntrypoint}
* @param entrypoint Module entrypoint (`main` in `package.json`).
* Set to an empty string to not include main
in your package.json
* @return {@code this}
public Builder entrypoint(java.lang.String entrypoint) {
this.entrypoint = entrypoint;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getHomepage}
* @param homepage Package's Homepage / Website.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder homepage(java.lang.String homepage) {
this.homepage = homepage;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getKeywords}
* @param keywords Keywords to include in `package.json`.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder keywords(java.util.List keywords) {
this.keywords = keywords;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getLicense}
* @param license License's SPDX identifier.
* See for a list of supported licenses.
* Use the licensed
option if you want to no license to be specified.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder license(java.lang.String license) {
this.license = license;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getLicensed}
* @param licensed Indicates if a license should be added.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder licensed(java.lang.Boolean licensed) {
this.licensed = licensed;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getMaxNodeVersion}
* @param maxNodeVersion Minimum node.js version to require via `engines` (inclusive).
* @return {@code this}
public Builder maxNodeVersion(java.lang.String maxNodeVersion) {
this.maxNodeVersion = maxNodeVersion;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getMinNodeVersion}
* @param minNodeVersion Minimum Node.js version to require via package.json `engines` (inclusive).
* @return {@code this}
public Builder minNodeVersion(java.lang.String minNodeVersion) {
this.minNodeVersion = minNodeVersion;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getNpmAccess}
* @param npmAccess Access level of the npm package.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder npmAccess(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.NpmAccess npmAccess) {
this.npmAccess = npmAccess;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getNpmRegistry}
* @param npmRegistry The host name of the npm registry to publish to.
* Cannot be set together with npmRegistryUrl
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated use `npmRegistryUrl` instead
public Builder npmRegistry(java.lang.String npmRegistry) {
this.npmRegistry = npmRegistry;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getNpmRegistryUrl}
* @param npmRegistryUrl The base URL of the npm package registry.
* Must be a URL (e.g. start with "https://" or "http://")
* @return {@code this}
public Builder npmRegistryUrl(java.lang.String npmRegistryUrl) {
this.npmRegistryUrl = npmRegistryUrl;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getNpmTokenSecret}
* @param npmTokenSecret GitHub secret which contains the NPM token to use when publishing packages.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder npmTokenSecret(java.lang.String npmTokenSecret) {
this.npmTokenSecret = npmTokenSecret;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPackageManager}
* @param packageManager The Node Package Manager used to execute scripts.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder packageManager(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.NodePackageManager packageManager) {
this.packageManager = packageManager;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPackageName}
* @param packageName The "name" in package.json.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder packageName(java.lang.String packageName) {
this.packageName = packageName;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPeerDependencyOptions}
* @param peerDependencyOptions Options for `peerDeps`.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder peerDependencyOptions(io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.PeerDependencyOptions peerDependencyOptions) {
this.peerDependencyOptions = peerDependencyOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPeerDeps}
* @param peerDeps Peer dependencies for this module.
* Dependencies listed here are required to
* be installed (and satisfied) by the consumer of this library. Using peer
* dependencies allows you to ensure that only a single module of a certain
* library exists in the node_modules
tree of your consumers.
* Note that prior to npm@7, peer dependencies are not automatically
* installed, which means that adding peer dependencies to a library will be a
* breaking change for your customers.
* Unless peerDependencyOptions.pinnedDevDependency
is disabled (it is
* enabled by default), projen will automatically add a dev dependency with a
* pinned version for each peer dependency. This will ensure that you build &
* test your module against the lowest peer version required.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder peerDeps(java.util.List peerDeps) {
this.peerDeps = peerDeps;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getRepository}
* @param repository The repository is the location where the actual code for your package lives.
* See
* @return {@code this}
public Builder repository(java.lang.String repository) {
this.repository = repository;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getRepositoryDirectory}
* @param repositoryDirectory If the package.json for your package is not in the root directory (for example if it is part of a monorepo), you can specify the directory in which it lives.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder repositoryDirectory(java.lang.String repositoryDirectory) {
this.repositoryDirectory = repositoryDirectory;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getScopedPackagesOptions}
* @param scopedPackagesOptions Options for privately hosted scoped packages.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder scopedPackagesOptions(java.util.List extends io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.ScopedPackagesOptions> scopedPackagesOptions) {
this.scopedPackagesOptions = (java.util.List)scopedPackagesOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getScripts}
* @param scripts npm scripts to include.
* If a script has the same name as a standard script,
* the standard script will be overwritten.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder scripts(java.util.Map scripts) {
this.scripts = scripts;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getStability}
* @param stability Package's Stability.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder stability(java.lang.String stability) {
this.stability = stability;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getJsiiReleaseVersion}
* @param jsiiReleaseVersion Version requirement of `publib` which is used to publish modules to npm.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder jsiiReleaseVersion(java.lang.String jsiiReleaseVersion) {
this.jsiiReleaseVersion = jsiiReleaseVersion;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getMajorVersion}
* @param majorVersion Major version to release from the default branch.
* If this is specified, we bump the latest version of this major version line.
* If not specified, we bump the global latest version.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder majorVersion(java.lang.Number majorVersion) {
this.majorVersion = majorVersion;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getMinMajorVersion}
* @param minMajorVersion Minimal Major version to release.
* This can be useful to set to 1, as breaking changes before the 1.x major
* release are not incrementing the major version number.
* Can not be set together with majorVersion
* @return {@code this}
public Builder minMajorVersion(java.lang.Number minMajorVersion) {
this.minMajorVersion = minMajorVersion;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getNpmDistTag}
* @param npmDistTag The npmDistTag to use when publishing from the default branch.
* To set the npm dist-tag for release branches, set the npmDistTag
* for each branch.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder npmDistTag(java.lang.String npmDistTag) {
this.npmDistTag = npmDistTag;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPostBuildSteps}
* @param postBuildSteps Steps to execute after build as part of the release workflow.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder postBuildSteps(java.util.List extends io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.workflows.JobStep> postBuildSteps) {
this.postBuildSteps = (java.util.List)postBuildSteps;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPrerelease}
* @param prerelease Bump versions from the default branch as pre-releases (e.g. "beta", "alpha", "pre").
* @return {@code this}
public Builder prerelease(java.lang.String prerelease) {
this.prerelease = prerelease;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPublishDryRun}
* @param publishDryRun Instead of actually publishing to package managers, just print the publishing command.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder publishDryRun(java.lang.Boolean publishDryRun) {
this.publishDryRun = publishDryRun;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getPublishTasks}
* @param publishTasks Define publishing tasks that can be executed manually as well as workflows.
* Normally, publishing only happens within automated workflows. Enable this
* in order to create a publishing task for each publishing activity.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder publishTasks(java.lang.Boolean publishTasks) {
this.publishTasks = publishTasks;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseBranches}
* @param releaseBranches Defines additional release branches.
* A workflow will be created for each
* release branch which will publish releases from commits in this branch.
* Each release branch must be assigned a major version number which is used
* to enforce that versions published from that branch always use that major
* version. If multiple branches are used, the majorVersion
field must also
* be provided for the default branch.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder releaseBranches(java.util.Map releaseBranches) {
this.releaseBranches = (java.util.Map)releaseBranches;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseEveryCommit}
* @param releaseEveryCommit Automatically release new versions every commit to one of branches in `releaseBranches`.
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated Use `releaseTrigger: ReleaseTrigger.continuous()` instead
public Builder releaseEveryCommit(java.lang.Boolean releaseEveryCommit) {
this.releaseEveryCommit = releaseEveryCommit;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseFailureIssue}
* @param releaseFailureIssue Create a github issue on every failed publishing task.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder releaseFailureIssue(java.lang.Boolean releaseFailureIssue) {
this.releaseFailureIssue = releaseFailureIssue;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseFailureIssueLabel}
* @param releaseFailureIssueLabel The label to apply to issues indicating publish failures.
* Only applies if releaseFailureIssue
is true.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder releaseFailureIssueLabel(java.lang.String releaseFailureIssueLabel) {
this.releaseFailureIssueLabel = releaseFailureIssueLabel;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseSchedule}
* @param releaseSchedule CRON schedule to trigger new releases.
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated Use `releaseTrigger: ReleaseTrigger.scheduled()` instead
public Builder releaseSchedule(java.lang.String releaseSchedule) {
this.releaseSchedule = releaseSchedule;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseTagPrefix}
* @param releaseTagPrefix Automatically add the given prefix to release tags. Useful if you are releasing on multiple branches with overlapping version numbers.
* Note: this prefix is used to detect the latest tagged version
* when bumping, so if you change this on a project with an existing version
* history, you may need to manually tag your latest release
* with the new prefix.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder releaseTagPrefix(java.lang.String releaseTagPrefix) {
this.releaseTagPrefix = releaseTagPrefix;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseTrigger}
* @param releaseTrigger The release trigger to use.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder releaseTrigger(io.github.cdklabs.projen.release.ReleaseTrigger releaseTrigger) {
this.releaseTrigger = releaseTrigger;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseWorkflowName}
* @param releaseWorkflowName The name of the default release workflow.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder releaseWorkflowName(java.lang.String releaseWorkflowName) {
this.releaseWorkflowName = releaseWorkflowName;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getReleaseWorkflowSetupSteps}
* @param releaseWorkflowSetupSteps A set of workflow steps to execute in order to setup the workflow container.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder releaseWorkflowSetupSteps(java.util.List extends io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.workflows.JobStep> releaseWorkflowSetupSteps) {
this.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps = (java.util.List)releaseWorkflowSetupSteps;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getVersionrcOptions}
* @param versionrcOptions Custom configuration used when creating changelog with standard-version package.
* Given values either append to default configuration or overwrite values in it.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder versionrcOptions(java.util.Map versionrcOptions) {
this.versionrcOptions = (java.util.Map)versionrcOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getWorkflowContainerImage}
* @param workflowContainerImage Container image to use for GitHub workflows.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder workflowContainerImage(java.lang.String workflowContainerImage) {
this.workflowContainerImage = workflowContainerImage;
return this;
* Sets the value of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions#getWorkflowRunsOn}
* @param workflowRunsOn Github Runner selection labels.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder workflowRunsOn(java.util.List workflowRunsOn) {
this.workflowRunsOn = workflowRunsOn;
return this;
* Builds the configured instance.
