Download google cloud vision JAR files with dependency
google-cloud-speech from group com.google.cloud (version 0.19.0-alpha)
Java idiomatic client for Google Cloud Speech.
protobuf-gradle-plugin from group com.google.protobuf (version 0.8.2)
Gradle build plugin to handle Protocol Buffers automated code generation and compilation
protobuf-java from group com.google.protobuf (version 2.3.0)
Core Protocol Buffers library. Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an
efficient yet extensible format.
mbed-cloud-sdk from group com.arm.mbed.cloud.sdk (version 1.2.4)
The Mbed Cloud SDK provides a simplified interface to the Mbed Cloud APIs by exposing functionality using conventions and paradigms familiar to Java developers.
cofoja from group com.google.java.contract (version 1.1-r150)
Contracts for Java is a contract programming framework for Java.
closure-compiler from group com.google.javascript (version v20180101)
Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It parses your
JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes
what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and
warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. It is used in many of Google's
JavaScript apps, including Gmail, Google Web Search, Google Maps, and
Google Docs.
spring-cloud-sleuth-core from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.3.1.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Sleuth Core
firebase-admin from group com.google.firebase (version 5.1.0)
This is the official Firebase Admin Java SDK. Build extraordinary native JVM apps in
minutes with Firebase. The Firebase platform can power your app’s backend, user
authentication, static hosting, and more.
google-cloud-core from group com.google.cloud (version 1.15.0)
Core module for the google-cloud.
guava from group com.google.guava (version 20.0-rc1)
Guava is a suite of core and expanded libraries that include
utility classes, google's collections, io classes, and much
much more.
ads-lib-axis from group com.google.api-ads (version 2.22.0)
Ads API Client Library Axis components.
spring-cloud-commons from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.3.1.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Commons
spring-cloud-vault-config from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.0.2.RELEASE)
Configuration Integration with HashiCorp Vault
google-api-data-youtube-v2 from group com.google.api.client (version 1.0.7-alpha)
gson from group com.google.code.gson (version 2.4)
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