Download org.springframework.boot. JAR files with dependency
ocsp-server from group org.xipki.pki (version 3.0.0)
spring-boot-actuator from group org.springframework.boot (version 1.3.8.RELEASE)
Spring Boot Actuator
opfmaps-yandex-web from group org.onepf (version 0.1.1)
Yandex Web Map provider implementation for OPFMaps library
tomcat-embed-core from group org.apache.tomcat.embed (version 7.0.52)
Core Tomcat implementation
nexus-ldap-realm-plugin from group org.sonatype.nexus.plugins (version 2.14.7-01)
platform.sdk from group org.cyanogenmod (version 4.0)
The Platform SDK provides a set of APIs that give you easy access to a variety of different features within CyanogenMod. The SDK exposes APIs and system level framework access in the Android framework that aren't available in any other distribution.
KeePassJava2-simple from group org.linguafranca.pwdb (version 2.1.4)
Contains a Simple XML framework implementation of KDBX.
jetty-alpn-java-client from group org.eclipse.jetty (version 9.4.12.RC1)
oozie-tools from group org.apache.oozie (version 5.0.0-beta1)
Apache Oozie Tools
offheap-store from group org.terracotta (version 2.4.0)
A library that offers data structures allocated off the java heap.
org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.web from group org.eclipse.xtext (version 2.14.0)
Additional services for the web integration of Xbase.
jmh-generator-reflection from group org.openjdk.jmh (version 1.19)
JMH benchmark generator, based on reflection.
jersey-rx-client-jsr166e from group org.glassfish.jersey.ext.rx (version 2.17)
Jersey Reactive Client - JSR-166e, pre-Java 8, (CompletableFuture) provider.
common from group org.floggy.3rd.org.eclipse.equinox (version 3.3.0.v20070426)
A library of utility classes (e.g., IStatus, Assert, IAdaptable, ...) that are frequently used by Eclipse bundles. This bundle can be used in various different OSGi systems or standalone (i.e., without OSGi).
chuck-norris-for-actuator from group guru.springframework (version 0.0.2)
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