* @return a new instance of {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions}
* @throws NullPointerException if any required attribute was not provided
public NxMonorepoProjectOptions build() {
return new Jsii$Proxy(this);
* An implementation for {@link NxMonorepoProjectOptions}
final class Jsii$Proxy extends implements NxMonorepoProjectOptions {
private final java.lang.Boolean monorepoUpgradeDeps;
private final monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions;
private final nxConfig;
private final workspaceConfig;
private final java.lang.Boolean disableTsconfig;
private final java.lang.Boolean docgen;
private final java.lang.String docsDirectory;
private final java.lang.String entrypointTypes;
private final java.lang.Boolean eslint;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.EslintOptions eslintOptions;
private final java.lang.String libdir;
private final java.lang.Boolean projenrcTs;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.typescript.ProjenrcOptions projenrcTsOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean sampleCode;
private final java.lang.String srcdir;
private final java.lang.String testdir;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.TypescriptConfigOptions tsconfig;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.TypescriptConfigOptions tsconfigDev;
private final java.lang.String tsconfigDevFile;
private final java.lang.String typescriptVersion;
private final java.lang.String defaultReleaseBranch;
private final java.lang.String artifactsDirectory;
private final java.lang.Boolean autoApproveUpgrades;
private final java.lang.Boolean buildWorkflow;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.workflows.Triggers buildWorkflowTriggers;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.BundlerOptions bundlerOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean codeCov;
private final java.lang.String codeCovTokenSecret;
private final java.lang.String copyrightOwner;
private final java.lang.String copyrightPeriod;
private final java.lang.Boolean dependabot;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.DependabotOptions dependabotOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean depsUpgrade;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.UpgradeDependenciesOptions depsUpgradeOptions;
private final java.util.List gitignore;
private final java.lang.Boolean jest;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.JestOptions jestOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean mutableBuild;
private final java.util.List npmignore;
private final java.lang.Boolean npmignoreEnabled;
private final java.lang.Boolean packageValue;
private final java.lang.Boolean prettier;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.PrettierOptions prettierOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean projenDevDependency;
private final java.lang.Boolean projenrcJs;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.ProjenrcOptions projenrcJsOptions;
private final java.lang.String projenVersion;
private final java.lang.Boolean pullRequestTemplate;
private final java.util.List pullRequestTemplateContents;
private final java.lang.Boolean release;
private final java.lang.Boolean releaseToNpm;
private final java.lang.Boolean releaseWorkflow;
private final java.util.List workflowBootstrapSteps;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GitIdentity workflowGitIdentity;
private final java.lang.String workflowNodeVersion;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.AutoApproveOptions autoApproveOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean autoMerge;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.AutoMergeOptions autoMergeOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean clobber;
private final java.lang.Boolean devContainer;
private final java.lang.Boolean github;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GitHubOptions githubOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean gitpod;
private final java.lang.Boolean mergify;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.MergifyOptions mergifyOptions;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.ProjectType projectType;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GithubCredentials projenCredentials;
private final java.lang.String projenTokenSecret;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.SampleReadmeProps readme;
private final java.lang.Boolean stale;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.StaleOptions staleOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean vscode;
private final java.lang.String name;
private final java.lang.Boolean commitGenerated;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.LoggerOptions logging;
private final java.lang.String outdir;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.Project parent;
private final java.lang.String projenCommand;
private final java.lang.Boolean projenrcJson;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.ProjenrcOptions projenrcJsonOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean renovatebot;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.RenovatebotOptions renovatebotOptions;
private final java.lang.Boolean allowLibraryDependencies;
private final java.lang.String authorEmail;
private final java.lang.String authorName;
private final java.lang.Boolean authorOrganization;
private final java.lang.String authorUrl;
private final java.lang.Boolean autoDetectBin;
private final java.util.Map bin;
private final java.lang.String bugsEmail;
private final java.lang.String bugsUrl;
private final java.util.List bundledDeps;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.CodeArtifactOptions codeArtifactOptions;
private final java.util.List deps;
private final java.lang.String description;
private final java.util.List devDeps;
private final java.lang.String entrypoint;
private final java.lang.String homepage;
private final java.util.List keywords;
private final java.lang.String license;
private final java.lang.Boolean licensed;
private final java.lang.String maxNodeVersion;
private final java.lang.String minNodeVersion;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.NpmAccess npmAccess;
private final java.lang.String npmRegistry;
private final java.lang.String npmRegistryUrl;
private final java.lang.String npmTokenSecret;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.NodePackageManager packageManager;
private final java.lang.String packageName;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.PeerDependencyOptions peerDependencyOptions;
private final java.util.List peerDeps;
private final java.lang.String repository;
private final java.lang.String repositoryDirectory;
private final java.util.List scopedPackagesOptions;
private final java.util.Map scripts;
private final java.lang.String stability;
private final java.lang.String jsiiReleaseVersion;
private final java.lang.Number majorVersion;
private final java.lang.Number minMajorVersion;
private final java.lang.String npmDistTag;
private final java.util.List postBuildSteps;
private final java.lang.String prerelease;
private final java.lang.Boolean publishDryRun;
private final java.lang.Boolean publishTasks;
private final java.util.Map releaseBranches;
private final java.lang.Boolean releaseEveryCommit;
private final java.lang.Boolean releaseFailureIssue;
private final java.lang.String releaseFailureIssueLabel;
private final java.lang.String releaseSchedule;
private final java.lang.String releaseTagPrefix;
private final io.github.cdklabs.projen.release.ReleaseTrigger releaseTrigger;
private final java.lang.String releaseWorkflowName;
private final java.util.List releaseWorkflowSetupSteps;
private final java.util.Map versionrcOptions;
private final java.lang.String workflowContainerImage;
private final java.util.List workflowRunsOn;
* Constructor that initializes the object based on values retrieved from the JsiiObject.
* @param objRef Reference to the JSII managed object.
protected Jsii$Proxy(final objRef) {
this.monorepoUpgradeDeps =, "monorepoUpgradeDeps",;
this.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions =, "monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions",;
this.nxConfig =, "nxConfig",;
this.workspaceConfig =, "workspaceConfig",;
this.disableTsconfig =, "disableTsconfig",;
this.docgen =, "docgen",;
this.docsDirectory =, "docsDirectory",;
this.entrypointTypes =, "entrypointTypes",;
this.eslint =, "eslint",;
this.eslintOptions =, "eslintOptions",;
this.libdir =, "libdir",;
this.projenrcTs =, "projenrcTs",;
this.projenrcTsOptions =, "projenrcTsOptions",;
this.sampleCode =, "sampleCode",;
this.srcdir =, "srcdir",;
this.testdir =, "testdir",;
this.tsconfig =, "tsconfig",;
this.tsconfigDev =, "tsconfigDev",;
this.tsconfigDevFile =, "tsconfigDevFile",;
this.typescriptVersion =, "typescriptVersion",;
this.defaultReleaseBranch =, "defaultReleaseBranch",;
this.artifactsDirectory =, "artifactsDirectory",;
this.autoApproveUpgrades =, "autoApproveUpgrades",;
this.buildWorkflow =, "buildWorkflow",;
this.buildWorkflowTriggers =, "buildWorkflowTriggers",;
this.bundlerOptions =, "bundlerOptions",;
this.codeCov =, "codeCov",;
this.codeCovTokenSecret =, "codeCovTokenSecret",;
this.copyrightOwner =, "copyrightOwner",;
this.copyrightPeriod =, "copyrightPeriod",;
this.dependabot =, "dependabot",;
this.dependabotOptions =, "dependabotOptions",;
this.depsUpgrade =, "depsUpgrade",;
this.depsUpgradeOptions =, "depsUpgradeOptions",;
this.gitignore =, "gitignore",;
this.jest =, "jest",;
this.jestOptions =, "jestOptions",;
this.mutableBuild =, "mutableBuild",;
this.npmignore =, "npmignore",;
this.npmignoreEnabled =, "npmignoreEnabled",;
this.packageValue =, "package",;
this.prettier =, "prettier",;
this.prettierOptions =, "prettierOptions",;
this.projenDevDependency =, "projenDevDependency",;
this.projenrcJs =, "projenrcJs",;
this.projenrcJsOptions =, "projenrcJsOptions",;
this.projenVersion =, "projenVersion",;
this.pullRequestTemplate =, "pullRequestTemplate",;
this.pullRequestTemplateContents =, "pullRequestTemplateContents",;
this.release =, "release",;
this.releaseToNpm =, "releaseToNpm",;
this.releaseWorkflow =, "releaseWorkflow",;
this.workflowBootstrapSteps =, "workflowBootstrapSteps",;
this.workflowGitIdentity =, "workflowGitIdentity",;
this.workflowNodeVersion =, "workflowNodeVersion",;
this.autoApproveOptions =, "autoApproveOptions",;
this.autoMerge =, "autoMerge",;
this.autoMergeOptions =, "autoMergeOptions",;
this.clobber =, "clobber",;
this.devContainer =, "devContainer",;
this.github =, "github",;
this.githubOptions =, "githubOptions",;
this.gitpod =, "gitpod",;
this.mergify =, "mergify",;
this.mergifyOptions =, "mergifyOptions",;
this.projectType =, "projectType",;
this.projenCredentials =, "projenCredentials",;
this.projenTokenSecret =, "projenTokenSecret",;
this.readme =, "readme",;
this.stale =, "stale",;
this.staleOptions =, "staleOptions",;
this.vscode =, "vscode",; =, "name",;
this.commitGenerated =, "commitGenerated",;
this.logging =, "logging",;
this.outdir =, "outdir",;
this.parent =, "parent",;
this.projenCommand =, "projenCommand",;
this.projenrcJson =, "projenrcJson",;
this.projenrcJsonOptions =, "projenrcJsonOptions",;
this.renovatebot =, "renovatebot",;
this.renovatebotOptions =, "renovatebotOptions",;
this.allowLibraryDependencies =, "allowLibraryDependencies",;
this.authorEmail =, "authorEmail",;
this.authorName =, "authorName",;
this.authorOrganization =, "authorOrganization",;
this.authorUrl =, "authorUrl",;
this.autoDetectBin =, "autoDetectBin",;
this.bin =, "bin",;
this.bugsEmail =, "bugsEmail",;
this.bugsUrl =, "bugsUrl",;
this.bundledDeps =, "bundledDeps",;
this.codeArtifactOptions =, "codeArtifactOptions",;
this.deps =, "deps",;
this.description =, "description",;
this.devDeps =, "devDeps",;
this.entrypoint =, "entrypoint",;
this.homepage =, "homepage",;
this.keywords =, "keywords",;
this.license =, "license",;
this.licensed =, "licensed",;
this.maxNodeVersion =, "maxNodeVersion",;
this.minNodeVersion =, "minNodeVersion",;
this.npmAccess =, "npmAccess",;
this.npmRegistry =, "npmRegistry",;
this.npmRegistryUrl =, "npmRegistryUrl",;
this.npmTokenSecret =, "npmTokenSecret",;
this.packageManager =, "packageManager",;
this.packageName =, "packageName",;
this.peerDependencyOptions =, "peerDependencyOptions",;
this.peerDeps =, "peerDeps",;
this.repository =, "repository",;
this.repositoryDirectory =, "repositoryDirectory",;
this.scopedPackagesOptions =, "scopedPackagesOptions",;
this.scripts =, "scripts",;
this.stability =, "stability",;
this.jsiiReleaseVersion =, "jsiiReleaseVersion",;
this.majorVersion =, "majorVersion",;
this.minMajorVersion =, "minMajorVersion",;
this.npmDistTag =, "npmDistTag",;
this.postBuildSteps =, "postBuildSteps",;
this.prerelease =, "prerelease",;
this.publishDryRun =, "publishDryRun",;
this.publishTasks =, "publishTasks",;
this.releaseBranches =, "releaseBranches",;
this.releaseEveryCommit =, "releaseEveryCommit",;
this.releaseFailureIssue =, "releaseFailureIssue",;
this.releaseFailureIssueLabel =, "releaseFailureIssueLabel",;
this.releaseSchedule =, "releaseSchedule",;
this.releaseTagPrefix =, "releaseTagPrefix",;
this.releaseTrigger =, "releaseTrigger",;
this.releaseWorkflowName =, "releaseWorkflowName",;
this.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps =, "releaseWorkflowSetupSteps",;
this.versionrcOptions =, "versionrcOptions",;
this.workflowContainerImage =, "workflowContainerImage",;
this.workflowRunsOn =, "workflowRunsOn",;
* Constructor that initializes the object based on literal property values passed by the {@link Builder}.
