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gate.util.RBTreeMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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GATE - general achitecture for text engineering - is open source software capable of solving almost any text processing problem. This artifact enables you to embed the core GATE Embedded with its essential dependencies. You will able to use the GATE Embedded API and load and store GATE XML documents. This artifact is the perfect dependency for CREOLE plugins or for applications that need to customize the GATE dependencies due to confict with their own dependencies or for lower footprint.

The newest version!
 *  Copyright (c) 1995-2012, The University of Sheffield. See the file
 *  COPYRIGHT.txt in the software or at
 *  This file is part of GATE (see, and is free
 *  software, licenced under the GNU Library General Public License,
 *  Version 2, June 1991 (in the distribution as file licence.html,
 *  and also available at
 *  Valentin Tablan, Jan/2000, modified from Sun sources
 *  $Id: 17639 2014-03-12 10:48:13Z markagreenwood $

package gate.util;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;

/** Slightly modified implementation of java.util.TreeMap in order to return the
  * closest neighbours in the case of a failed search.
public class RBTreeMap extends AbstractMap
               implements SortedMap, Cloneable,

  /** Freeze the serialization UID. */
  static final long serialVersionUID = -1454324265766936618L;

    * The Comparator used to maintain order in this RBTreeMap, or
    * null if this RBTreeMap uses its elements natural ordering.
    * @serial
  private Comparator comparator = null;

   private transient Entry root = null;

    * The number of entries in the tree
  private transient int size = 0;

    * The number of structural modifications to the tree.
  private transient int modCount = 0;

  private void incrementSize()   { modCount++; size++; }
  private void decrementSize()   { modCount++; size--; }

    * Constructs a new, empty map, sorted according to the keys' natural
    * order.  All keys inserted into the map must implement the
    * Comparable interface.  Furthermore, all such keys must be
    * mutually comparable: k1.compareTo(k2) must not throw a
    * ClassCastException for any elements k1 and k2 in the
    * map.  If the user attempts to put a key into the map that violates this
    * constraint (for example, the user attempts to put a string key into a
    * map whose keys are integers), the put(Object key, Object
    * value) call will throw a ClassCastException.
    * @see Comparable
  public RBTreeMap() {

    * Constructs a new, empty map, sorted according to the given comparator.
    * All keys inserted into the map must be mutually comparable by
    * the given comparator:, k2) must not
    * throw a ClassCastException for any keys k1 and
    * k2 in the map.  If the user attempts to put a key into the
    * map that violates this constraint, the put(Object key, Object
    * value) call will throw a ClassCastException.
  public RBTreeMap(Comparator c) {
    this.comparator = c;

    * Constructs a new map containing the same mappings as the given map,
    * sorted according to the keys' natural order.  All keys inserted
    * into the new map must implement the Comparable interface.
    * Furthermore, all such keys must be mutually comparable:
    * k1.compareTo(k2) must not throw a ClassCastException
    * for any elements k1 and k2 in the map.  This method
    * runs in n*log(n) time.
    * @throws    ClassCastException the keys in t are not Comparable, or
    * are not mutually comparable.
  public RBTreeMap(Map m) {

    * Constructs a new map containing the same mappings as the given
    * SortedMap, sorted according to the same ordering.  This method
    * runs in linear time.
  public RBTreeMap(SortedMap m) {
      comparator = m.comparator();
      try {
          buildFromSorted(m.size(), m.entrySet().iterator(), null, null);
      } catch ( cannotHappen) {
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException cannotHappen) {

  // Query Operations

    * Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
    * @return the number of key-value mappings in this map.
  public int size() {
    return size;

    * Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified
    * key.
    * @param key key whose presence in this map is to be tested.
    * @return true if this map contains a mapping for the
    *            specified key.
    * @throws ClassCastException if the key cannot be compared with the keys
    *		  currently in the map.
    * @throws NullPointerException key is null and this map uses
    *		  natural ordering, or its comparator does not tolerate
    *            null keys.
  public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
    return getEntry(key) != null;

    * Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the
    * specified value.  More formally, returns true if and only if
    * this map contains at least one mapping to a value v such
    * that (value==null ? v==null : value.equals(v)).  This
    * operation will probably require time linear in the Map size for most
    * implementations of Map.
    * @param value value whose presence in this Map is to be tested.
    * @since JDK1.2
  public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
      return (value==null ? valueSearchNull(root)
              : valueSearchNonNull(root, value));

  private boolean valueSearchNull(Entry n) {
      if (n.value == null)
          return true;

      // Check left and right subtrees for value
      return (n.left  != null && valueSearchNull(n.left)) ||
             (n.right != null && valueSearchNull(n.right));

  private boolean valueSearchNonNull(Entry n, Object value) {
      // Check this node for the value
      if (value.equals(n.value))
          return true;

