Download org.seleniumhq.webdriver JAR files with dependency
j-servletutil from group uk.org.ponder (version 1.3.0)
Libraries for abstracting over servlet dispatch, Spring utilities
including fast request scope container (aka RSAC)
axis2-resource-bundle from group org.apache.axis2 (version 1.7.6)
Contains the legal files that must be included in all artifacts
spring-integration-amqp from group org.springframework.integration (version 4.3.9.RELEASE)
Spring Integration AMQP Support
mapstruct from group org.mapstruct (version 1.3.0.Beta1)
An annotation processor for generating type-safe bean mappers
org.apache.sling.testing.sling-mock.junit4 from group org.apache.sling (version 2.3.4)
base64url from group org.webjars.npm (version 3.0.0)
WebJar for base64url
hibernate-entitymanager from group org.hibernate (version 5.1.14.Final)
A module of the Hibernate O/RM project
jersey-server from group org.glassfish.jersey.core (version 2.11)
Jersey core server implementation
jmrtd from group org.jmrtd (version 0.6.1)
Java Machine Readable Travel Documents API.
ace-eggplant from group org.icefaces.ace-themes (version 4.2.0)
${icefaces.product.name} ACE ThemeRoller Theme
jersey-entity-filtering from group org.glassfish.jersey.ext (version 2.8)
Jersey extension module providing support for Entity Data Filtering.
activemq-ra from group org.apache.activemq (version 5.14.1)
A JCA Resource Adapter used to integrate ActiveMQ with transactional enterprise containers
maven-resolver-api from group org.apache.maven.resolver (version 1.1.0)
The application programming interface for the repository system.
spring-context-support from group org.springframework (version 3.0.7.RELEASE)
Spring Context Support
transport-netty4 from group org.codelibs.elasticsearch.module (version 6.3.1)
Elasticsearch module: transport-netty4
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