Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
redisson-tomcat-8 from group org.redisson (version 3.6.0)
izpack-gui from group org.codehaus.izpack (version 5.1.3)
cxf-rt-transports-http-hc from group org.apache.cxf (version 3.1.17)
Apache CXF Runtime HTTP Async Transport
jgroups-kubernetes from group org.jgroups.kubernetes (version 1.0.3.Final)
JGroups discovery protocol for Kubernetes
jersey from group uk.org.retep.microkernel.web (version 10.1)
camel-example-ssh-security from group org.apache.camel (version 2.19.4)
A Certificate secured SSH example that creates a bundle that can be dropped into any OSGi container
wss4j from group org.apache.ws.security (version 1.5.8)
Apache WSS4J is an implementation of the Web Services Security
(WS-Security) being developed at OASIS Web Services Security TC.
WSS4J is a primarily a Java library that can be used to sign and
verify SOAP Messages with WS-Security information. WSS4J will
use Apache Axis and Apache XML-Security projects and will be
interoperable with JAX-RPC based server/clients and .NET
jersey-container-grizzly2-http from group org.glassfish.jersey.containers (version 2.6)
Grizzly 2 Http Container.
javafx-controls from group org.openjfx (version 11.0.1)
google-cloud-storage from group org.apache.jclouds.labs (version 2.0.3)
jclouds components to access Google Cloud Storage
spring-boot-starter-log4j from group org.springframework.boot (version 1.2.5.RELEASE)
Spring Boot Log4J Starter
animate.css from group org.webjars.npm (version 3.7.0)
WebJar for animate.css
jaxrs-ri from group org.glassfish.jersey.bundles (version 2.4)
A bundle project producing JAX-RS RI bundles. The primary artifact is an "all-in-one" OSGi-fied JAX-RS RI bundle
Attached to that are two compressed JAX-RS RI archives. The first archive (jaxrs-ri.zip) consists of binary RI bits and
contains the API jar (under "api" directory), RI libraries (under "lib" directory) as well as all external
RI dependencies (under "ext" directory). The secondary archive (jaxrs-ri-src.zip) contains buildable JAX-RS RI source
bundle and contains the API jar (under "api" directory), RI sources (under "src" directory) as well as all external
RI dependencies (under "ext" directory). The second archive also contains "build.xml" ANT script that builds the RI
sources. To build the JAX-RS RI simply unzip the archive, cd to the created jaxrs-ri directory and invoke "ant" from
the command line.
xchange-bitstamp from group org.knowm.xchange (version 4.3.2)
XChange implementation for the Bitstamp Exchange
spark-streaming_2.11 from group org.apache.spark (version 1.2.1)
Page 2150 from 8457 (items total 126854)