protected Jsii$Proxy(final Builder builder) {
this.monorepoUpgradeDeps = builder.monorepoUpgradeDeps;
this.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions = builder.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions;
this.nxConfig = builder.nxConfig;
this.workspaceConfig = builder.workspaceConfig;
this.disableTsconfig = builder.disableTsconfig;
this.docgen = builder.docgen;
this.docsDirectory = builder.docsDirectory;
this.entrypointTypes = builder.entrypointTypes;
this.eslint = builder.eslint;
this.eslintOptions = builder.eslintOptions;
this.libdir = builder.libdir;
this.projenrcTs = builder.projenrcTs;
this.projenrcTsOptions = builder.projenrcTsOptions;
this.sampleCode = builder.sampleCode;
this.srcdir = builder.srcdir;
this.testdir = builder.testdir;
this.tsconfig = builder.tsconfig;
this.tsconfigDev = builder.tsconfigDev;
this.tsconfigDevFile = builder.tsconfigDevFile;
this.typescriptVersion = builder.typescriptVersion;
this.defaultReleaseBranch = java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(builder.defaultReleaseBranch, "defaultReleaseBranch is required");
this.artifactsDirectory = builder.artifactsDirectory;
this.autoApproveUpgrades = builder.autoApproveUpgrades;
this.buildWorkflow = builder.buildWorkflow;
this.buildWorkflowTriggers = builder.buildWorkflowTriggers;
this.bundlerOptions = builder.bundlerOptions;
this.codeCov = builder.codeCov;
this.codeCovTokenSecret = builder.codeCovTokenSecret;
this.copyrightOwner = builder.copyrightOwner;
this.copyrightPeriod = builder.copyrightPeriod;
this.dependabot = builder.dependabot;
this.dependabotOptions = builder.dependabotOptions;
this.depsUpgrade = builder.depsUpgrade;
this.depsUpgradeOptions = builder.depsUpgradeOptions;
this.gitignore = builder.gitignore;
this.jest = builder.jest;
this.jestOptions = builder.jestOptions;
this.mutableBuild = builder.mutableBuild;
this.npmignore = builder.npmignore;
this.npmignoreEnabled = builder.npmignoreEnabled;
this.packageValue = builder.packageValue;
this.prettier = builder.prettier;
this.prettierOptions = builder.prettierOptions;
this.projenDevDependency = builder.projenDevDependency;
this.projenrcJs = builder.projenrcJs;
this.projenrcJsOptions = builder.projenrcJsOptions;
this.projenVersion = builder.projenVersion;
this.pullRequestTemplate = builder.pullRequestTemplate;
this.pullRequestTemplateContents = builder.pullRequestTemplateContents;
this.release = builder.release;
this.releaseToNpm = builder.releaseToNpm;
this.releaseWorkflow = builder.releaseWorkflow;
this.workflowBootstrapSteps = (java.util.List)builder.workflowBootstrapSteps;
this.workflowGitIdentity = builder.workflowGitIdentity;
this.workflowNodeVersion = builder.workflowNodeVersion;
this.autoApproveOptions = builder.autoApproveOptions;
this.autoMerge = builder.autoMerge;
this.autoMergeOptions = builder.autoMergeOptions;
this.clobber = builder.clobber;
this.devContainer = builder.devContainer;
this.github = builder.github;
this.githubOptions = builder.githubOptions;
this.gitpod = builder.gitpod;
this.mergify = builder.mergify;
this.mergifyOptions = builder.mergifyOptions;
this.projectType = builder.projectType;
this.projenCredentials = builder.projenCredentials;
this.projenTokenSecret = builder.projenTokenSecret;
this.readme = builder.readme;
this.stale = builder.stale;
this.staleOptions = builder.staleOptions;
this.vscode = builder.vscode; = java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(, "name is required");
this.commitGenerated = builder.commitGenerated;
this.logging = builder.logging;
this.outdir = builder.outdir;
this.parent = builder.parent;
this.projenCommand = builder.projenCommand;
this.projenrcJson = builder.projenrcJson;
this.projenrcJsonOptions = builder.projenrcJsonOptions;
this.renovatebot = builder.renovatebot;
this.renovatebotOptions = builder.renovatebotOptions;
this.allowLibraryDependencies = builder.allowLibraryDependencies;
this.authorEmail = builder.authorEmail;
this.authorName = builder.authorName;
this.authorOrganization = builder.authorOrganization;
this.authorUrl = builder.authorUrl;
this.autoDetectBin = builder.autoDetectBin;
this.bin = builder.bin;
this.bugsEmail = builder.bugsEmail;
this.bugsUrl = builder.bugsUrl;
this.bundledDeps = builder.bundledDeps;
this.codeArtifactOptions = builder.codeArtifactOptions;
this.deps = builder.deps;
this.description = builder.description;
this.devDeps = builder.devDeps;
this.entrypoint = builder.entrypoint;
this.homepage = builder.homepage;
this.keywords = builder.keywords;
this.license = builder.license;
this.licensed = builder.licensed;
this.maxNodeVersion = builder.maxNodeVersion;
this.minNodeVersion = builder.minNodeVersion;
this.npmAccess = builder.npmAccess;
this.npmRegistry = builder.npmRegistry;
this.npmRegistryUrl = builder.npmRegistryUrl;
this.npmTokenSecret = builder.npmTokenSecret;
this.packageManager = builder.packageManager;
this.packageName = builder.packageName;
this.peerDependencyOptions = builder.peerDependencyOptions;
this.peerDeps = builder.peerDeps;
this.repository = builder.repository;
this.repositoryDirectory = builder.repositoryDirectory;
this.scopedPackagesOptions = (java.util.List)builder.scopedPackagesOptions;
this.scripts = builder.scripts;
this.stability = builder.stability;
this.jsiiReleaseVersion = builder.jsiiReleaseVersion;
this.majorVersion = builder.majorVersion;
this.minMajorVersion = builder.minMajorVersion;
this.npmDistTag = builder.npmDistTag;
this.postBuildSteps = (java.util.List)builder.postBuildSteps;
this.prerelease = builder.prerelease;
this.publishDryRun = builder.publishDryRun;
this.publishTasks = builder.publishTasks;
this.releaseBranches = (java.util.Map)builder.releaseBranches;
this.releaseEveryCommit = builder.releaseEveryCommit;
this.releaseFailureIssue = builder.releaseFailureIssue;
this.releaseFailureIssueLabel = builder.releaseFailureIssueLabel;
this.releaseSchedule = builder.releaseSchedule;
this.releaseTagPrefix = builder.releaseTagPrefix;
this.releaseTrigger = builder.releaseTrigger;
this.releaseWorkflowName = builder.releaseWorkflowName;
this.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps = (java.util.List)builder.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps;
this.versionrcOptions = (java.util.Map)builder.versionrcOptions;
this.workflowContainerImage = builder.workflowContainerImage;
this.workflowRunsOn = builder.workflowRunsOn;
public final java.lang.Boolean getMonorepoUpgradeDeps() {
return this.monorepoUpgradeDeps;
public final getMonorepoUpgradeDepsOptions() {
return this.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions;
public final getNxConfig() {
return this.nxConfig;
public final getWorkspaceConfig() {
return this.workspaceConfig;
public final java.lang.Boolean getDisableTsconfig() {
return this.disableTsconfig;
public final java.lang.Boolean getDocgen() {
return this.docgen;
public final java.lang.String getDocsDirectory() {
return this.docsDirectory;
public final java.lang.String getEntrypointTypes() {
return this.entrypointTypes;
public final java.lang.Boolean getEslint() {
return this.eslint;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.EslintOptions getEslintOptions() {
return this.eslintOptions;
public final java.lang.String getLibdir() {
return this.libdir;
public final java.lang.Boolean getProjenrcTs() {
return this.projenrcTs;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.typescript.ProjenrcOptions getProjenrcTsOptions() {
return this.projenrcTsOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getSampleCode() {
return this.sampleCode;
public final java.lang.String getSrcdir() {
return this.srcdir;
public final java.lang.String getTestdir() {
return this.testdir;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.TypescriptConfigOptions getTsconfig() {
return this.tsconfig;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.TypescriptConfigOptions getTsconfigDev() {
return this.tsconfigDev;
public final java.lang.String getTsconfigDevFile() {
return this.tsconfigDevFile;
public final java.lang.String getTypescriptVersion() {
return this.typescriptVersion;
public final java.lang.String getDefaultReleaseBranch() {
return this.defaultReleaseBranch;
public final java.lang.String getArtifactsDirectory() {
return this.artifactsDirectory;
public final java.lang.Boolean getAutoApproveUpgrades() {
return this.autoApproveUpgrades;
public final java.lang.Boolean getBuildWorkflow() {
return this.buildWorkflow;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.workflows.Triggers getBuildWorkflowTriggers() {
return this.buildWorkflowTriggers;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.BundlerOptions getBundlerOptions() {
return this.bundlerOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getCodeCov() {
return this.codeCov;
public final java.lang.String getCodeCovTokenSecret() {
return this.codeCovTokenSecret;
public final java.lang.String getCopyrightOwner() {
return this.copyrightOwner;
public final java.lang.String getCopyrightPeriod() {
return this.copyrightPeriod;
public final java.lang.Boolean getDependabot() {
return this.dependabot;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.DependabotOptions getDependabotOptions() {
return this.dependabotOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getDepsUpgrade() {
return this.depsUpgrade;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.UpgradeDependenciesOptions getDepsUpgradeOptions() {
return this.depsUpgradeOptions;
public final java.util.List getGitignore() {
return this.gitignore;
public final java.lang.Boolean getJest() {
return this.jest;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.JestOptions getJestOptions() {
return this.jestOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getMutableBuild() {
return this.mutableBuild;
public final java.util.List getNpmignore() {
return this.npmignore;
public final java.lang.Boolean getNpmignoreEnabled() {
return this.npmignoreEnabled;
public final java.lang.Boolean getPackageValue() {
return this.packageValue;
public final java.lang.Boolean getPrettier() {
return this.prettier;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.PrettierOptions getPrettierOptions() {
return this.prettierOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getProjenDevDependency() {
return this.projenDevDependency;
public final java.lang.Boolean getProjenrcJs() {
return this.projenrcJs;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.ProjenrcOptions getProjenrcJsOptions() {
return this.projenrcJsOptions;
public final java.lang.String getProjenVersion() {
return this.projenVersion;
public final java.lang.Boolean getPullRequestTemplate() {
return this.pullRequestTemplate;
public final java.util.List getPullRequestTemplateContents() {