      // Check left and right subtrees for value
      return (n.left  != null && valueSearchNonNull(n.left, value)) ||
             (n.right != null && valueSearchNonNull(n.right, value));

    * Returns a pair of values: (glb,lub).
    * If the given key is found in the map then glb=lub=the value associated
    * with the given key.
    * If the key is not in the map:
    * glb=the value associated with the greatest key in the map that is lower
    * than the given key; or null if the given key is smaller than any key in
    * the map.
    * lub=the value associated with the smaller key in the map that is greater
    * than the given key; or null the given key is greater than any key in the
    * map.
    * If the map is empty it returns (null,null).
  public V[] getClosestMatch(K key){
    if (root==null)return (V[])(new Object[]{null,null});

    Entry lub=getCeilEntry(key);

    if(lub==null){//greatest key in set is still smaller then parameter "key"
      return (V[])new Object[]{lastEntry().value,null};

    int cmp=compare(key,lub.key);

    if (cmp==0){return (V[])(new Object[]{lub.value,lub.value});}
    else {
      Entry prec=getPrecedingEntry(lub.key);
      if (prec == null) return (V[])(new Object[]{null,lub.value});
      else return (V[])(new Object[]{prec.value,lub.value});

  /** Returns the value associated to the next key in the map if an exact match
    * doesn't exist. If there is an exact match, the method will return the
    * value associated to the given key.
    * @param key the key for wich the look-up will be done.
    * @return the value associated to the given key or the next available
    * value
  public V getNextOf(K key){
    if (root==null) return null;
    Entry lub=getCeilEntry(key);
    if (lub == null) return null;
    return lub.value;

    * Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.  Returns
    * null if the map contains no mapping for this key.  A return
    * value of null does not necessarily indicate that the
    * map contains no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the map
    * explicitly maps the key to null.  The containsKey
    * operation may be used to distinguish these two cases.
    * @param key key whose associated value is to be returned.
    * @return the value to which this map maps the specified key, or
    *	       null if the map contains no mapping for the key.
    * @throws    ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys
    *		  currently in the map.
    * @throws NullPointerException key is null and this map uses
    *		  natural ordering, or its comparator does not tolerate
    *		  null keys.
    * @see #containsKey(Object)
  public V get(Object key) {
    Entry p = getEntry(key);
    return p==null ? null : p.value;

    * Returns the comparator used to order this map, or null if this
    * map uses its keys' natural order.
    * @return the comparator associated with this sorted map, or
    * 	       null if it uses its keys' natural sort method.
  public Comparator comparator() {
      return comparator;

    * Returns the first (lowest) key currently in this sorted map.
    * @return the first (lowest) key currently in this sorted map.
    * @throws    NoSuchElementException Map is empty.
  public K firstKey() {
      return key(firstEntry());

    * Returns the last (highest) key currently in this sorted map.
    * @return the last (highest) key currently in this sorted map.
    * @throws    NoSuchElementException Map is empty.
  public K lastKey() {
      return key(lastEntry());

    * Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.  These
    * mappings replace any mappings that this map had for any of the keys
    * currently in the specified map.
    * @param map Mappings to be stored in this map.
    * @throws    ClassCastException class of a key or value in the specified
    * 	          map prevents it from being stored in this map.
    * @throws NullPointerException this map does not permit null
    *            keys and a specified key is null.
  public void putAll(Map map) {
      int mapSize = map.size();
      if (size==0 && mapSize!=0 && map instanceof SortedMap) {
          Comparator c = ((SortedMap)map).comparator();
          if (c == comparator || (c != null && c.equals(comparator))) {
            try {
                buildFromSorted(mapSize, map.entrySet().iterator(),
                                null, null);
            } catch ( cannotHappen) {
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException cannotHappen) {

    * Returns this map's entry for the given key, or null if the map
    * does not contain an entry for the key.
    * @return this map's entry for the given key, or null if the map
    * 	       does not contain an entry for the key.
    * @throws ClassCastException if the key cannot be compared with the keys
    *		  currently in the map.
    * @throws NullPointerException key is null and this map uses
    *		  natural order, or its comparator does not tolerate *
    *		  null keys.
  private Entry getEntry(Object key) {
    Entry p = root;
    while (p != null) {
        int cmp = compare(key,p.key);
        if (cmp == 0)
      return p;
        else if (cmp < 0)
      p = p.left;
      p = p.right;
    return null;

    * Gets the entry corresponding to the specified key; if no such entry
    * exists, returns the entry for the least key greater than the specified
    * key; if no such entry exists (i.e., the greatest key in the Tree is less
    * than the specified key), returns null.
  private Entry getCeilEntry(Object key) {
    Entry p = root;
    if (p==null)
        return null;

    while (true) {
        int cmp = compare(key, p.key);
        if (cmp == 0) {
      return p;
        } else if (cmp < 0) {
      if (p.left != null)
          p = p.left;
          return p;
        } else {
      if (p.right != null) {
          p = p.right;
      } else {
          Entry parent = p.parent;
          Entry ch = p;
          while (parent != null && ch == parent.right) {
        ch = parent;
        parent = parent.parent;
          return parent;

