Download android.support.v4 JAR files with dependency
mockito-android from group org.mockito (version 2.15.0)
Mockito for Android
android from group com.dynatrace.tools (version
A gradle plugin to add the dynatrace agent to an android project.
android-iconify from group com.joanzapata.android (version 1.0.11)
android from group com.dynatrace.tools (version
A gradle plugin to add the dynatrace agent to an android project.
jcodec-android from group org.jcodec (version 0.2.1)
Pure Java implementation of video/audio codecs and formats
smack-android from group org.igniterealtime.smack (version 4.2.2)
Smack for Android.
All the required dependencies to run Smack on Android.
Usually you want to add additional dependencies like smack-tcp,
smack-extensions and smack-experimental.
twitter4j-media-support from group org.twitter4j (version 3.0.5)
Twitter4J optional component adds multimedia support
android-all from group org.robolectric (version 4.3_r2-robolectric-r1)
A library jar that provides APIs for Applications written for the Google Android Platform.
aws-android-sdk-cognito from group com.amazonaws (version 2.2.17)
The AWS Android SDK for Amazon Cognito Sync module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Cognito Sync Service
ddmlib from group com.google.android.tools (version r13)
A ddmlib jar that provides APIs for talking with Dalvik VM (both on Android phones and emulators).
protos from group com.android.tools.analytics-library (version 25.2.0)
Library containing protobufs for usage analytics.
spring-context-support from group org.springframework (version 4.2.0.RELEASE)
Spring Context Support
android from group com.dynatrace.ruxit.tools (version 1.0.3)
A gradle plugin to add the dynatrace agent to an android project.
spring-context-support from group org.springframework (version 4.3.19.RELEASE)
Spring Context Support
aws-android-sdk-ddb from group com.amazonaws (version 2.2.19)
The AWS Android SDK for Amazon DynamoDB module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon DynamoDB Service
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