return this.pullRequestTemplateContents;
public final java.lang.Boolean getRelease() {
return this.release;
public final java.lang.Boolean getReleaseToNpm() {
return this.releaseToNpm;
public final java.lang.Boolean getReleaseWorkflow() {
return this.releaseWorkflow;
public final java.util.List getWorkflowBootstrapSteps() {
return this.workflowBootstrapSteps;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GitIdentity getWorkflowGitIdentity() {
return this.workflowGitIdentity;
public final java.lang.String getWorkflowNodeVersion() {
return this.workflowNodeVersion;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.AutoApproveOptions getAutoApproveOptions() {
return this.autoApproveOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getAutoMerge() {
return this.autoMerge;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.AutoMergeOptions getAutoMergeOptions() {
return this.autoMergeOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getClobber() {
return this.clobber;
public final java.lang.Boolean getDevContainer() {
return this.devContainer;
public final java.lang.Boolean getGithub() {
return this.github;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GitHubOptions getGithubOptions() {
return this.githubOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getGitpod() {
return this.gitpod;
public final java.lang.Boolean getMergify() {
return this.mergify;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.MergifyOptions getMergifyOptions() {
return this.mergifyOptions;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.ProjectType getProjectType() {
return this.projectType;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.GithubCredentials getProjenCredentials() {
return this.projenCredentials;
public final java.lang.String getProjenTokenSecret() {
return this.projenTokenSecret;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.SampleReadmeProps getReadme() {
return this.readme;
public final java.lang.Boolean getStale() {
return this.stale;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.github.StaleOptions getStaleOptions() {
return this.staleOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getVscode() {
return this.vscode;
public final java.lang.String getName() {
public final java.lang.Boolean getCommitGenerated() {
return this.commitGenerated;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.LoggerOptions getLogging() {
return this.logging;
public final java.lang.String getOutdir() {
return this.outdir;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.Project getParent() {
return this.parent;
public final java.lang.String getProjenCommand() {
return this.projenCommand;
public final java.lang.Boolean getProjenrcJson() {
return this.projenrcJson;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.ProjenrcOptions getProjenrcJsonOptions() {
return this.projenrcJsonOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getRenovatebot() {
return this.renovatebot;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.RenovatebotOptions getRenovatebotOptions() {
return this.renovatebotOptions;
public final java.lang.Boolean getAllowLibraryDependencies() {
return this.allowLibraryDependencies;
public final java.lang.String getAuthorEmail() {
return this.authorEmail;
public final java.lang.String getAuthorName() {
return this.authorName;
public final java.lang.Boolean getAuthorOrganization() {
return this.authorOrganization;
public final java.lang.String getAuthorUrl() {
return this.authorUrl;
public final java.lang.Boolean getAutoDetectBin() {
return this.autoDetectBin;
public final java.util.Map getBin() {
return this.bin;
public final java.lang.String getBugsEmail() {
return this.bugsEmail;
public final java.lang.String getBugsUrl() {
return this.bugsUrl;
public final java.util.List getBundledDeps() {
return this.bundledDeps;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.CodeArtifactOptions getCodeArtifactOptions() {
return this.codeArtifactOptions;
public final java.util.List getDeps() {
return this.deps;
public final java.lang.String getDescription() {
return this.description;
public final java.util.List getDevDeps() {
return this.devDeps;
public final java.lang.String getEntrypoint() {
return this.entrypoint;
public final java.lang.String getHomepage() {
return this.homepage;
public final java.util.List getKeywords() {
return this.keywords;
public final java.lang.String getLicense() {
return this.license;
public final java.lang.Boolean getLicensed() {
return this.licensed;
public final java.lang.String getMaxNodeVersion() {
return this.maxNodeVersion;
public final java.lang.String getMinNodeVersion() {
return this.minNodeVersion;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.NpmAccess getNpmAccess() {
return this.npmAccess;
public final java.lang.String getNpmRegistry() {
return this.npmRegistry;
public final java.lang.String getNpmRegistryUrl() {
return this.npmRegistryUrl;
public final java.lang.String getNpmTokenSecret() {
return this.npmTokenSecret;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.NodePackageManager getPackageManager() {
return this.packageManager;
public final java.lang.String getPackageName() {
return this.packageName;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.javascript.PeerDependencyOptions getPeerDependencyOptions() {
return this.peerDependencyOptions;
public final java.util.List getPeerDeps() {
return this.peerDeps;
public final java.lang.String getRepository() {
return this.repository;
public final java.lang.String getRepositoryDirectory() {
return this.repositoryDirectory;
public final java.util.List getScopedPackagesOptions() {
return this.scopedPackagesOptions;
public final java.util.Map getScripts() {
return this.scripts;
public final java.lang.String getStability() {
return this.stability;
public final java.lang.String getJsiiReleaseVersion() {
return this.jsiiReleaseVersion;
public final java.lang.Number getMajorVersion() {
return this.majorVersion;
public final java.lang.Number getMinMajorVersion() {
return this.minMajorVersion;
public final java.lang.String getNpmDistTag() {
return this.npmDistTag;
public final java.util.List getPostBuildSteps() {
return this.postBuildSteps;
public final java.lang.String getPrerelease() {
return this.prerelease;
public final java.lang.Boolean getPublishDryRun() {
return this.publishDryRun;
public final java.lang.Boolean getPublishTasks() {
return this.publishTasks;
public final java.util.Map getReleaseBranches() {
return this.releaseBranches;
public final java.lang.Boolean getReleaseEveryCommit() {
return this.releaseEveryCommit;
public final java.lang.Boolean getReleaseFailureIssue() {
return this.releaseFailureIssue;
public final java.lang.String getReleaseFailureIssueLabel() {
return this.releaseFailureIssueLabel;
public final java.lang.String getReleaseSchedule() {
return this.releaseSchedule;
public final java.lang.String getReleaseTagPrefix() {
return this.releaseTagPrefix;
public final io.github.cdklabs.projen.release.ReleaseTrigger getReleaseTrigger() {
return this.releaseTrigger;
public final java.lang.String getReleaseWorkflowName() {
return this.releaseWorkflowName;
public final java.util.List getReleaseWorkflowSetupSteps() {
return this.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps;
public final java.util.Map getVersionrcOptions() {
return this.versionrcOptions;
public final java.lang.String getWorkflowContainerImage() {
return this.workflowContainerImage;
public final java.util.List getWorkflowRunsOn() {
return this.workflowRunsOn;
public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode $jsii$toJson() {
final com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper om =;
final com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode data = com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
if (this.getMonorepoUpgradeDeps() != null) {
data.set("monorepoUpgradeDeps", om.valueToTree(this.getMonorepoUpgradeDeps()));
if (this.getMonorepoUpgradeDepsOptions() != null) {
data.set("monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getMonorepoUpgradeDepsOptions()));
if (this.getNxConfig() != null) {
data.set("nxConfig", om.valueToTree(this.getNxConfig()));
if (this.getWorkspaceConfig() != null) {
data.set("workspaceConfig", om.valueToTree(this.getWorkspaceConfig()));
if (this.getDisableTsconfig() != null) {
data.set("disableTsconfig", om.valueToTree(this.getDisableTsconfig()));
if (this.getDocgen() != null) {
data.set("docgen", om.valueToTree(this.getDocgen()));
if (this.getDocsDirectory() != null) {
data.set("docsDirectory", om.valueToTree(this.getDocsDirectory()));
if (this.getEntrypointTypes() != null) {
data.set("entrypointTypes", om.valueToTree(this.getEntrypointTypes()));
if (this.getEslint() != null) {
data.set("eslint", om.valueToTree(this.getEslint()));
if (this.getEslintOptions() != null) {
data.set("eslintOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getEslintOptions()));
if (this.getLibdir() != null) {
data.set("libdir", om.valueToTree(this.getLibdir()));
if (this.getProjenrcTs() != null) {
data.set("projenrcTs", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenrcTs()));
if (this.getProjenrcTsOptions() != null) {
data.set("projenrcTsOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenrcTsOptions()));
if (this.getSampleCode() != null) {
data.set("sampleCode", om.valueToTree(this.getSampleCode()));
if (this.getSrcdir() != null) {
data.set("srcdir", om.valueToTree(this.getSrcdir()));
if (this.getTestdir() != null) {
data.set("testdir", om.valueToTree(this.getTestdir()));
if (this.getTsconfig() != null) {
data.set("tsconfig", om.valueToTree(this.getTsconfig()));
if (this.getTsconfigDev() != null) {
data.set("tsconfigDev", om.valueToTree(this.getTsconfigDev()));
if (this.getTsconfigDevFile() != null) {
data.set("tsconfigDevFile", om.valueToTree(this.getTsconfigDevFile()));
if (this.getTypescriptVersion() != null) {
data.set("typescriptVersion", om.valueToTree(this.getTypescriptVersion()));
data.set("defaultReleaseBranch", om.valueToTree(this.getDefaultReleaseBranch()));
if (this.getArtifactsDirectory() != null) {
data.set("artifactsDirectory", om.valueToTree(this.getArtifactsDirectory()));
if (this.getAutoApproveUpgrades() != null) {
data.set("autoApproveUpgrades", om.valueToTree(this.getAutoApproveUpgrades()));
if (this.getBuildWorkflow() != null) {
data.set("buildWorkflow", om.valueToTree(this.getBuildWorkflow()));
if (this.getBuildWorkflowTriggers() != null) {
data.set("buildWorkflowTriggers", om.valueToTree(this.getBuildWorkflowTriggers()));
if (this.getBundlerOptions() != null) {
data.set("bundlerOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getBundlerOptions()));