    * Returns the entry for the greatest key less than the specified key; if
    * no such entry exists (i.e., the least key in the Tree is greater than
    * the specified key), returns null.
  private Entry getPrecedingEntry(Object key) {
    Entry p = root;
    if (p==null)return null;

    while (true) {
      int cmp = compare(key, p.key);
      if (cmp > 0) {
        if (p.right != null) p = p.right;
        else return p;
          if (p.left != null) {
            p = p.left;
          } else {
            Entry parent = p.parent;
            Entry ch = p;
            while (parent != null && ch == parent.left) {
              ch = parent;
              parent = parent.parent;
            return parent;
    }//while true

    * Returns the key corresonding to the specified Entry.  Throw
    * NoSuchElementException if the Entry is null.
  private static  X key(Entry e) {
      if (e==null)
          throw new NoSuchElementException();
      return e.key;

    * Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
    * If the map previously contained a mapping for this key, the old
    * value is replaced.
    * @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated.
    * @param value value to be associated with the specified key.
    * @return previous value associated with specified key, or null
    *	       if there was no mapping for key.  A null return can
    *	       also indicate that the map previously associated null
    *	       with the specified key.
    * @throws    ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys
    *		  currently in the map.
    * @throws NullPointerException key is null and this map uses
    *		  natural order, or its comparator does not tolerate
    *		  null keys.
  public V put(K key, V value) {
    Entry t = root;

    if (t == null) {
        root = new Entry(key, value, null);
        return null;

    while (true) {
        int cmp = compare(key, t.key);
        if (cmp == 0) {
      return t.setValue(value);
        } else if (cmp < 0) {
      if (t.left != null) {
          t = t.left;
      } else {
          t.left = new Entry(key, value, t);
          return null;
        } else { // cmp > 0
      if (t.right != null) {
          t = t.right;
      } else {
          t.right = new Entry(key, value, t);
          return null;

    * Removes the mapping for this key from this RBTreeMap if present.
    * @return previous value associated with specified key, or null
    *	       if there was no mapping for key.  A null return can
    *	       also indicate that the map previously associated
    *	       null with the specified key.
    * @throws    ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys
    *		  currently in the map.
    * @throws NullPointerException key is null and this map uses
    *		  natural order, or its comparator does not tolerate
    *		  null keys.
  public V remove(Object key) {
    Entry p = getEntry(key);
    if (p == null)
        return null;

    V oldValue = p.value;
    return oldValue;

    * Removes all mappings from this RBTreeMap.
  public void clear() {
    size = 0;
    root = null;

    * Returns a shallow copy of this RBTreeMap instance. (The keys and
    * values themselves are not cloned.)
    * @return a shallow copy of this Map.
  public Object clone() {
    return new RBTreeMap(this);

  // Views

    * These fields are initialized to contain an instance of the appropriate
    * view the first time this view is requested.  The views are stateless,
    * so there's no reason to create more than one of each.
  private transient Set		keySet = null;
  private transient Set>		entrySet = null;
  private transient Collection	values = null;

    * Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.  The set's
    * iterator will return the keys in ascending order.  The map is backed by
    * this RBTreeMap instance, so changes to this map are reflected in
    * the Set, and vice-versa.  The Set supports element removal, which
    * removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the
    * Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll,
    * retainAll, and clear operations.  It does not support
    * the add or addAll operations.
    * @return a set view of the keys contained in this RBTreeMap.
  public Set keySet() {
    if (keySet == null) {
      keySet = new AbstractSet() {

        public java.util.Iterator iterator() {
            return new Iterator(KEYS);

        public int size() {
          return RBTreeMap.this.size();

        public boolean contains(Object o) {
          return containsKey(o);

        public boolean remove(Object o) {
          return RBTreeMap.this.remove(o) != null;

        public void clear() {
    return keySet;

    * Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.  The
    * collection's iterator will return the values in the order that their
    * corresponding keys appear in the tree.  The collection is backed by
    * this RBTreeMap instance, so changes to this map are reflected in
    * the collection, and vice-versa.  The collection supports element
    * removal, which removes the corresponding mapping from the map through
    * the Iterator.remove, Collection.remove,
    * removeAll, retainAll, and clear operations.
    * It does not support the add or addAll operations.
    * @return a collection view of the values contained in this map.
  public Collection values() {
    if (values == null) {
      values = new AbstractCollection() {
        public java.util.Iterator iterator() {
            return new Iterator(VALUES);

        public int size() {
            return RBTreeMap.this.size();

        public boolean contains(Object o) {
            for (Entry e = firstEntry(); e != null; e = successor(e))
                if (valEquals(e.getValue(), o))
                    return true;
            return false;

        public boolean remove(Object o) {
          for (Entry e = firstEntry(); e != null; e = successor(e)) {
            if (valEquals(e.getValue(), o)) {
                return true;
          return false;

        public void clear() {
    return values;

    * Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.  The set's
    * iterator returns the mappings in ascending key order.  Each element in
    * the returned set is a Map.Entry.  The set is backed by this
    * map, so changes to this map are reflected in the set, and vice-versa.
    * The set supports element removal, which removes the corresponding
    * mapping from the RBTreeMap, through the Iterator.remove,
    * Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll and
    * clear operations.  It does not support the add or
    * addAll operations.
    * @return a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
  public Set> entrySet() {
    if (entrySet == null) {
      entrySet = new AbstractSet>() {
        public java.util.Iterator> iterator() {
          return new Iterator>(ENTRIES);

        public boolean contains(Object o) {
          if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
              return false;
          Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)o;
          Object value = entry.getValue();
          Entry p = getEntry(entry.getKey());
          return p != null && valEquals(p.getValue(), value);

        public boolean remove(Object o) {
          if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
              return false;
          Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)o;
          Object value = entry.getValue();
          Entry p = getEntry(entry.getKey());
          if (p != null && valEquals(p.getValue(), value)) {
              return true;
          return false;

        public int size() {
            return RBTreeMap.this.size();

        public void clear() {
    return entrySet;

    * Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys range from
    * fromKey, inclusive, to toKey, exclusive.  (If
    * fromKey and toKey are equal, the returned sorted map
    * is empty.)  The returned sorted map is backed by this map, so changes
    * in the returned sorted map are reflected in this map, and vice-versa.
    * The returned sorted map supports all optional map operations.

* * The sorted map returned by this method will throw an * IllegalArgumentException if the user attempts to insert a key * less than fromKey or greater than or equal to * toKey.

* * Note: this method always returns a half-open range (which * includes its low endpoint but not its high endpoint). If you need a * closed range (which includes both endpoints), and the key type * allows for calculation of the successor a given key, merely request the * subrange from lowEndpoint to successor(highEndpoint). * For example, suppose that m is a sorted map whose keys are * strings. The following idiom obtains a view containing all of the * key-value mappings in m whose keys are between low * and high, inclusive: *

    SortedMap sub = m.submap(low, high+"\0");
* A similar technique can be used to generate an open range (which * contains neither endpoint). The following idiom obtains a view * containing all of the key-value mappings in m whose keys are * between low and high, exclusive: *
    SortedMap sub = m.subMap(low+"\0", high);
* * @param fromKey low endpoint (inclusive) of the subMap. * @param toKey high endpoint (exclusive) of the subMap. * * @return a view of the portion of this map whose keys range from * fromKey, inclusive, to toKey, exclusive. * * @throws NullPointerException if fromKey or toKey is * null and this map uses natural order, or its * comparator does not tolerate null keys. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if fromKey is greater than * toKey. */ @Override public SortedMap subMap(Object fromKey, Object toKey) { return new SubMap(fromKey, toKey); } /** * Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are strictly less * than toKey. The returned sorted map is backed by this map, so * changes in the returned sorted map are reflected in this map, and * vice-versa. The returned sorted map supports all optional map * operations.

* * The sorted map returned by this method will throw an * IllegalArgumentException if the user attempts to insert a key * greater than or equal to toKey.

* * Note: this method always returns a view that does not contain its * (high) endpoint. If you need a view that does contain this endpoint, * and the key type allows for calculation of the successor a given key, * merely request a headMap bounded by successor(highEndpoint). * For example, suppose that suppose that m is a sorted map whose * keys are strings. The following idiom obtains a view containing all of * the key-value mappings in m whose keys are less than or equal * to high: *

    *     SortedMap head = m.headMap(high+"\0");
* * @param toKey high endpoint (exclusive) of the headMap. * @return a view of the portion of this map whose keys are strictly * less than toKey. * @throws NullPointerException if toKey is null and * this map uses natural order, or its comparator does * not * tolerate null keys. */ @Override public SortedMap headMap(K toKey) { return new SubMap(toKey, true); } /** * Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are greater than * or equal to fromKey. The returned sorted map is backed by * this map, so changes in the returned sorted map are reflected in this * map, and vice-versa. The returned sorted map supports all optional map * operations.

* * The sorted map returned by this method will throw an * IllegalArgumentException if the user attempts to insert a key * less than fromKey.

