technology.dice.dicewhere.downloader.picocli.commandssssss.DownloadMaxmindS3Command Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package technology.dice.dicewhere.downloader.picocli.commandssssss;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import picocli.CommandLine.Command;
import picocli.CommandLine.Parameters;
import technology.dice.dicewhere.downloader.actions.DownloadExecutionResult;
import technology.dice.dicewhere.downloader.actions.maxmind.DownloadMaxmindS3;
name = "maxmind-s3",
description =
"Downloads the selected Maxmind edition of a database from S3. This command requires credentials to be provided through the default chain for AWS Java SDK. See for more details")
public class DownloadMaxmindS3Command extends MaxmindBaseCommand {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DownloadMaxmindS3Command.class);
private Optional awsCredentials = Optional.empty();
private Optional awsRegion = Optional.empty();
@Parameters(index = "0")
String prefix;
index = "1",
description =
"The destination of the file. Must start with the scheme (s3:// or file://). S3 destinations require credentials to be provided through the default chain for AWS Java SDK. See for more details")
String destination;
public DownloadExecutionResult execute() {
return new DownloadMaxmindS3(
noCheckMd5, overwrite, verbose, edition, database, format, prefix, destination)