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resources.tokeniser.twitter.jape Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Phase: TwitterTokens
Input: Token SpaceToken Lookup
Options: control = appelt
// TODO: add more URL shortening services
( ( {Token.string == "http"} | {Token.string == "https"} | {Token.string == "ftp"} )
{Token.string == ":"} {Token.string == "/"} {Token.string == "/"} )
({Token.kind == "word"} {Token.string == "."}{Token.kind == "word"}{Token.string == "/"})
// TODO:
// flag RT/MT/via @/by @ & via specially? (probably better to handle later)
// Syntax of usernames
// @+[\w_]+
// and hashtags according to
// can include numbers but can't be just a number
// punctuation breaks the tag; apart from underscores appear to be allowed
Rule: Hashtag
( {Token.string == "#"}
({Token.kind == "number"})?
({Token.kind=="word"}|{Token.string == "_"})
({Token.kind=="word"}|{Token.kind=="number"}|{Token.string == "_"})[0,10]
): match
:match {
long start = matchAnnots.firstNode().getOffset();
long end = matchAnnots.lastNode().getOffset();
// add spanning annotation
FeatureMap htag = Factory.newFeatureMap();
htag.put("rule", "Hashtag");
htag.put("kind", "Hashtag");
htag.put("length", (int) end - start);
String string = gate.Utils.cleanStringFor(doc, matchAnnots);
htag.put("string", string);
try {
outputAS.add(start, end, "Hashtag", htag);
catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
// combine non-space-separated lowercase words and numbers (e.g. |gr|8| -> |gr8|, |2|day| -> |2day|) - in preparation for norm
Rule: Recombine
( ({Token.kind == "word", Token.orth == "lowercase"} {Token.kind == "number"}) |
({Token.kind == "number"} {Token.kind == "word", Token.orth == "lowercase"})
:match {
long start = matchAnnots.firstNode().getOffset();
long end = matchAnnots.lastNode().getOffset();
FeatureMap tok = Factory.newFeatureMap();
tok.put("rule", "Recombine");
tok.put("kind", "word");
tok.put("length", (int) end - start);
String string = gate.Utils.cleanStringFor(doc, matchAnnots);
tok.put("string", string);
tok.put("orth", "mixed");
// remove prior annotations
AnnotationSet tokens = gate.Utils.getContainedAnnotations(inputAS, matchAnnots, "Token");
tok.put("replaced", tokens.size());
// add spanning annotation
try {
outputAS.add(start, end, "Token", tok);
catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
//Replaced by RecombineEmoticon as this doesn't work very well because
// a) it misses emoticons that start with a non-punctuation character
// b) it combines punctuation that isn't an emoticon (i.e. ...)
Rule: RecombineSmiley
({Token.kind == "punctuation"})+
({Token.string =~"[DdPp]"})?