* * Note: this method always returns a view that contains its (low) * endpoint. If you need a view that does not contain this endpoint, and * the element type allows for calculation of the successor a given value, * merely request a tailMap bounded by successor(lowEndpoint). * For For example, suppose that suppose that m is a sorted map * whose keys are strings. The following idiom obtains a view containing * all of the key-value mappings in m whose keys are strictly * greater than low:

    *     SortedMap tail = m.tailMap(low+"\0");
* * @param fromKey low endpoint (inclusive) of the tailMap. * @return a view of the portion of this map whose keys are greater * than or equal to fromKey. * @throws NullPointerException fromKey is null and this * map uses natural ordering, or its comparator does * not tolerate null keys. */ @Override public SortedMap tailMap(K fromKey) { return new SubMap(fromKey, false); } private class SubMap extends AbstractMap implements SortedMap, { // fromKey is significant only if fromStart is false. Similarly, // toKey is significant only if toStart is false. private boolean fromStart = false, toEnd = false; private Object fromKey, toKey; SubMap(Object fromKey, Object toKey) { if (compare(fromKey, toKey) > 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromKey > toKey"); this.fromKey = fromKey; this.toKey = toKey; } SubMap(Object key, boolean headMap) { if (headMap) { fromStart = true; toKey = key; } else { toEnd = true; fromKey = key; } } SubMap(boolean fromStart, Object fromKey, boolean toEnd, Object toKey){ this.fromStart = fromStart; this.fromKey= fromKey; this.toEnd = toEnd; this.toKey = toKey; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return entrySet.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return inRange(key) && RBTreeMap.this.containsKey(key); } @Override public V get(Object key) { if (!inRange(key)) return null; return RBTreeMap.this.get(key); } @Override public V put(K key, V value) { if (!inRange(key)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("key out of range"); return RBTreeMap.this.put(key, value); } @Override public Comparator comparator() { return comparator; } @Override public K firstKey() { return key(fromStart ? firstEntry() : getCeilEntry(fromKey)); } @Override public K lastKey() { return key(toEnd ? lastEntry() : getPrecedingEntry(toKey)); } private transient Set> entrySet = new EntrySetView(); @Override public Set> entrySet() { return entrySet; } private class EntrySetView extends AbstractSet> { private transient int size = -1, sizeModCount; @Override public int size() { if (size == -1 || sizeModCount != RBTreeMap.this.modCount) { size = 0; sizeModCount = RBTreeMap.this.modCount; java.util.Iterator> i = iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { size++;; } } return size; } // size @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return !iterator().hasNext(); }// isEmpty @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) return false; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)o; Object key = entry.getKey(); if (!inRange(key)) return false; RBTreeMap.Entry node = getEntry(key); return node != null && valEquals(node.getValue(), entry.getValue()); } // contains @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) return false; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)o; Object key = entry.getKey(); if (!inRange(key)) return false; RBTreeMap.Entry node = getEntry(key); if (node!=null && valEquals(node.getValue(),entry.getValue())){ deleteEntry(node); return true; } return false; } @Override public java.util.Iterator> iterator() { return new Iterator>( (fromStart ? firstEntry() : getCeilEntry(fromKey)), (toEnd ? null : getCeilEntry(toKey))); } } // EntrySetView @Override public SortedMap subMap(Object fromKey, Object toKey) { if (!inRange(fromKey)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromKey out of range"); if (!inRange2(toKey)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("toKey out of range"); return new SubMap(fromKey, toKey); } @Override public SortedMap headMap(Object toKey) { if (!inRange2(toKey)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("toKey out of range"); return new SubMap(fromStart, fromKey, false, toKey); } @Override public SortedMap tailMap(Object fromKey) { if (!inRange(fromKey)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromKey out of range"); return new SubMap(false, fromKey, toEnd, toKey); } private boolean inRange(Object key) { return (fromStart || compare(key, fromKey) >= 0) && (toEnd || compare(key, toKey) < 0); } // This form allows the high endpoint (as well as all legit keys) private boolean inRange2(Object key) { return (fromStart || compare(key, fromKey) >= 0) && (toEnd || compare(key, toKey) <= 0); } static final long serialVersionUID = 4333473260468321526L; } // SubMap // Types of Iterators private static final int KEYS = 0; private static final int VALUES = 1; private static final int ENTRIES = 2; /** * RBTreeMap Iterator. */ private class Iterator implements java.util.Iterator { private int type; private int expectedModCount = RBTreeMap.this.modCount; private Entry lastReturned = null; private Entry next; private Entry firstExcluded = null; Iterator(int type) { this.type = type; next = firstEntry(); } Iterator(Entry first, Entry firstExcluded) { type = ENTRIES; next = first; this.firstExcluded = firstExcluded; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return next != firstExcluded; } //hasNext @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public E next() { if (next == firstExcluded) throw new NoSuchElementException(); if (modCount != expectedModCount) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); lastReturned = next; next = successor(next); return (E)(type == KEYS ? lastReturned.key : (type == VALUES ? lastReturned.value : lastReturned)); } // next @Override public void remove() { if (lastReturned == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (modCount != expectedModCount) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); deleteEntry(lastReturned); expectedModCount++; lastReturned = null; } // remove } //Iterator /** * Compares two keys using the correct comparison method for this RBTreeMap. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private int compare(Object k1, Object k2) { return (comparator==null ? ((Comparable)k1).compareTo(k2) :, (K)k2)); } /** * Test two values for equality. Differs from o1.equals(o2) only in * that it copes with with null o1 properly. */ private static boolean valEquals(Object o1, Object o2) { return (o1==null ? o2==null : o1.equals(o2)); } private static final boolean RED = false; private static final boolean BLACK = true; /** * Node in the Tree. Doubles as a means to pass key-value pairs back to * user (see Map.Entry). */ private static class Entry implements Map.Entry { M key; N value; Entry left = null; Entry right = null; Entry parent; boolean color = BLACK; /** Make a new cell with given key, value, and parent, and with * null child links, and BLACK color. */ Entry(M key, N value, Entry parent) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.parent = parent; } /** * Returns the key. * * @return the key. */ @Override public M getKey() { return key; } /** * Returns the value associated with the key. * * @return the value associated with the key. */ @Override public N getValue() { return value; } /** * Replaces the value currently associated with the key with the given * value. * * @return the value associated with the key before this method was * called. */ @Override public N setValue(N value) { N oldValue = this.value; this.value = value; return oldValue; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) return false; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)o; return valEquals(key,e.getKey()) && valEquals(value,e.getValue()); } // equals @Override public int hashCode() { int keyHash = (key==null ? 0 : key.hashCode()); int valueHash = (value==null ? 0 : value.hashCode()); return keyHash ^ valueHash; } // hashCode @Override public String toString() { return key + "=" + value; } } // Entry /** * Returns the first Entry in the RBTreeMap (according to the RBTreeMap's * key-sort function). Returns null if the RBTreeMap is empty. */ private Entry firstEntry() { Entry p = root; if (p != null) while (p.left != null) p = p.left; return p; } /** * Returns the last Entry in the RBTreeMap (according to the RBTreeMap's * key-sort function). Returns null if the RBTreeMap is empty. */ private Entry lastEntry() { Entry p = root; if (p != null) while (p.right != null) p = p.right; return p; } /** * Returns the successor of the specified Entry, or null if no such. */ private Entry successor(Entry t) { if (t == null) return null; else if (t.right != null) { Entry p = t.right; while (p.left != null) p = p.left; return p; } else { Entry p = t.parent; Entry ch = t; while (p != null && ch == p.right) { ch = p; p = p.parent; } return p; } } // successor /** * Balancing operations. * * Implementations of rebalancings during insertion and deletion are * slightly different than the CLR version. Rather than using dummy * nilnodes, we use a set of accessors that deal properly with null. They * are used to avoid messiness surrounding nullness checks in the main * algorithms. */ private static boolean colorOf(Entry p) { return (p == null ? BLACK : p.color); } private static Entry parentOf(Entry p) { return (p == null ? null: p.parent); } private static void setColor(Entry p, boolean c) { if (p != null) p.color = c; } private static Entry leftOf(Entry p) { return (p == null)? null: p.left; } private static Entry rightOf(Entry p) { return (p == null)? null: p.right; } /** From CLR **/ private void rotateLeft(Entry p) { Entry r = p.right; p.right = r.left; if (r.left != null) r.left.parent = p; r.parent = p.parent; if (p.parent == null) root = r; else if (p.parent.left == p) p.parent.left = r; else p.parent.right = r; r.left = p; p.parent = r; } /** From CLR **/ private void rotateRight(Entry p) { Entry l = p.left; p.left = l.right; if (l.right != null) l.right.parent = p; l.parent = p.parent; if (p.parent == null) root = l; else if (p.parent.right == p) p.parent.right = l; else p.parent.left = l; l.right = p; p.parent = l; } /** From CLR **/ private void fixAfterInsertion(Entry x) { x.color = RED; while (x != null && x != root && x.parent.color == RED) { if (parentOf(x) == leftOf(parentOf(parentOf(x)))) { Entry y = rightOf(parentOf(parentOf(x))); if (colorOf(y) == RED) { setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK); setColor(y, BLACK); setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED); x = parentOf(parentOf(x)); } else { if (x == rightOf(parentOf(x))) { x = parentOf(x); rotateLeft(x); } setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK); setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED); if (parentOf(parentOf(x)) != null) rotateRight(parentOf(parentOf(x))); } } else { Entry y = leftOf(parentOf(parentOf(x))); if (colorOf(y) == RED) { setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK); setColor(y, BLACK); setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED); x = parentOf(parentOf(x)); } else { if (x == leftOf(parentOf(x))) { x = parentOf(x); rotateRight(x); } setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK); setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED); if (parentOf(parentOf(x)) != null) rotateLeft(parentOf(parentOf(x))); } } } root.color = BLACK; } // fixAfterInsertion /** * Delete node p, and then rebalance the tree. */ private void deleteEntry(Entry p) { decrementSize(); // If strictly internal, first swap position with successor. if (p.left != null && p.right != null) { Entry s = successor(p); swapPosition(s, p); } // Start fixup at replacement node, if it exists. Entry replacement = (p.left != null ? p.left : p.right); if (replacement != null) { // Link replacement to parent replacement.parent = p.parent; if (p.parent == null) root = replacement; else if (p == p.parent.left) p.parent.left = replacement; else p.parent.right = replacement; // Null out links so they are OK to use by fixAfterDeletion. p.left = p.right = p.parent = null; // Fix replacement if (p.color == BLACK) fixAfterDeletion(replacement); } else if (p.parent == null) { // return if we are the only node. root = null; } else { // No children. Use self as phantom replacement and unlink. if (p.color == BLACK) fixAfterDeletion(p); if (p.parent != null) { if (p == p.parent.left) p.parent.left = null; else if (p == p.parent.right) p.parent.right = null; p.parent = null; } } } // deleteEntry /** From CLR **/ private void fixAfterDeletion(Entry x) { while (x != root && colorOf(x) == BLACK) { if (x == leftOf(parentOf(x))) { Entry sib = rightOf(parentOf(x)); if (colorOf(sib) == RED) { setColor(sib, BLACK); setColor(parentOf(x), RED); rotateLeft(parentOf(x)); sib = rightOf(parentOf(x)); } if (colorOf(leftOf(sib)) == BLACK && colorOf(rightOf(sib)) == BLACK) { setColor(sib, RED); x = parentOf(x); } else { if (colorOf(rightOf(sib)) == BLACK) { setColor(leftOf(sib), BLACK); setColor(sib, RED); rotateRight(sib); sib = rightOf(parentOf(x)); } setColor(sib, colorOf(parentOf(x))); setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK); setColor(rightOf(sib), BLACK); rotateLeft(parentOf(x)); x = root; } } else { // symmetric Entry sib = leftOf(parentOf(x)); if (colorOf(sib) == RED) { setColor(sib, BLACK); setColor(parentOf(x), RED); rotateRight(parentOf(x)); sib = leftOf(parentOf(x)); } if (colorOf(rightOf(sib)) == BLACK && colorOf(leftOf(sib)) == BLACK) { setColor(sib, RED); x = parentOf(x); } else { if (colorOf(leftOf(sib)) == BLACK) { setColor(rightOf(sib), BLACK); setColor(sib, RED); rotateLeft(sib); sib = leftOf(parentOf(x)); } setColor(sib, colorOf(parentOf(x))); setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK); setColor(leftOf(sib), BLACK); rotateRight(parentOf(x)); x = root; } } } setColor(x, BLACK); } // fixAfterDeletion /** * Swap the linkages of two nodes in a tree. */ private void swapPosition(Entry x, Entry y) { // Save initial values. Entry px = x.parent, lx = x.left, rx = x.right; Entry py = y.parent, ly = y.left, ry = y.right; boolean xWasLeftChild = px != null && x == px.left; boolean yWasLeftChild = py != null && y == py.left; // Swap, handling special cases of one being the other's parent. if (x == py) { // x was y's parent x.parent = y; if (yWasLeftChild) { y.left = x; y.right = rx; } else { y.right = x; y.left = lx; } } else { x.parent = py; if (py != null) { if (yWasLeftChild) py.left = x; else py.right = x; } y.left = lx; y.right = rx; } if (y == px) { // y was x's parent y.parent = x; if (xWasLeftChild) { x.left = y; x.right = ry; } else { x.right = y; x.left = ly; } } else { y.parent = px; if (px != null) { if (xWasLeftChild) px.left = y; else px.right = y; } x.left = ly; x.right = ry; } // Fix children's parent pointers if (x.left != null) x.left.parent = x; if (x.right != null) x.right.parent = x; if (y.left != null) y.left.parent = y; if (y.right != null) y.right.parent = y; // Swap colors boolean c = x.color; x.color = y.color; y.color = c; // Check if root changed if (root == x) root = y; else if (root == y) root = x; } // swapPosition /** * Save the state of the RBTreeMap instance to a stream (i.e., * serialize it). * * @serialData The size of the RBTreeMap (the number of key-value * mappings) is emitted (int), followed by the key (Object) * and value (Object) for each key-value mapping represented * by the RBTreeMap. The key-value mappings are emitted in * key-order (as determined by the RBTreeMap's Comparator, * or by the keys' natural ordering if the RBTreeMap has no * Comparator). */ private void writeObject( s) throws { // Write out the Comparator and any hidden stuff s.defaultWriteObject(); // Write out size (number of Mappings) s.writeInt(size); // Write out keys and values (alternating) for (java.util.Iterator> i = entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry