Download com.google.api-client JAR files with dependency
task-shape from group nl.cloudfarming.client (version 13.03-beta)
component-api from group org.ow2.util.component (version 2.0.0)
API for defining and managing components
mq-client from group io.fabric8.ipaas.mq (version 2.2.153)
jboss-jaspi-api from group org.jboss.javaee (version 1.0.0.GA)
The Java Authentication SPI for Containers 1.0-PR API classes
xpatterns-spark-api-3.0.0 from group com.xpatterns (version 3.0.0-cm5-spark110-cdh520)
The API for Spark-API.
Contains the SparkJob interface that must be extended in order to run jobs on the server.
cache2k-jmx-api from group org.cache2k (version 0.27-BETA)
A light weight and high performance Java caching library. JMX API definitions.
This artifact is included in cache2k-all.
sirona-api from group org.apache.sirona (version 0.3-incubating)
Contains some interfaces and classes of the Sirona Api
nominatim-api from group fr.dudie (version 3.4)
A simple client library for the Nominatim API written in Java
google-api-services-runtimeconfig from group com.google.apis (version v1beta1-rev4-1.22.0)
tock-bot-api-model from group fr.vsct.tock (version 19.3.3)
Tock Bot API Model
odata-client-test-report from group com.github.davidmoten (version 0.2.5)
Aggregate Coverage Report
thin-http-client from group io.github.theangrydev.thinhttpclient (version 0.2.0)
A simple adapter for some popular HTTP clients
Group: io.github.theangrydev.thinhttpclient Artifact: thin-http-client
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
jadort-api from group org.ow2.jasmine (version 1.6.3)
openejb-itests-client from group org.apache.openejb (version 4.7.4)
rosette-api-model from group com.basistech.rosette (version 1.1.5)
Rosette API data models
Page 1306 from 1541 (items total 23109)