Download google cloud vision JAR files with dependency
google-cloud-core-grpc from group com.google.cloud (version 1.20.0)
Core gRPC module for the google-cloud.
spring-cloud-netflix-core from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.0.6.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Netflix Core
google-maps-utility-library-v3-keydragzoom from group org.webjars.npm (version 2.0.9)
WebJar for google-maps-utility-library-v3-keydragzoom
spring-cloud-starter-netflix-ribbon from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.4.3.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Starter Netflix Ribbon
api-common from group com.google.api (version 1.4.0)
Common utilities for Google APIs in Java
proto-google-cloud-dialogflow-v2beta1 from group com.google.api.grpc (version 0.2.1)
PROTO library for proto-google-cloud-dialogflow-v2beta1
google-cloud-dialogflow from group com.google.cloud (version 0.37.0-alpha)
Java idiomatic client for Google Cloud Dialog Flow API
ads-lib from group com.google.api-ads (version 3.12.0)
Client library for Java for accessing ads APIs including DFP.
If you want to use this library, you must also include another Maven
artifact to specify which framework you would like to use it with. For
example, to use DFP with Axis, you should include the "dfp-axis"
google-api-services-speech from group com.google.apis (version v1-rev34-1.23.0)
datanucleus-appengine from group com.google.appengine.orm (version 2.1.0-final)
Plugin for DataNucleus providing persistence to the Google AppEngine BigTable datastore
spring-cloud-starter-netflix-zuul from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.4.0.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Starter Netflix Zuul
google-cloud-vision from group com.google.cloud (version 1.19.0)
Java idiomatic client for Google Cloud Vision.
google-api-services-iam from group com.google.apis (version v1-rev225-1.22.0)
spring-cloud-stream-test-support from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.3.2.RELEASE)
A set of classes to ease testing of Spring Cloud Stream modules.
google-cloud-translate from group com.google.cloud (version 1.17.0)
Java idiomatic client for Google Cloud Translate
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