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/* Generated SBE (Simple Binary Encoding) message codec. */
package b3.entrypoint.fixp.sbe;
import org.agrona.MutableDirectBuffer;
import org.agrona.sbe.*;
* The QuoteCancel message is used to cancel a previous QuoteRequest message.
public final class QuoteCancelEncoder implements MessageEncoderFlyweight
public static final int BLOCK_LENGTH = 40;
public static final int TEMPLATE_ID = 404;
public static final int SCHEMA_ID = 1;
public static final int SCHEMA_VERSION = 5;
public static final String SEMANTIC_VERSION = "5.6";
public static final java.nio.ByteOrder BYTE_ORDER = java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
private final QuoteCancelEncoder parentMessage = this;
private MutableDirectBuffer buffer;
private int offset;
private int limit;
public int sbeBlockLength()
public int sbeTemplateId()
public int sbeSchemaId()
return SCHEMA_ID;
public int sbeSchemaVersion()
public String sbeSemanticType()
return "";
public MutableDirectBuffer buffer()
return buffer;
public int offset()
return offset;
public QuoteCancelEncoder wrap(final MutableDirectBuffer buffer, final int offset)
if (buffer != this.buffer)
this.buffer = buffer;
this.offset = offset;
limit(offset + BLOCK_LENGTH);
return this;
public QuoteCancelEncoder wrapAndApplyHeader(
final MutableDirectBuffer buffer, final int offset, final MessageHeaderEncoder headerEncoder)
.wrap(buffer, offset)
return wrap(buffer, offset + MessageHeaderEncoder.ENCODED_LENGTH);
public int encodedLength()
return limit - offset;
public int limit()
return limit;
public void limit(final int limit)
this.limit = limit;
public static int messageTypeId()
return 35;
public static int messageTypeSinceVersion()
return 0;
public static int messageTypeEncodingOffset()
return 0;
public static int messageTypeEncodingLength()
return 1;
public static String messageTypeMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
if (MetaAttribute.PRESENCE == metaAttribute)
return "constant";
return "";
public static int quoteReqIDId()
return 131;
public static int quoteReqIDSinceVersion()
return 0;
public static int quoteReqIDEncodingOffset()
return 0;
public static int quoteReqIDEncodingLength()
return 8;
public static String quoteReqIDMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
if (MetaAttribute.PRESENCE == metaAttribute)
return "optional";
return "";
public static long quoteReqIDNullValue()
return 0x0L;
public static long quoteReqIDMinValue()
return 0x0L;
public static long quoteReqIDMaxValue()
return 0xfffffffffffffffeL;
public QuoteCancelEncoder quoteReqID(final long value)
buffer.putLong(offset + 0, value, BYTE_ORDER);
return this;
public static int quoteIDId()
return 117;
public static int quoteIDSinceVersion()
return 0;
public static int quoteIDEncodingOffset()
return 8;
public static int quoteIDEncodingLength()
return 8;
public static String quoteIDMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
if (MetaAttribute.PRESENCE == metaAttribute)
return "optional";
return "";
public static long quoteIDNullValue()
return 0x0L;
public static long quoteIDMinValue()
return 0x0L;
public static long quoteIDMaxValue()
return 0xfffffffffffffffeL;
public QuoteCancelEncoder quoteID(final long value)
buffer.putLong(offset + 8, value, BYTE_ORDER);
return this;
public static int securityIDId()
return 48;
public static int securityIDSinceVersion()
return 0;
public static int securityIDEncodingOffset()
return 16;
public static int securityIDEncodingLength()
return 8;
public static String securityIDMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
if (MetaAttribute.PRESENCE == metaAttribute)
return "required";
return "";
public static long securityIDNullValue()
return 0xffffffffffffffffL;
public static long securityIDMinValue()
return 0x0L;
public static long securityIDMaxValue()
return 0xfffffffffffffffeL;
public QuoteCancelEncoder securityID(final long value)
buffer.putLong(offset + 16, value, BYTE_ORDER);
return this;
public static int securityIDSourceId()
return 22;
public static int securityIDSourceSinceVersion()
return 0;
public static int securityIDSourceEncodingOffset()
return 24;
public static int securityIDSourceEncodingLength()
return 0;
public static String securityIDSourceMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
if (MetaAttribute.PRESENCE == metaAttribute)
return "constant";
return "";
public static byte securityIDSourceNullValue()
return (byte)0;
public static byte securityIDSourceMinValue()
return (byte)32;
public static byte securityIDSourceMaxValue()
return (byte)126;
private static final byte[] SECURITYIDSOURCE_VALUE = { 56 };
public static int securityIDSourceLength()
return 1;
public byte securityIDSource(final int index)
public int getSecurityIDSource(final byte[] dst, final int offset, final int length)
final int bytesCopied = Math.min(length, 1);
System.arraycopy(SECURITYIDSOURCE_VALUE, 0, dst, offset, bytesCopied);
return bytesCopied;
public byte securityIDSource()
return (byte)56;
public static int securityExchangeId()
return 207;
public static int securityExchangeSinceVersion()
return 0;
public static int securityExchangeEncodingOffset()
return 24;
public static int securityExchangeEncodingLength()
return 0;
public static String securityExchangeMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
if (MetaAttribute.PRESENCE == metaAttribute)
return "constant";
return "";
public static byte securityExchangeNullValue()
return (byte)0;
public static byte securityExchangeMinValue()
return (byte)32;
public static byte securityExchangeMaxValue()
return (byte)126;
private static final byte[] SECURITYEXCHANGE_VALUE = { 66, 86, 77, 70 };