if (this.getCodeCov() != null) {
data.set("codeCov", om.valueToTree(this.getCodeCov()));
if (this.getCodeCovTokenSecret() != null) {
data.set("codeCovTokenSecret", om.valueToTree(this.getCodeCovTokenSecret()));
if (this.getCopyrightOwner() != null) {
data.set("copyrightOwner", om.valueToTree(this.getCopyrightOwner()));
if (this.getCopyrightPeriod() != null) {
data.set("copyrightPeriod", om.valueToTree(this.getCopyrightPeriod()));
if (this.getDependabot() != null) {
data.set("dependabot", om.valueToTree(this.getDependabot()));
if (this.getDependabotOptions() != null) {
data.set("dependabotOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getDependabotOptions()));
if (this.getDepsUpgrade() != null) {
data.set("depsUpgrade", om.valueToTree(this.getDepsUpgrade()));
if (this.getDepsUpgradeOptions() != null) {
data.set("depsUpgradeOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getDepsUpgradeOptions()));
if (this.getGitignore() != null) {
data.set("gitignore", om.valueToTree(this.getGitignore()));
if (this.getJest() != null) {
data.set("jest", om.valueToTree(this.getJest()));
if (this.getJestOptions() != null) {
data.set("jestOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getJestOptions()));
if (this.getMutableBuild() != null) {
data.set("mutableBuild", om.valueToTree(this.getMutableBuild()));
if (this.getNpmignore() != null) {
data.set("npmignore", om.valueToTree(this.getNpmignore()));
if (this.getNpmignoreEnabled() != null) {
data.set("npmignoreEnabled", om.valueToTree(this.getNpmignoreEnabled()));
if (this.getPackageValue() != null) {
data.set("package", om.valueToTree(this.getPackageValue()));
if (this.getPrettier() != null) {
data.set("prettier", om.valueToTree(this.getPrettier()));
if (this.getPrettierOptions() != null) {
data.set("prettierOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getPrettierOptions()));
if (this.getProjenDevDependency() != null) {
data.set("projenDevDependency", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenDevDependency()));
if (this.getProjenrcJs() != null) {
data.set("projenrcJs", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenrcJs()));
if (this.getProjenrcJsOptions() != null) {
data.set("projenrcJsOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenrcJsOptions()));
if (this.getProjenVersion() != null) {
data.set("projenVersion", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenVersion()));
if (this.getPullRequestTemplate() != null) {
data.set("pullRequestTemplate", om.valueToTree(this.getPullRequestTemplate()));
if (this.getPullRequestTemplateContents() != null) {
data.set("pullRequestTemplateContents", om.valueToTree(this.getPullRequestTemplateContents()));
if (this.getRelease() != null) {
data.set("release", om.valueToTree(this.getRelease()));
if (this.getReleaseToNpm() != null) {
data.set("releaseToNpm", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseToNpm()));
if (this.getReleaseWorkflow() != null) {
data.set("releaseWorkflow", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseWorkflow()));
if (this.getWorkflowBootstrapSteps() != null) {
data.set("workflowBootstrapSteps", om.valueToTree(this.getWorkflowBootstrapSteps()));
if (this.getWorkflowGitIdentity() != null) {
data.set("workflowGitIdentity", om.valueToTree(this.getWorkflowGitIdentity()));
if (this.getWorkflowNodeVersion() != null) {
data.set("workflowNodeVersion", om.valueToTree(this.getWorkflowNodeVersion()));
if (this.getAutoApproveOptions() != null) {
data.set("autoApproveOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getAutoApproveOptions()));
if (this.getAutoMerge() != null) {
data.set("autoMerge", om.valueToTree(this.getAutoMerge()));
if (this.getAutoMergeOptions() != null) {
data.set("autoMergeOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getAutoMergeOptions()));
if (this.getClobber() != null) {
data.set("clobber", om.valueToTree(this.getClobber()));
if (this.getDevContainer() != null) {
data.set("devContainer", om.valueToTree(this.getDevContainer()));
if (this.getGithub() != null) {
data.set("github", om.valueToTree(this.getGithub()));
if (this.getGithubOptions() != null) {
data.set("githubOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getGithubOptions()));
if (this.getGitpod() != null) {
data.set("gitpod", om.valueToTree(this.getGitpod()));
if (this.getMergify() != null) {
data.set("mergify", om.valueToTree(this.getMergify()));
if (this.getMergifyOptions() != null) {
data.set("mergifyOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getMergifyOptions()));
if (this.getProjectType() != null) {
data.set("projectType", om.valueToTree(this.getProjectType()));
if (this.getProjenCredentials() != null) {
data.set("projenCredentials", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenCredentials()));
if (this.getProjenTokenSecret() != null) {
data.set("projenTokenSecret", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenTokenSecret()));
if (this.getReadme() != null) {
data.set("readme", om.valueToTree(this.getReadme()));
if (this.getStale() != null) {
data.set("stale", om.valueToTree(this.getStale()));
if (this.getStaleOptions() != null) {
data.set("staleOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getStaleOptions()));
if (this.getVscode() != null) {
data.set("vscode", om.valueToTree(this.getVscode()));
data.set("name", om.valueToTree(this.getName()));
if (this.getCommitGenerated() != null) {
data.set("commitGenerated", om.valueToTree(this.getCommitGenerated()));
if (this.getLogging() != null) {
data.set("logging", om.valueToTree(this.getLogging()));
if (this.getOutdir() != null) {
data.set("outdir", om.valueToTree(this.getOutdir()));
if (this.getParent() != null) {
data.set("parent", om.valueToTree(this.getParent()));
if (this.getProjenCommand() != null) {
data.set("projenCommand", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenCommand()));
if (this.getProjenrcJson() != null) {
data.set("projenrcJson", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenrcJson()));
if (this.getProjenrcJsonOptions() != null) {
data.set("projenrcJsonOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getProjenrcJsonOptions()));
if (this.getRenovatebot() != null) {
data.set("renovatebot", om.valueToTree(this.getRenovatebot()));
if (this.getRenovatebotOptions() != null) {
data.set("renovatebotOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getRenovatebotOptions()));
if (this.getAllowLibraryDependencies() != null) {
data.set("allowLibraryDependencies", om.valueToTree(this.getAllowLibraryDependencies()));
if (this.getAuthorEmail() != null) {
data.set("authorEmail", om.valueToTree(this.getAuthorEmail()));
if (this.getAuthorName() != null) {
data.set("authorName", om.valueToTree(this.getAuthorName()));
if (this.getAuthorOrganization() != null) {
data.set("authorOrganization", om.valueToTree(this.getAuthorOrganization()));
if (this.getAuthorUrl() != null) {
data.set("authorUrl", om.valueToTree(this.getAuthorUrl()));
if (this.getAutoDetectBin() != null) {
data.set("autoDetectBin", om.valueToTree(this.getAutoDetectBin()));
if (this.getBin() != null) {
data.set("bin", om.valueToTree(this.getBin()));
if (this.getBugsEmail() != null) {
data.set("bugsEmail", om.valueToTree(this.getBugsEmail()));
if (this.getBugsUrl() != null) {
data.set("bugsUrl", om.valueToTree(this.getBugsUrl()));
if (this.getBundledDeps() != null) {
data.set("bundledDeps", om.valueToTree(this.getBundledDeps()));
if (this.getCodeArtifactOptions() != null) {
data.set("codeArtifactOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getCodeArtifactOptions()));
if (this.getDeps() != null) {
data.set("deps", om.valueToTree(this.getDeps()));
if (this.getDescription() != null) {
data.set("description", om.valueToTree(this.getDescription()));
if (this.getDevDeps() != null) {
data.set("devDeps", om.valueToTree(this.getDevDeps()));
if (this.getEntrypoint() != null) {
data.set("entrypoint", om.valueToTree(this.getEntrypoint()));
if (this.getHomepage() != null) {
data.set("homepage", om.valueToTree(this.getHomepage()));
if (this.getKeywords() != null) {
data.set("keywords", om.valueToTree(this.getKeywords()));
if (this.getLicense() != null) {
data.set("license", om.valueToTree(this.getLicense()));
if (this.getLicensed() != null) {
data.set("licensed", om.valueToTree(this.getLicensed()));
if (this.getMaxNodeVersion() != null) {
data.set("maxNodeVersion", om.valueToTree(this.getMaxNodeVersion()));
if (this.getMinNodeVersion() != null) {
data.set("minNodeVersion", om.valueToTree(this.getMinNodeVersion()));
if (this.getNpmAccess() != null) {
data.set("npmAccess", om.valueToTree(this.getNpmAccess()));
if (this.getNpmRegistry() != null) {
data.set("npmRegistry", om.valueToTree(this.getNpmRegistry()));
if (this.getNpmRegistryUrl() != null) {
data.set("npmRegistryUrl", om.valueToTree(this.getNpmRegistryUrl()));
if (this.getNpmTokenSecret() != null) {
data.set("npmTokenSecret", om.valueToTree(this.getNpmTokenSecret()));
if (this.getPackageManager() != null) {
data.set("packageManager", om.valueToTree(this.getPackageManager()));
if (this.getPackageName() != null) {
data.set("packageName", om.valueToTree(this.getPackageName()));
if (this.getPeerDependencyOptions() != null) {
data.set("peerDependencyOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getPeerDependencyOptions()));
if (this.getPeerDeps() != null) {
data.set("peerDeps", om.valueToTree(this.getPeerDeps()));
if (this.getRepository() != null) {
data.set("repository", om.valueToTree(this.getRepository()));
if (this.getRepositoryDirectory() != null) {
data.set("repositoryDirectory", om.valueToTree(this.getRepositoryDirectory()));
if (this.getScopedPackagesOptions() != null) {
data.set("scopedPackagesOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getScopedPackagesOptions()));
if (this.getScripts() != null) {
data.set("scripts", om.valueToTree(this.getScripts()));
if (this.getStability() != null) {
data.set("stability", om.valueToTree(this.getStability()));
if (this.getJsiiReleaseVersion() != null) {
data.set("jsiiReleaseVersion", om.valueToTree(this.getJsiiReleaseVersion()));
if (this.getMajorVersion() != null) {
data.set("majorVersion", om.valueToTree(this.getMajorVersion()));
if (this.getMinMajorVersion() != null) {
data.set("minMajorVersion", om.valueToTree(this.getMinMajorVersion()));
if (this.getNpmDistTag() != null) {
data.set("npmDistTag", om.valueToTree(this.getNpmDistTag()));
if (this.getPostBuildSteps() != null) {
data.set("postBuildSteps", om.valueToTree(this.getPostBuildSteps()));
if (this.getPrerelease() != null) {
data.set("prerelease", om.valueToTree(this.getPrerelease()));
if (this.getPublishDryRun() != null) {
data.set("publishDryRun", om.valueToTree(this.getPublishDryRun()));
if (this.getPublishTasks() != null) {