e =; s.writeObject(e.getKey()); s.writeObject(e.getValue()); } } // writeObject /** * Reconstitute the RBTreeMap instance from a stream (i.e., * deserialize it). */ private void readObject(final s) throws, ClassNotFoundException { // Read in the Comparator and any hidden stuff s.defaultReadObject(); // Read in size int size = s.readInt(); buildFromSorted(size, null, s, null); } // readObject /** Intended to be called only from TreeSet.readObject */ void readTreeSet(int size, s, V defaultVal) throws, ClassNotFoundException { buildFromSorted(size, null, s, defaultVal); } /** Intended to be called only from TreeSet.addAll */ void addAllForTreeSet(SortedSet set, V defaultVal) { try { buildFromSorted(set.size(), set.iterator(), null, defaultVal); } catch ( cannotHappen) { } catch (ClassNotFoundException cannotHappen) { } } /** * Linear time tree building algorithm from sorted data. Can accept keys * and/or values from iterator or stream. This leads to too many * parameters, but seems better than alternatives. The four formats * that this method accepts are: * * 1) An iterator of Map.Entries. (it != null, defaultVal == null). * 2) An iterator of keys. (it != null, defaultVal != null). * 3) A stream of alternating serialized keys and values. * (it == null, defaultVal == null). * 4) A stream of serialized keys. (it == null, defaultVal != null). * * It is assumed that the comparator of the RBTreeMap is already set prior * to calling this method. * * @param size the number of keys (or key-value pairs) to be read from * the iterator or stream. * @param it If non-null, new entries are created from entries * or keys read from this iterator. * @param str If non-null, new entries are created from keys and * possibly values read from this stream in serialized form. * Exactly one of it and str should be non-null. * @param defaultVal if non-null, this default value is used for * each value in the map. If null, each value is read from * iterator or stream, as described above. * @throws IOException propagated from stream reads. This cannot * occur if str is null. * @throws ClassNotFoundException propagated from readObject. * This cannot occur if str is null. */ private void buildFromSorted(int size, java.util.Iterator it, str, V defaultVal) throws, ClassNotFoundException { this.size = size; root = buildFromSorted(0, 0, size-1, computeRedLevel(size), it, str, defaultVal); } // buildFromSorted /** * Recursive "helper method" that does the real work of the * of the previous method. Identically named parameters have * identical definitions. Additional parameters are documented below. * It is assumed that the comparator and size fields of the RBTreeMap are * already set prior to calling this method. (It ignores both fields.) * * @param level the current level of tree. Initial call should be 0. * @param lo the first element index of this subtree. Initial should be 0. * @param hi the last element index of this subtree. Initial should be * size-1. * @param redLevel the level at which nodes should be red. * Must be equal to computeRedLevel for tree of this size. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Entry buildFromSorted(int level, int lo, int hi, int redLevel, java.util.Iterator it, str, Y defaultVal) throws, ClassNotFoundException { /* * Strategy: The root is the middlemost element. To get to it, we * have to first recursively construct the entire left subtree, * so as to grab all of its elements. We can then proceed with right * subtree. * * The lo and hi arguments are the minimum and maximum * indices to pull out of the iterator or stream for current subtree. * They are not actually indexed, we just proceed sequentially, * ensuring that items are extracted in corresponding order. */ if (hi < lo) return null; int mid = (lo + hi) / 2; Entry left = null; if (lo < mid) left = buildFromSorted(level+1, lo, mid - 1, redLevel, it, str, defaultVal); // extract key and/or value from iterator or stream X key; Y value; if (it != null) { // use iterator if (defaultVal==null) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); key = (X)entry.getKey(); value = (Y)entry.getValue(); } else { key = (X); value = defaultVal; } } else { // use stream key = (X)str.readObject(); value = (defaultVal != null ? defaultVal : (Y)str.readObject()); } Entry middle = new Entry(key, value, null); // color nodes in non-full bottommost level red if (level == redLevel) middle.color = RED; if (left != null) { middle.left = left; left.parent = middle; } if (mid < hi) { Entry right = buildFromSorted(level+1, mid+1, hi, redLevel, it, str, defaultVal); middle.right = right; right.parent = middle; } return middle; } // Entry buildFromSorted /** * Find the level down to which to assign all nodes BLACK. This is the * last `full' level of the complete binary tree produced by * buildTree. The remaining nodes are colored RED. (This makes a `nice' * set of color assignments wrt future insertions.) This level number is * computed by finding the number of splits needed to reach the zeroeth * node. (The answer is ~lg(N), but in any case must be computed by same * quick O(lg(N)) loop.) */ private static int computeRedLevel(int sz) { int level = 0; for (int m = sz - 1; m >= 0; m = m / 2 - 1) level++; return level; } } // class RBTreeMap

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