Download com.google.api-client JAR files with dependency
guice-v1 from group com.google.cloud.trace (version 0.7.0)
google-maps-solar from group com.google.maps (version 0.15.0)
Solar API The Solar API allows users to read details about the solar potential of over 60 million buildings. This includes measurements of the building's roof (e.g., size and tilt/azimuth), energy production for a range of sizes of solar installations, and financial costs and benefits.
mq-client from group io.fabric8.ipaas.mq (version 2.2.135)
payments-api from group com.intuit.quickbooks-online (version 6.5.0)
Payments API SDK
wink-client-asynchttpclient from group org.sonatype.spice (version 1.0)
ls-android-client-compact from group com.lightstreamer (version 4.2.8)
Lightstreamer Android Client compact SDK
Group: com.lightstreamer Artifact: ls-android-client-compact
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sdk-connector-api from group com.belladati (version 0.0.5)
The BellaDati SDK Connector API allows creating custom data providers for BellaDati BI solution.
angular-google-chart from group org.webjars.bower (version 0.1.0)
WebJar for angular-google-chart
org.wso2.carbon.siddhi.store.api.rest.feature from group org.wso2.carbon.analytics (version 3.0.70)
This feature contains the bundles related to Siddhi Store REST API
Group: org.wso2.carbon.analytics Artifact: org.wso2.carbon.siddhi.store.api.rest.feature
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google-api-services-toolresults from group com.google.apis (version v1beta3-rev114-1.22.0)
dcerpc from group com.rapid7.client (version 0.12.9)
DCE-RPC implementation capable of using SMBv2 via SMBJ to invoke remote procedure calls (RPC) over the IPC$ named pipe.
cf-java-client from group com.sap.cloud.lm.sl (version 1.31.2)
SAP fork of CF Java Client
Group: com.sap.cloud.lm.sl Artifact: cf-java-client
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pymager-java-client-assembly from group com.sirika.pymager (version 0.12)
Group: com.sirika.pymager Artifact: pymager-java-client-assembly
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jetty-alpn-client from group org.eclipse.jetty (version 9.4.0.M0)
keen-client-api-query from group io.keen (version 3.0.0)
Java Query Client API for Keen IO
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