data.set("publishTasks", om.valueToTree(this.getPublishTasks()));
if (this.getReleaseBranches() != null) {
data.set("releaseBranches", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseBranches()));
if (this.getReleaseEveryCommit() != null) {
data.set("releaseEveryCommit", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseEveryCommit()));
if (this.getReleaseFailureIssue() != null) {
data.set("releaseFailureIssue", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseFailureIssue()));
if (this.getReleaseFailureIssueLabel() != null) {
data.set("releaseFailureIssueLabel", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseFailureIssueLabel()));
if (this.getReleaseSchedule() != null) {
data.set("releaseSchedule", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseSchedule()));
if (this.getReleaseTagPrefix() != null) {
data.set("releaseTagPrefix", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseTagPrefix()));
if (this.getReleaseTrigger() != null) {
data.set("releaseTrigger", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseTrigger()));
if (this.getReleaseWorkflowName() != null) {
data.set("releaseWorkflowName", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseWorkflowName()));
if (this.getReleaseWorkflowSetupSteps() != null) {
data.set("releaseWorkflowSetupSteps", om.valueToTree(this.getReleaseWorkflowSetupSteps()));
if (this.getVersionrcOptions() != null) {
data.set("versionrcOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getVersionrcOptions()));
if (this.getWorkflowContainerImage() != null) {
data.set("workflowContainerImage", om.valueToTree(this.getWorkflowContainerImage()));
if (this.getWorkflowRunsOn() != null) {
data.set("workflowRunsOn", om.valueToTree(this.getWorkflowRunsOn()));
final com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode struct = com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
struct.set("fqn", om.valueToTree("aws-prototyping-sdk.nx_monorepo.NxMonorepoProjectOptions"));
struct.set("data", data);
final com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode obj = com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
obj.set("$jsii.struct", struct);
return obj;
public final boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
NxMonorepoProjectOptions.Jsii$Proxy that = (NxMonorepoProjectOptions.Jsii$Proxy) o;
if (this.monorepoUpgradeDeps != null ? !this.monorepoUpgradeDeps.equals(that.monorepoUpgradeDeps) : that.monorepoUpgradeDeps != null) return false;
if (this.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions != null ? !this.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions.equals(that.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions) : that.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions != null) return false;
if (this.nxConfig != null ? !this.nxConfig.equals(that.nxConfig) : that.nxConfig != null) return false;
if (this.workspaceConfig != null ? !this.workspaceConfig.equals(that.workspaceConfig) : that.workspaceConfig != null) return false;
if (this.disableTsconfig != null ? !this.disableTsconfig.equals(that.disableTsconfig) : that.disableTsconfig != null) return false;
if (this.docgen != null ? !this.docgen.equals(that.docgen) : that.docgen != null) return false;
if (this.docsDirectory != null ? !this.docsDirectory.equals(that.docsDirectory) : that.docsDirectory != null) return false;
if (this.entrypointTypes != null ? !this.entrypointTypes.equals(that.entrypointTypes) : that.entrypointTypes != null) return false;
if (this.eslint != null ? !this.eslint.equals(that.eslint) : that.eslint != null) return false;
if (this.eslintOptions != null ? !this.eslintOptions.equals(that.eslintOptions) : that.eslintOptions != null) return false;
if (this.libdir != null ? !this.libdir.equals(that.libdir) : that.libdir != null) return false;
if (this.projenrcTs != null ? !this.projenrcTs.equals(that.projenrcTs) : that.projenrcTs != null) return false;
if (this.projenrcTsOptions != null ? !this.projenrcTsOptions.equals(that.projenrcTsOptions) : that.projenrcTsOptions != null) return false;
if (this.sampleCode != null ? !this.sampleCode.equals(that.sampleCode) : that.sampleCode != null) return false;
if (this.srcdir != null ? !this.srcdir.equals(that.srcdir) : that.srcdir != null) return false;
if (this.testdir != null ? !this.testdir.equals(that.testdir) : that.testdir != null) return false;
if (this.tsconfig != null ? !this.tsconfig.equals(that.tsconfig) : that.tsconfig != null) return false;
if (this.tsconfigDev != null ? !this.tsconfigDev.equals(that.tsconfigDev) : that.tsconfigDev != null) return false;
if (this.tsconfigDevFile != null ? !this.tsconfigDevFile.equals(that.tsconfigDevFile) : that.tsconfigDevFile != null) return false;
if (this.typescriptVersion != null ? !this.typescriptVersion.equals(that.typescriptVersion) : that.typescriptVersion != null) return false;
if (!defaultReleaseBranch.equals(that.defaultReleaseBranch)) return false;
if (this.artifactsDirectory != null ? !this.artifactsDirectory.equals(that.artifactsDirectory) : that.artifactsDirectory != null) return false;
if (this.autoApproveUpgrades != null ? !this.autoApproveUpgrades.equals(that.autoApproveUpgrades) : that.autoApproveUpgrades != null) return false;
if (this.buildWorkflow != null ? !this.buildWorkflow.equals(that.buildWorkflow) : that.buildWorkflow != null) return false;
if (this.buildWorkflowTriggers != null ? !this.buildWorkflowTriggers.equals(that.buildWorkflowTriggers) : that.buildWorkflowTriggers != null) return false;
if (this.bundlerOptions != null ? !this.bundlerOptions.equals(that.bundlerOptions) : that.bundlerOptions != null) return false;
if (this.codeCov != null ? !this.codeCov.equals(that.codeCov) : that.codeCov != null) return false;
if (this.codeCovTokenSecret != null ? !this.codeCovTokenSecret.equals(that.codeCovTokenSecret) : that.codeCovTokenSecret != null) return false;
if (this.copyrightOwner != null ? !this.copyrightOwner.equals(that.copyrightOwner) : that.copyrightOwner != null) return false;
if (this.copyrightPeriod != null ? !this.copyrightPeriod.equals(that.copyrightPeriod) : that.copyrightPeriod != null) return false;
if (this.dependabot != null ? !this.dependabot.equals(that.dependabot) : that.dependabot != null) return false;
if (this.dependabotOptions != null ? !this.dependabotOptions.equals(that.dependabotOptions) : that.dependabotOptions != null) return false;
if (this.depsUpgrade != null ? !this.depsUpgrade.equals(that.depsUpgrade) : that.depsUpgrade != null) return false;
if (this.depsUpgradeOptions != null ? !this.depsUpgradeOptions.equals(that.depsUpgradeOptions) : that.depsUpgradeOptions != null) return false;
if (this.gitignore != null ? !this.gitignore.equals(that.gitignore) : that.gitignore != null) return false;
if (this.jest != null ? !this.jest.equals(that.jest) : that.jest != null) return false;
if (this.jestOptions != null ? !this.jestOptions.equals(that.jestOptions) : that.jestOptions != null) return false;
if (this.mutableBuild != null ? !this.mutableBuild.equals(that.mutableBuild) : that.mutableBuild != null) return false;
if (this.npmignore != null ? !this.npmignore.equals(that.npmignore) : that.npmignore != null) return false;
if (this.npmignoreEnabled != null ? !this.npmignoreEnabled.equals(that.npmignoreEnabled) : that.npmignoreEnabled != null) return false;
if (this.packageValue != null ? !this.packageValue.equals(that.packageValue) : that.packageValue != null) return false;
if (this.prettier != null ? !this.prettier.equals(that.prettier) : that.prettier != null) return false;
if (this.prettierOptions != null ? !this.prettierOptions.equals(that.prettierOptions) : that.prettierOptions != null) return false;
if (this.projenDevDependency != null ? !this.projenDevDependency.equals(that.projenDevDependency) : that.projenDevDependency != null) return false;
if (this.projenrcJs != null ? !this.projenrcJs.equals(that.projenrcJs) : that.projenrcJs != null) return false;
if (this.projenrcJsOptions != null ? !this.projenrcJsOptions.equals(that.projenrcJsOptions) : that.projenrcJsOptions != null) return false;
if (this.projenVersion != null ? !this.projenVersion.equals(that.projenVersion) : that.projenVersion != null) return false;
if (this.pullRequestTemplate != null ? !this.pullRequestTemplate.equals(that.pullRequestTemplate) : that.pullRequestTemplate != null) return false;
if (this.pullRequestTemplateContents != null ? !this.pullRequestTemplateContents.equals(that.pullRequestTemplateContents) : that.pullRequestTemplateContents != null) return false;
if (this.release != null ? !this.release.equals(that.release) : that.release != null) return false;
if (this.releaseToNpm != null ? !this.releaseToNpm.equals(that.releaseToNpm) : that.releaseToNpm != null) return false;
if (this.releaseWorkflow != null ? !this.releaseWorkflow.equals(that.releaseWorkflow) : that.releaseWorkflow != null) return false;
if (this.workflowBootstrapSteps != null ? !this.workflowBootstrapSteps.equals(that.workflowBootstrapSteps) : that.workflowBootstrapSteps != null) return false;
if (this.workflowGitIdentity != null ? !this.workflowGitIdentity.equals(that.workflowGitIdentity) : that.workflowGitIdentity != null) return false;
if (this.workflowNodeVersion != null ? !this.workflowNodeVersion.equals(that.workflowNodeVersion) : that.workflowNodeVersion != null) return false;
if (this.autoApproveOptions != null ? !this.autoApproveOptions.equals(that.autoApproveOptions) : that.autoApproveOptions != null) return false;
if (this.autoMerge != null ? !this.autoMerge.equals(that.autoMerge) : that.autoMerge != null) return false;
if (this.autoMergeOptions != null ? !this.autoMergeOptions.equals(that.autoMergeOptions) : that.autoMergeOptions != null) return false;
if (this.clobber != null ? !this.clobber.equals(that.clobber) : that.clobber != null) return false;
if (this.devContainer != null ? !this.devContainer.equals(that.devContainer) : that.devContainer != null) return false;
if (this.github != null ? !this.github.equals(that.github) : that.github != null) return false;
if (this.githubOptions != null ? !this.githubOptions.equals(that.githubOptions) : that.githubOptions != null) return false;
if (this.gitpod != null ? !this.gitpod.equals(that.gitpod) : that.gitpod != null) return false;
if (this.mergify != null ? !this.mergify.equals(that.mergify) : that.mergify != null) return false;
if (this.mergifyOptions != null ? !this.mergifyOptions.equals(that.mergifyOptions) : that.mergifyOptions != null) return false;
if (this.projectType != null ? !this.projectType.equals(that.projectType) : that.projectType != null) return false;
if (this.projenCredentials != null ? !this.projenCredentials.equals(that.projenCredentials) : that.projenCredentials != null) return false;
