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manifold.util.NecessaryEvilUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2018 - Manifold Systems LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package manifold.util;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.*;
public class NecessaryEvilUtil
private static Unsafe UNSAFE = null;
public static Unsafe getUnsafe()
if( UNSAFE != null )
return UNSAFE;
Field theUnsafe = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField( "theUnsafe" );
theUnsafe.setAccessible( true );
return UNSAFE = (Unsafe)theUnsafe.get( null );
catch( Throwable t )
throw new RuntimeException( "The 'Unsafe' class is not accessible" );
public static void bypassJava9Security()
bypassJava9Security( true );
public static void bypassJava9Security( boolean fullJdk )
openModules( fullJdk );
public static void disableJava9IllegalAccessWarning()
// runtime
disableJava9IllegalAccessWarning( NecessaryEvilUtil.class.getClassLoader() );
// compile-time
disableJava9IllegalAccessWarning( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
// Disable Java 9 warnings re "An illegal reflective access operation has occurred"
public static void disableJava9IllegalAccessWarning( ClassLoader cl )
if( JreUtil.isJava8() )
Class cls = Class.forName( "jdk.internal.module.IllegalAccessLogger", false, cl );
Field logger = cls.getDeclaredField( "logger" );
getUnsafe().putObjectVolatile( cls, getUnsafe().staticFieldOffset( logger ), null );
catch( Throwable ignore )
private static void openModules( boolean fullJdk )
if( JreUtil.isJava8() )
Class> classModule = ReflectUtil.type( "java.lang.Module" );
ReflectUtil.MethodRef addExportsOrOpens = ReflectUtil.method( classModule, "implAddExportsOrOpens", String.class, classModule, boolean.class, boolean.class );
// Module: manifold jars
// Object /*Module*/ manifoldModule = ReflectUtil.method( Class.class, "getModule" ).invoke( NecessaryEvilUtil.class );
Object /*Module*/ manifoldModule = ReflectUtil.field( "java.lang.Module", "EVERYONE_MODULE" ).getStatic();
// Open select packages in java.base module for reflective access
openRuntimeModules( addExportsOrOpens, manifoldModule );
if( fullJdk )
// Open select packages in jdk.compiler for reflective access
openCompilerModules( addExportsOrOpens, manifoldModule );
catch( Throwable e )
throw new RuntimeException( "Error initializing Manifold", e );
private static void openRuntimeModules( ReflectUtil.MethodRef addExportsOrOpens, Object manifoldModule )
// Module: java.base
Object /*Module*/ javaBaseModule = ReflectUtil.method( Class.class, "getModule" ).invoke( String.class );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "jdk.internal.loader", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "jdk.internal.misc", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "jdk.internal.module", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "jdk.internal.vm", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "jdk.internal.vm.annotation", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "java.lang", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "java.lang.invoke", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "java.lang.module", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "java.lang.reflect", manifoldModule, true, true ); // for jailbreak
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaBaseModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
// Module: java.desktop (needed for testing manifold IJ plugin)
Class> Desktop = ReflectUtil.type( "java.awt.Desktop", true );
if( Desktop == null )
// Warn and continue
//System.out.println( "\nWARNING: Failed to find class 'java.awt.Desktop'\n" );
Object /*Module*/ javaDesktop = ReflectUtil.method( Class.class, "getModule" ).invoke( Desktop );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( javaDesktop, "sun.awt", manifoldModule, true, true );
private static void openCompilerModules( ReflectUtil.MethodRef addExportsOrOpens, Object manifoldModule )
// Module: jdk.compiler
Object /*Module*/ jdkCompilerModule = ReflectUtil.method( Class.class, "getModule" )
.invoke( ReflectUtil.type( "", true ) );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkCompilerModule, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
// Module: jdk.javadoc
Class> HtmlDoclet = ReflectUtil.type( "jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.HtmlDoclet", true );
if( HtmlDoclet == null )
// Warn and continue
//System.out.println( "\nWARNING: Failed to find class 'jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.HtmlDoclet'\n" );
Object /*Module*/ jdkJavadoc = ReflectUtil.method( Class.class, "getModule" ).invoke( HtmlDoclet );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkJavadoc, "jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkJavadoc, "jdk.javadoc.internal.tool", manifoldModule, true, true );
if( !JreUtil.isJava13orLater() )
// `` and `` are removed in JDK 13
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkJavadoc, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
addExportsOrOpens.invoke( jdkJavadoc, "", manifoldModule, true, true );
public static void openModule( Context context, String moduleName )
