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jfuzzylite from group com.fuzzylite (version 6.0.1)

jfuzzylite(TM) is a free and open-source fuzzy logic control library programmed in Java. The goal of jfuzzylite is to easily design and efficiently operate fuzzy logic controllers following an object-oriented model without relying on external libraries. jfuzzylite is the Java equivalent of the fuzzylite(R) library. jfuzzylite is a trademark of FuzzyLite Limited. fuzzylite is a registered trademark of FuzzyLite Limited.

Group: com.fuzzylite Artifact: jfuzzylite
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Artifact jfuzzylite
Group com.fuzzylite
Version 6.0.1
Last update 07. August 2017
Organization FuzzyLite Limited
License FuzzyLite License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

hraven from group com.twitter.hraven (version 1.0.1)

hRaven collects run time data and statistics from map reduce jobs running on Hadoop clusters and stores the collected job history in an easily queryable format. For the jobs that are run through frameworks (Pig or Scalding/Cascading) that decompose a script or application into a DAG of map reduce jobs for actual execution, hRaven groups job history data together by an application construct. This will allow for easier visualization of all of the component jobs' execution for an application and more comprehensive trending and analysis over time.

Group: com.twitter.hraven Artifact: hraven
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Artifact hraven
Group com.twitter.hraven
Version 1.0.1
Last update 12. April 2017
Organization Twitter
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

opensearchserver from group com.jaeksoft (version 1.5.14)

OpenSearchServer is a powerful, enterprise-class, search engine program. Using the web user interface, the crawlers (web, file, database, ...) and the REST/RESTFul API you will be able to integrate quickly and easily advanced full-text search capabilities in your application. OpenSearchServer runs on Windows and Linux/Unix/BSD.

Group: com.jaeksoft Artifact: opensearchserver
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Artifact opensearchserver
Group com.jaeksoft
Version 1.5.14
Last update 09. August 2016
Organization not specified
License General Public License, Version 3.0
Dependencies amount 89
Dependencies jsp-api, cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws, cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs, cxf-rt-transports-http-hc, lucene-core, lucene-analyzers, lucene-memory, lucene-queries, lucene-spellchecker, httpclient, nekohtml, tagsoup, fastutil, gson, icu4j, google-api-data-youtube-v2, httpmime, args4j, quartz-commonj, jsoup, json, xml-apis, jedis, apache-mime4j-core, commons-email, htmlcleaner, imgscalr-lib, fluent-hc, httpcore, httpcore-nio, httpasyncclient, pdfbox-ant, icepdf-core, zkbind, zul, zkplus, zhtml, hadoop-client, commons-codec, poi, poi-excelant, poi-ooxml, poi-ooxml-schemas, poi-scratchpad, simple-odf, batik-awt-util, batik-dom, batik-svg-dom, batik-util, batik-xml, sanselan, json-simple, commons-net, jaudiotagger, slf4j-log4j12, zk, woodstox-core-asl, jaxb-api, cxf-rt-rs-extension-providers, jackson-core, jackson-jaxrs-xml-provider, jackson-jaxrs-json-provider, json-path, dropbox-core-sdk, selenium-java, selenium-remote-driver, htmlunit-driver, phantomjsdriver, commons-compress, rome, lucene-stempel, langdetect, bcprov-jdk15, bcmail-jdk15, antlr4-runtime, opencsv, groovy-all, mongo-java-driver, jmimemagic, hunspell-bridj, RoaringBitmap, mysql-connector-java, jcifs-krb5-jdk7, postgresql, hsqldb, derby, iijdbc, jtds, sqlite-jdbc,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

library from group (version 2.2.2)

PhotoPicker+ is a component made for developers to easily integrate it inside their application and enable photo and video picking functionality. This component enables browsing media items from services such as Facebook, Picasa, Instagram, Flickr, Google+, Google Drive, SkyDrive, YouTube and Dropbox. It also enables capturing photos and videos with the native camera application and choosing media items from the device.