:match {
long start = matchAnnots.firstNode().getOffset();
long end = matchAnnots.lastNode().getOffset();
FeatureMap tok = Factory.newFeatureMap();
tok.put("rule", "RecombineSmiley");
tok.put("kind", "punctuation");
tok.put("category", "UH");
tok.put("length", (int) end - start);
String string = gate.Utils.cleanStringFor(doc, matchAnnots);
tok.put("string", string);
tok.put("orth", "mixed");
// remove prior annotations
AnnotationSet tokens = gate.Utils.getContainedAnnotations(inputAS, matchAnnots, "Token");
tok.put("replaced", tokens.size());
// add spanning annotation
try {
outputAS.add(start, end, "Token", tok);
catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
Rule: NotRecombineEmoticon
Priority: 100
/* Do not recombine emoticon if it's preceded directly by a number, as it's probably not an emoticon, e.g. 8:30 */
{Token.kind == number}
Rule: RecombineEmoticon
:match {
long start = matchAnnots.firstNode().getOffset();
long end = matchAnnots.lastNode().getOffset();
FeatureMap tok = Factory.newFeatureMap();
tok.put("rule", "RecombineEmoticon");
tok.put("kind", "punctuation");
tok.put("category", "UH");
tok.put("length", (int) end - start);
tok.put("origString", gate.Utils.cleanStringFor(doc, matchAnnots));
tok.put("string", matchAnnots.iterator().next().getFeatures().get("normalized"));
tok.put("orth", "mixed");
// remove prior annotations
AnnotationSet tokens = gate.Utils.getContainedAnnotations(inputAS, matchAnnots, "Token");
tok.put("replaced", tokens.size());
// add spanning annotation
try {
outputAS.add(start, end, "Token", tok);
catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
FeatureMap params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
params.put("normalized", matchAnnots.iterator().next().getFeatures().get("normalized"));
try {
outputAS.add(start, end, "Emoticon", params);
catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
Rule: UserID
( ({Token.string == "@"})
({Token.kind=="word"} | {Token.kind=="number"} | {Token.string=="_"})[1,5]
): match
:match {
// get boundaries of @userid
long start = matchAnnots.firstNode().getOffset();
long end = matchAnnots.lastNode().getOffset();
// build new userid annotation
FeatureMap userid = Factory.newFeatureMap();
userid.put("rule", "UserID");
userid.put("kind", "UserID");
userid.put("length", (int) end - (start+1));
String string = gate.Utils.cleanStringFor(doc, matchAnnots);
userid.put("string", string);
userid.put("user", string.substring(1)); // skip the leading "@" from the string
// add spanning userid annotation
try {
outputAS.add(start+1, end, "UserID", userid);
outputAS.add(start, end, "UserMention", userid);
catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
// remove first elem from matchAnnots so the extras can be removed, and set up the userid start offset
Annotation first = matchAnnots.get(start).iterator().next();
// replace username (excl. @) with one Token annotation
AnnotationSet tokens = gate.Utils.getContainedAnnotations(inputAS, matchAnnots, "Token");
userid.put("replaced", tokens.size());
// add new token for user id string
FeatureMap newtok = Factory.newFeatureMap();
newtok.put("rule", "UserID");
newtok.put("category", "USR");
newtok.put("kind", "word");
newtok.put("length", (int) end - start);
string = gate.Utils.cleanStringFor(doc, matchAnnots);
newtok.put("string", string.substring(1));
try {
outputAS.add(start, end, "Token", newtok);
catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
// TODO: restrict to syntactically valid URLs?
Rule: URL
({Token.string !=~ "[\"”\']"})[1,20]
): match
:match {
long start = matchAnnots.firstNode().getOffset();
long end = matchAnnots.lastNode().getOffset();
FeatureMap newf = Factory.newFeatureMap();
newf.put("rule", "URL");
newf.put("temp_category", "NN");
newf.put("kind", "URL");
newf.put("length", (int) end - start);
String string = gate.Utils.cleanStringFor(doc, matchAnnots);
newf.put("string", string);
AnnotationSet tokens = gate.Utils.getContainedAnnotations(inputAS, matchAnnots, "Token");
newf.put("replaced", tokens.size());
try {
outputAS.add(start, end, "Token", newf);
outputAS.add(start, end, "URL", newf);
catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
Rule: Separator
( ( ({Token.string=="<"})[2,9] )
( ({Token.string==">"})[2,9] )
): match
:match {
long start = matchAnnots.firstNode().getOffset();
long end = matchAnnots.lastNode().getOffset();
FeatureMap newf = Factory.newFeatureMap();
newf.put("rule", "Separator");
newf.put("temp_category", "SYM");
newf.put("kind", "separator");
newf.put("length", (int) end - start);
String string = gate.Utils.cleanStringFor(doc, matchAnnots);
newf.put("string", string);
AnnotationSet tokens = gate.Utils.getContainedAnnotations(inputAS, matchAnnots, "Token");
newf.put("replaced", tokens.size());
try {
outputAS.add(start, end, "Token", newf);
catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {