Download google cloud vision JAR files with dependency
google-api-services-speech from group com.google.apis (version v1-rev46-1.23.0)
auditlog from group com.sap.cloud.s4hana.cloudplatform (version 1.9.4)
Cloud platform abstraction for audit logging.
google-cloud-monitoring from group com.google.cloud (version 0.50.0-beta)
Java idiomatic client for Stackdriver Monitoring
gax from group com.google.api (version 1.27.0)
Google Api eXtensions for Java (Core)
spring-cloud-starter-feign from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.4.2.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Starter Feign (deprecated, please use spring-cloud-starter-openfeign)
google-cloud-language from group com.google.cloud (version 1.31.0)
Java idiomatic client for Google Clould Natural Language
runtime from group com.sap.cloud.servicesdk.csn2jpa (version 1.0.3)
Enables CDS features that are not supported by standard JPA mappings
spring-cloud-starter-sleuth from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.3.3.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Starter
google-cloud-vision from group com.google.cloud (version 1.30.0)
Java idiomatic client for Google Cloud Vision.
gcsio from group com.google.cloud.bigdataoss (version 1.8.1)
An implementation of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem targeting Google Cloud Storage
proto-google-common-protos from group com.google.api.grpc (version 1.8.0)
PROTO library for proto-google-common-protos
google-http-client-appengine from group com.google.http-client (version 1.23.0)
guava-testlib from group com.google.guava (version 25.0-jre)
Guava testlib is a set of java classes used for more convenient
unit testing - particularly to assist the tests for Guava itself.
mysql-socket-factory from group com.google.cloud.sql (version 1.0.3)
Socket factory for the MySQL JDBC driver that allows a user with the appropriate permissions
to connect to a Cloud SQL database without having to deal with IP whitelisting or SSL
certificates manually
google-api-services-drive from group com.google.apis (version v3-rev118-1.23.0)
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