if (this.projenTokenSecret != null ? !this.projenTokenSecret.equals(that.projenTokenSecret) : that.projenTokenSecret != null) return false;
if (this.readme != null ? !this.readme.equals(that.readme) : that.readme != null) return false;
if (this.stale != null ? !this.stale.equals(that.stale) : that.stale != null) return false;
if (this.staleOptions != null ? !this.staleOptions.equals(that.staleOptions) : that.staleOptions != null) return false;
if (this.vscode != null ? !this.vscode.equals(that.vscode) : that.vscode != null) return false;
if (!name.equals( return false;
if (this.commitGenerated != null ? !this.commitGenerated.equals(that.commitGenerated) : that.commitGenerated != null) return false;
if (this.logging != null ? !this.logging.equals(that.logging) : that.logging != null) return false;
if (this.outdir != null ? !this.outdir.equals(that.outdir) : that.outdir != null) return false;
if (this.parent != null ? !this.parent.equals(that.parent) : that.parent != null) return false;
if (this.projenCommand != null ? !this.projenCommand.equals(that.projenCommand) : that.projenCommand != null) return false;
if (this.projenrcJson != null ? !this.projenrcJson.equals(that.projenrcJson) : that.projenrcJson != null) return false;
if (this.projenrcJsonOptions != null ? !this.projenrcJsonOptions.equals(that.projenrcJsonOptions) : that.projenrcJsonOptions != null) return false;
if (this.renovatebot != null ? !this.renovatebot.equals(that.renovatebot) : that.renovatebot != null) return false;
if (this.renovatebotOptions != null ? !this.renovatebotOptions.equals(that.renovatebotOptions) : that.renovatebotOptions != null) return false;
if (this.allowLibraryDependencies != null ? !this.allowLibraryDependencies.equals(that.allowLibraryDependencies) : that.allowLibraryDependencies != null) return false;
if (this.authorEmail != null ? !this.authorEmail.equals(that.authorEmail) : that.authorEmail != null) return false;
if (this.authorName != null ? !this.authorName.equals(that.authorName) : that.authorName != null) return false;
if (this.authorOrganization != null ? !this.authorOrganization.equals(that.authorOrganization) : that.authorOrganization != null) return false;
if (this.authorUrl != null ? !this.authorUrl.equals(that.authorUrl) : that.authorUrl != null) return false;
if (this.autoDetectBin != null ? !this.autoDetectBin.equals(that.autoDetectBin) : that.autoDetectBin != null) return false;
if (this.bin != null ? !this.bin.equals(that.bin) : that.bin != null) return false;
if (this.bugsEmail != null ? !this.bugsEmail.equals(that.bugsEmail) : that.bugsEmail != null) return false;
if (this.bugsUrl != null ? !this.bugsUrl.equals(that.bugsUrl) : that.bugsUrl != null) return false;
if (this.bundledDeps != null ? !this.bundledDeps.equals(that.bundledDeps) : that.bundledDeps != null) return false;
if (this.codeArtifactOptions != null ? !this.codeArtifactOptions.equals(that.codeArtifactOptions) : that.codeArtifactOptions != null) return false;
if (this.deps != null ? !this.deps.equals(that.deps) : that.deps != null) return false;
if (this.description != null ? !this.description.equals(that.description) : that.description != null) return false;
if (this.devDeps != null ? !this.devDeps.equals(that.devDeps) : that.devDeps != null) return false;
if (this.entrypoint != null ? !this.entrypoint.equals(that.entrypoint) : that.entrypoint != null) return false;
if (this.homepage != null ? !this.homepage.equals(that.homepage) : that.homepage != null) return false;
if (this.keywords != null ? !this.keywords.equals(that.keywords) : that.keywords != null) return false;
if (this.license != null ? !this.license.equals(that.license) : that.license != null) return false;
if (this.licensed != null ? !this.licensed.equals(that.licensed) : that.licensed != null) return false;
if (this.maxNodeVersion != null ? !this.maxNodeVersion.equals(that.maxNodeVersion) : that.maxNodeVersion != null) return false;
if (this.minNodeVersion != null ? !this.minNodeVersion.equals(that.minNodeVersion) : that.minNodeVersion != null) return false;
if (this.npmAccess != null ? !this.npmAccess.equals(that.npmAccess) : that.npmAccess != null) return false;
if (this.npmRegistry != null ? !this.npmRegistry.equals(that.npmRegistry) : that.npmRegistry != null) return false;
if (this.npmRegistryUrl != null ? !this.npmRegistryUrl.equals(that.npmRegistryUrl) : that.npmRegistryUrl != null) return false;
if (this.npmTokenSecret != null ? !this.npmTokenSecret.equals(that.npmTokenSecret) : that.npmTokenSecret != null) return false;
if (this.packageManager != null ? !this.packageManager.equals(that.packageManager) : that.packageManager != null) return false;
if (this.packageName != null ? !this.packageName.equals(that.packageName) : that.packageName != null) return false;
if (this.peerDependencyOptions != null ? !this.peerDependencyOptions.equals(that.peerDependencyOptions) : that.peerDependencyOptions != null) return false;
if (this.peerDeps != null ? !this.peerDeps.equals(that.peerDeps) : that.peerDeps != null) return false;
if (this.repository != null ? !this.repository.equals(that.repository) : that.repository != null) return false;
if (this.repositoryDirectory != null ? !this.repositoryDirectory.equals(that.repositoryDirectory) : that.repositoryDirectory != null) return false;
if (this.scopedPackagesOptions != null ? !this.scopedPackagesOptions.equals(that.scopedPackagesOptions) : that.scopedPackagesOptions != null) return false;
if (this.scripts != null ? !this.scripts.equals(that.scripts) : that.scripts != null) return false;
if (this.stability != null ? !this.stability.equals(that.stability) : that.stability != null) return false;
if (this.jsiiReleaseVersion != null ? !this.jsiiReleaseVersion.equals(that.jsiiReleaseVersion) : that.jsiiReleaseVersion != null) return false;
if (this.majorVersion != null ? !this.majorVersion.equals(that.majorVersion) : that.majorVersion != null) return false;
if (this.minMajorVersion != null ? !this.minMajorVersion.equals(that.minMajorVersion) : that.minMajorVersion != null) return false;
if (this.npmDistTag != null ? !this.npmDistTag.equals(that.npmDistTag) : that.npmDistTag != null) return false;
if (this.postBuildSteps != null ? !this.postBuildSteps.equals(that.postBuildSteps) : that.postBuildSteps != null) return false;
if (this.prerelease != null ? !this.prerelease.equals(that.prerelease) : that.prerelease != null) return false;
if (this.publishDryRun != null ? !this.publishDryRun.equals(that.publishDryRun) : that.publishDryRun != null) return false;
if (this.publishTasks != null ? !this.publishTasks.equals(that.publishTasks) : that.publishTasks != null) return false;
if (this.releaseBranches != null ? !this.releaseBranches.equals(that.releaseBranches) : that.releaseBranches != null) return false;
if (this.releaseEveryCommit != null ? !this.releaseEveryCommit.equals(that.releaseEveryCommit) : that.releaseEveryCommit != null) return false;
if (this.releaseFailureIssue != null ? !this.releaseFailureIssue.equals(that.releaseFailureIssue) : that.releaseFailureIssue != null) return false;
if (this.releaseFailureIssueLabel != null ? !this.releaseFailureIssueLabel.equals(that.releaseFailureIssueLabel) : that.releaseFailureIssueLabel != null) return false;
if (this.releaseSchedule != null ? !this.releaseSchedule.equals(that.releaseSchedule) : that.releaseSchedule != null) return false;
if (this.releaseTagPrefix != null ? !this.releaseTagPrefix.equals(that.releaseTagPrefix) : that.releaseTagPrefix != null) return false;
if (this.releaseTrigger != null ? !this.releaseTrigger.equals(that.releaseTrigger) : that.releaseTrigger != null) return false;
if (this.releaseWorkflowName != null ? !this.releaseWorkflowName.equals(that.releaseWorkflowName) : that.releaseWorkflowName != null) return false;
if (this.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps != null ? !this.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps.equals(that.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps) : that.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps != null) return false;
if (this.versionrcOptions != null ? !this.versionrcOptions.equals(that.versionrcOptions) : that.versionrcOptions != null) return false;
if (this.workflowContainerImage != null ? !this.workflowContainerImage.equals(that.workflowContainerImage) : that.workflowContainerImage != null) return false;
return this.workflowRunsOn != null ? this.workflowRunsOn.equals(that.workflowRunsOn) : that.workflowRunsOn == null;
public final int hashCode() {
int result = this.monorepoUpgradeDeps != null ? this.monorepoUpgradeDeps.hashCode() : 0;
result = 31 * result + (this.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions != null ? this.monorepoUpgradeDepsOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.nxConfig != null ? this.nxConfig.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.workspaceConfig != null ? this.workspaceConfig.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.disableTsconfig != null ? this.disableTsconfig.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.docgen != null ? this.docgen.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.docsDirectory != null ? this.docsDirectory.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.entrypointTypes != null ? this.entrypointTypes.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.eslint != null ? this.eslint.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.eslintOptions != null ? this.eslintOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.libdir != null ? this.libdir.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenrcTs != null ? this.projenrcTs.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenrcTsOptions != null ? this.projenrcTsOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.sampleCode != null ? this.sampleCode.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.srcdir != null ? this.srcdir.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.testdir != null ? this.testdir.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.tsconfig != null ? this.tsconfig.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.tsconfigDev != null ? this.tsconfigDev.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.tsconfigDevFile != null ? this.tsconfigDevFile.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.typescriptVersion != null ? this.typescriptVersion.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.defaultReleaseBranch.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + (this.artifactsDirectory != null ? this.artifactsDirectory.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.autoApproveUpgrades != null ? this.autoApproveUpgrades.