Group: Artifact: library
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Artifact library
Version 2.2.2
Last update 16. June 2016
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies appcompat-v7, library, picasso, cardview-v7, recyclerview-v7,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

netlib from group org.silvertunnel-ng (version 0.0.5)

SilverTunnel-NG Netlib is a free library for the Java programming language that implements and encapsulates all the complex network protocol stuff needed for anonymous communication over the Tor anonymity network. Netlib can be easily integrated in almost every existing and new Java application. The library requires Java 1.6/Java SE 6 or a newer version. The original silvertunnel Netlib can be found here :

Group: org.silvertunnel-ng Artifact: netlib
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Artifact netlib
Group org.silvertunnel-ng
Version 0.0.5
Last update 05. March 2016
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore, httpclient, httpclient-android, httpmime, prov, pkix, slf4j-api, android-support,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

awake-file-server from group org.awake-file (version 3.1)

Awake FILE is a secure Open Source framework that allows to program very easily file uploads/downloads and RPC through http. File transfers include powerful features like file chunking and automatic recovery mechanism. Security has been taken into account from the design: server side allows to specify strong security rules in order to protect the files and to secure the RPC calls.

Group: org.awake-file Artifact: awake-file-server
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Artifact awake-file-server
Group org.awake-file
Version 3.1
Last update 22. October 2015
Organization KawanSoft
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies json-simple, gson, commons-lang3, commons-io, commons-fileupload, jsch,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

awake-file-client from group org.awake-file (version 3.1)

Awake FILE is a secure Open Source framework that allows to program very easily file uploads/downloads and RPC through http. File transfers include powerful features like file chunking and automatic recovery mechanism. Security has been taken into account from the design: server side allows to specify strong security rules in order to protect the files and to secure the RPC calls.

Group: org.awake-file Artifact: awake-file-client
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Artifact awake-file-client
Group org.awake-file
Version 3.1
Last update 22. October 2015
Organization KawanSoft
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies json-simple, gson, commons-lang3, commons-io,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

awake-file from group org.awake-file (version 3.0)

Awake FILE is a secure Open Source framework that allows to program very easily file uploads/downloads and RPC through http. File transfers include powerful features like file chunking and automatic recovery mechanism. Security has been taken into account from the design: server side allows to specify strong security rules in order to protect the files and to secure the RPC calls.

Group: org.awake-file Artifact: awake-file
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Artifact awake-file
Group org.awake-file
Version 3.0
Last update 30. March 2015
Organization KawanSoft
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies json-simple, commons-codec, commons-fileupload, commons-logging, httpclient, httpmime, gson, commons-lang3, commons-io, jsch,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

activemq-maven-plugin from group com.artnaseef (version 5.10.0)

Customized version of the ActiveMQ Maven Plugin that registers publishable transport connector addresses in the Maven properties so that dynamic allocation of ports can easily be achieved. This project provides a port of the updates to the currently-released ActiveMQ version 5.10.0; the updates are expected to be released with ActiveMQ version 5.12.0, after which this version will no longer be maintained. See also AMQ-5499 (

Group: com.artnaseef Artifact: activemq-maven-plugin
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Artifact activemq-maven-plugin
Group com.artnaseef
Version 5.10.0
Last update 05. January 2015
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-project, activemq-broker, activemq-spring, junit, mockito-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pdf-extractor from group de.cit-ec.scie (version 2.0.1)

This is an optimized version of Apache PDFBox. It allows to extract the rough structure of a document (pages, blocks of text and paragraphs as well as formatting information) and was made with the intent to optimize text extraction results for scientific papers. The output can easily be transformed to plaintext (toString) or to an XML format (toXML).

Group: de.cit-ec.scie Artifact: pdf-extractor
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Artifact pdf-extractor
Group de.cit-ec.scie
Version 2.0.1
Last update 10. December 2014
Organization not specified
License The GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies pdfbox,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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