public static int securityExchangeLength()
return 4;
public byte securityExchange(final int index)
public int getSecurityExchange(final byte[] dst, final int offset, final int length)
final int bytesCopied = Math.min(length, 4);
System.arraycopy(SECURITYEXCHANGE_VALUE, 0, dst, offset, bytesCopied);
return bytesCopied;
public String securityExchange()
return "BVMF";
public static int senderLocationId()
return 35503;
public static int senderLocationSinceVersion()
return 0;
public static int senderLocationEncodingOffset()
return 24;
public static int senderLocationEncodingLength()
return 10;
public static String senderLocationMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
if (MetaAttribute.PRESENCE == metaAttribute)
return "required";
return "";
public static byte senderLocationNullValue()
return (byte)0;
public static byte senderLocationMinValue()
return (byte)32;
public static byte senderLocationMaxValue()
return (byte)126;
public static int senderLocationLength()
return 10;
public QuoteCancelEncoder senderLocation(final int index, final byte value)
if (index < 0 || index >= 10)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index out of range: index=" + index);
final int pos = offset + 24 + (index * 1);
buffer.putByte(pos, value);
return this;
public static String senderLocationCharacterEncoding()
public QuoteCancelEncoder putSenderLocation(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset)
final int length = 10;
if (srcOffset < 0 || srcOffset > (src.length - length))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Copy will go out of range: offset=" + srcOffset);
buffer.putBytes(offset + 24, src, srcOffset, length);
return this;
public QuoteCancelEncoder senderLocation(final String src)
final int length = 10;
final int srcLength = null == src ? 0 : src.length();
if (srcLength > length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("String too large for copy: byte length=" + srcLength);
buffer.putStringWithoutLengthAscii(offset + 24, src);
for (int start = srcLength; start < length; ++start)
buffer.putByte(offset + 24 + start, (byte)0);
return this;
public QuoteCancelEncoder senderLocation(final CharSequence src)
final int length = 10;
final int srcLength = null == src ? 0 : src.length();
if (srcLength > length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("CharSequence too large for copy: byte length=" + srcLength);
buffer.putStringWithoutLengthAscii(offset + 24, src);
for (int start = srcLength; start < length; ++start)
buffer.putByte(offset + 24 + start, (byte)0);
return this;
public static int enteringTraderId()
return 35502;
public static int enteringTraderSinceVersion()
return 0;
public static int enteringTraderEncodingOffset()
return 34;
public static int enteringTraderEncodingLength()
return 5;
public static String enteringTraderMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
if (MetaAttribute.PRESENCE == metaAttribute)
return "required";
return "";
public static byte enteringTraderNullValue()
return (byte)0;
public static byte enteringTraderMinValue()
return (byte)32;
public static byte enteringTraderMaxValue()
return (byte)126;
public static int enteringTraderLength()
return 5;
public QuoteCancelEncoder enteringTrader(final int index, final byte value)
if (index < 0 || index >= 5)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index out of range: index=" + index);
final int pos = offset + 34 + (index * 1);
buffer.putByte(pos, value);
return this;
public static String enteringTraderCharacterEncoding()
public QuoteCancelEncoder putEnteringTrader(final byte[] src, final int srcOffset)
final int length = 5;
if (srcOffset < 0 || srcOffset > (src.length - length))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Copy will go out of range: offset=" + srcOffset);
buffer.putBytes(offset + 34, src, srcOffset, length);
return this;
public QuoteCancelEncoder enteringTrader(final String src)
final int length = 5;
final int srcLength = null == src ? 0 : src.length();
if (srcLength > length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("String too large for copy: byte length=" + srcLength);
buffer.putStringWithoutLengthAscii(offset + 34, src);
for (int start = srcLength; start < length; ++start)
buffer.putByte(offset + 34 + start, (byte)0);
return this;
public QuoteCancelEncoder enteringTrader(final CharSequence src)
final int length = 5;
final int srcLength = null == src ? 0 : src.length();
if (srcLength > length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("CharSequence too large for copy: byte length=" + srcLength);
buffer.putStringWithoutLengthAscii(offset + 34, src);
for (int start = srcLength; start < length; ++start)
buffer.putByte(offset + 34 + start, (byte)0);
return this;
public static int possResendId()
return 97;
public static int possResendSinceVersion()
return 0;
public static int possResendEncodingOffset()
return 39;
public static int possResendEncodingLength()
return 1;
public static String possResendMetaAttribute(final MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
if (MetaAttribute.PRESENCE == metaAttribute)
return "required";
return "";
public QuoteCancelEncoder possResend(final Boolean value)
buffer.putByte(offset + 39, (byte)value.value());
return this;
public String toString()
if (null == buffer)
return "";
return appendTo(new StringBuilder()).toString();
public StringBuilder appendTo(final StringBuilder builder)
if (null == buffer)
return builder;
final QuoteCancelDecoder decoder = new QuoteCancelDecoder();
decoder.wrap(buffer, offset, BLOCK_LENGTH, SCHEMA_VERSION);
return decoder.appendTo(builder);