Symbol moduleToOpen = (Symbol)ReflectUtil.method( Symtab.instance( context ), "getModule", Name.class )
.invoke( Names.instance( context ).fromString( moduleName ) );
if( moduleToOpen == null )
// not modular java 9+
Set rootModules = (Set)ReflectUtil.field(
ReflectUtil.method( ReflectUtil.type( "" ), "instance", Context.class ).invokeStatic( context ), "allModules" ).get();
for( Symbol rootModule: rootModules )
List requires = (List)ReflectUtil.field( rootModule, "requires" ).get();
List newRequires = new ArrayList( requires );
Object addedRequires = ReflectUtil.constructor( "$RequiresDirective", ReflectUtil.type( "$ModuleSymbol" ) ).newInstance( moduleToOpen );
newRequires.add( addedRequires );
requires = newRequires );
ReflectUtil.field( rootModule, "requires" ).set( requires );
List exports = new ArrayList<>( (Collection)ReflectUtil.field( moduleToOpen, "exports" ).get() );
for( Symbol pkg : (Iterable)ReflectUtil.field( moduleToOpen, "enclosedPackages" ).get() )
if( pkg instanceof Symbol.PackageSymbol )
//System.err.println( "PACKAGE: " + pkg );
Object exp = ReflectUtil.constructor( "$ExportsDirective", Symbol.PackageSymbol.class, ).newInstance( pkg, rootModule ) );
exports.add( exp );
((Map)ReflectUtil.field( rootModule, "visiblePackages" ).get()).put( ((Symbol.PackageSymbol)pkg).fullname, pkg );
ReflectUtil.field( moduleToOpen, "exports" ).set( exports ) );
Set readModules = (Set)ReflectUtil.field( moduleToOpen, "readModules" ).get();
readModules.add( rootModule );
ReflectUtil.field( moduleToOpen, "readModules" ).set( readModules );
catch( Throwable e )
System.err.println( "Failed to reflectively add-exports " + moduleName + "/* to root module[s], you must add the following argument to jave.exe:\n" +
" --add-exports=" + moduleName + "/*=\n" );
throw new RuntimeException( e );
//## no need for shenanigans here since ReflectUtil uses Class#getDeclaredMethods0/Fields0 to bypass java12 blacklisting
// of fields. Leaving this commented out code here in case it is needed to address future jdk changes.
// static
// {
// makeReflectionGreatAgain();
// }
// // Shutdown Oracle's attempt at blacklisting fields and methods from reflection introduced in Java 12
// private static void makeReflectionGreatAgain()
// {
// if( JreUtil.isJava12orLater() )
// {
// try
// {
// Unsafe unsafe = NecessaryEvilUtil.getUnsafe();
// // Must approximate the AccessibleObject#override field offset (because it is one of the filtered fields)
// long overrideOffset = AccessibleObject_layout.getOverrideOffset( unsafe );
// // Reflection.class.reflectionData.declaredFields = Reflection.class.getDeclaredFields0()
// // then you can use ReflectUtil to: Reflection.fieldFilterMap = emptyMap()
// // now reflection is great again
// Class> moduleClass = ReflectUtil.type( "java.lang.Module" );
// Method addOpens = moduleClass.getDeclaredMethod( "implAddOpens", String.class, moduleClass );
// unsafe.putObject( addOpens, overrideOffset, true );
// ReflectUtil.MethodRef getModule = ReflectUtil.method( Class.class, "getModule" );
// addOpens.invoke( getModule.invoke( String.class ), "jdk.internal.reflect", getModule.invoke( NecessaryEvilUtil.class ) );
// Class> reflectionClass = ReflectUtil.type( "jdk.internal.reflect.Reflection" );
// ReflectUtil.method( (Object)reflectionClass, "reflectionData" ).invoke(); // to ensure initialization of reflectionData
// SoftReference reflectionData = (SoftReference)ReflectUtil.field( (Object)reflectionClass, "reflectionData" ).get();
// ReflectUtil.LiveMethodRef getDeclaredFields0 = ReflectUtil.method( (Object)reflectionClass, "getDeclaredFields0", boolean.class );
// ReflectUtil.field( reflectionData.get(), "declaredPublicFields" ).set( getDeclaredFields0.invoke( true ) );
// ReflectUtil.field( reflectionData.get(), "declaredFields" ).set( getDeclaredFields0.invoke( false ) );
// // erase the internal blacklist
// ReflectUtil.field( reflectionClass, "fieldFilterMap" ).setStatic( Collections.emptyMap() );
// }
// catch( Throwable e )
// {
// throw new RuntimeException( e );
// }
// }
// }
// //## this strategy works, but I'm keeping this as a backup in case the above strategy is thwarted by a newer jdk
// // release such as if getDeclaredFields0 is removed or some other change.
// //
// // static
// // {
// // if( JreUtil.isJava12orLater() )
// // {
// // try
// // {
// // // Shutdown Oracle's attempt at blacklisting fields and methods from reflection in Java 12
// // Class> hackClass = Class.forName( NecessaryEvilUtil.class.getPackage().getName() + ".ReflectionHack_12" );
// // Method hackReflection = hackClass.getMethod( "hackReflection" );
// // hackReflection.invoke( null );
// // }
// // catch( Throwable e )
// // {
// // throw new RuntimeException( e );
// // }
// // }
// // }
// @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "WeakerAccess"})
// static abstract class AccessibleObject_layout
// {
// boolean override;
// volatile Object securityCheckCache;
// static long getOverrideOffset( Unsafe unsafe )
// {
// try
// {
// return unsafe.objectFieldOffset( AccessibleObject_layout.class.getDeclaredField( "override" ) );
// }
// catch( NoSuchFieldException e )
// {
// throw new RuntimeException( e );
// }
// }
// }