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.buildWorkflow != null ? this.buildWorkflow.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.buildWorkflowTriggers != null ? this.buildWorkflowTriggers.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.bundlerOptions != null ? this.bundlerOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.codeCov != null ? this.codeCov.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.codeCovTokenSecret != null ? this.codeCovTokenSecret.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.copyrightOwner != null ? this.copyrightOwner.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.copyrightPeriod != null ? this.copyrightPeriod.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.dependabot != null ? this.dependabot.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.dependabotOptions != null ? this.dependabotOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.depsUpgrade != null ? this.depsUpgrade.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.depsUpgradeOptions != null ? this.depsUpgradeOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.gitignore != null ? this.gitignore.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.jest != null ? this.jest.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.jestOptions != null ? this.jestOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.mutableBuild != null ? this.mutableBuild.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.npmignore != null ? this.npmignore.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.npmignoreEnabled != null ? this.npmignoreEnabled.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.packageValue != null ? this.packageValue.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.prettier != null ? this.prettier.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.prettierOptions != null ? this.prettierOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenDevDependency != null ? this.projenDevDependency.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenrcJs != null ? this.projenrcJs.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenrcJsOptions != null ? this.projenrcJsOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenVersion != null ? this.projenVersion.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.pullRequestTemplate != null ? this.pullRequestTemplate.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.pullRequestTemplateContents != null ? this.pullRequestTemplateContents.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.release != null ? this.release.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseToNpm != null ? this.releaseToNpm.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseWorkflow != null ? this.releaseWorkflow.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.workflowBootstrapSteps != null ? this.workflowBootstrapSteps.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.workflowGitIdentity != null ? this.workflowGitIdentity.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.workflowNodeVersion != null ? this.workflowNodeVersion.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.autoApproveOptions != null ? this.autoApproveOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.autoMerge != null ? this.autoMerge.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.autoMergeOptions != null ? this.autoMergeOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.clobber != null ? this.clobber.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.devContainer != null ? this.devContainer.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.github != null ? this.github.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.githubOptions != null ? this.githubOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.gitpod != null ? this.gitpod.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.mergify != null ? this.mergify.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.mergifyOptions != null ? this.mergifyOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projectType != null ? this.projectType.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenCredentials != null ? this.projenCredentials.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenTokenSecret != null ? this.projenTokenSecret.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.readme != null ? this.readme.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.stale != null ? this.stale.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.staleOptions != null ? this.staleOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.vscode != null ? this.vscode.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (;
result = 31 * result + (this.commitGenerated != null ? this.commitGenerated.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.logging != null ? this.logging.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.outdir != null ? this.outdir.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.parent != null ? this.parent.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenCommand != null ? this.projenCommand.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenrcJson != null ? this.projenrcJson.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.projenrcJsonOptions != null ? this.projenrcJsonOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.renovatebot != null ? this.renovatebot.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.renovatebotOptions != null ? this.renovatebotOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.allowLibraryDependencies != null ? this.allowLibraryDependencies.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.authorEmail != null ? this.authorEmail.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.authorName != null ? this.authorName.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.authorOrganization != null ? this.authorOrganization.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.authorUrl != null ? this.authorUrl.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.autoDetectBin != null ? this.autoDetectBin.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.bin != null ? this.bin.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.bugsEmail != null ? this.bugsEmail.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.bugsUrl != null ? this.bugsUrl.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.bundledDeps != null ? this.bundledDeps.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.codeArtifactOptions != null ? this.codeArtifactOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.deps != null ? this.deps.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.description != null ? this.description.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.devDeps != null ? this.devDeps.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.entrypoint != null ? this.entrypoint.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.homepage != null ? this.homepage.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.keywords != null ? this.keywords.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.license != null ? this.license.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.licensed != null ? this.licensed.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.maxNodeVersion != null ? this.maxNodeVersion.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.minNodeVersion != null ? this.minNodeVersion.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.npmAccess != null ? this.npmAccess.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.npmRegistry != null ? this.npmRegistry.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.npmRegistryUrl != null ? this.npmRegistryUrl.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.npmTokenSecret != null ? this.npmTokenSecret.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.packageManager != null ? this.packageManager.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.packageName != null ? this.packageName.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.peerDependencyOptions != null ? this.peerDependencyOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.peerDeps != null ? this.peerDeps.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.repository != null ? this.repository.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.repositoryDirectory != null ? this.repositoryDirectory.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.scopedPackagesOptions != null ? this.scopedPackagesOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.scripts != null ? this.scripts.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.stability != null ? this.stability.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.jsiiReleaseVersion != null ? this.jsiiReleaseVersion.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.majorVersion != null ? this.majorVersion.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.minMajorVersion != null ? this.minMajorVersion.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.npmDistTag != null ? this.npmDistTag.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.postBuildSteps != null ? this.postBuildSteps.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.prerelease != null ? this.prerelease.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.publishDryRun != null ? this.publishDryRun.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.publishTasks != null ? this.publishTasks.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseBranches != null ? this.releaseBranches.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseEveryCommit != null ? this.releaseEveryCommit.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseFailureIssue != null ? this.releaseFailureIssue.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseFailureIssueLabel != null ? this.releaseFailureIssueLabel.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseSchedule != null ? this.releaseSchedule.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseTagPrefix != null ? this.releaseTagPrefix.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseTrigger != null ? this.releaseTrigger.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseWorkflowName != null ? this.releaseWorkflowName.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps != null ? this.releaseWorkflowSetupSteps.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.versionrcOptions != null ? this.versionrcOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.workflowContainerImage != null ? this.workflowContainerImage.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.workflowRunsOn != null ? this.workflowRunsOn.hashCode() : 0);
return result;