Download org.seleniumhq.selenium.grid JAR files with dependency
time-source-kafka-10 from group org.springframework.cloud.stream.app (version 1.2.0.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Stream Time Source Kafka 10 Binder Application
javers-spring from group org.javers (version 3.5.1)
JaVers object auditing and diff framework
jersey-mvc-jsp from group org.glassfish.jersey.ext (version 2.5.2)
Jersey extension module providing support for JSP templates.
log4j2-elasticsearch6-bulkprocessor from group org.appenders.log4j (version 1.2.0)
Log4j2 Appender plugin pushing logs in batches to Elasticsearch 6.x clusters
Group: org.appenders.log4j Artifact: log4j2-elasticsearch6-bulkprocessor
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nd4j-parameter-server-status_2.11 from group org.nd4j (version 1.0.0-beta)
Group: org.nd4j Artifact: nd4j-parameter-server-status_2.11
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reactor-core from group org.projectreactor (version 1.0.0.RELEASE)
Core Reactor components
Group: org.projectreactor Artifact: reactor-core
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hbase-examples from group org.apache.hbase (version 0.96.2-hadoop2)
Examples of HBase usage
Group: org.apache.hbase Artifact: hbase-examples
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eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker from group org.webjars.bower (version 4.15.35)
WebJar for eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker
Group: org.webjars.bower Artifact: eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker
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jboss-jsf-api_2.2_spec from group org.jboss.spec.javax.faces (version 2.2.6)
JSR-000344: JavaServer(TM) Faces 2.2 API
Group: org.jboss.spec.javax.faces Artifact: jboss-jsf-api_2.2_spec
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camel-example-jdbc from group org.apache.camel (version 2.14.3)
An example for showing Camel using JDBC component
Group: org.apache.camel Artifact: camel-example-jdbc
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dss-crl-parser-x509crl from group org.digidoc4j.dss (version 5.2.d4j.4)
DSS CRL Parser with X509CRL object is an implementation of DSS CRL Parser API which uses the X509CRL object. The CRL are fully loaded in the memory to be parsed.
Group: org.digidoc4j.dss Artifact: dss-crl-parser-x509crl
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selenium-ie-driver from group org.seleniumhq.selenium (version 2.40.0)
Group: org.seleniumhq.selenium Artifact: selenium-ie-driver
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nd4j-context from group org.nd4j (version 0.9.0)
Group: org.nd4j Artifact: nd4j-context
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siddhi-gpl-execution-geo from group org.wso2.extension.siddhi.gpl.execution.geo (version 4.0.8)
1. GeoWithinFunctionExecutor
Input : (longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string)
OR (geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string)
Output : true if (longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry is within the geoJSONGeometryFence
2. GeoIntersectsFunctionExecutor
Input : (longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string)
OR (geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string)
Output : true if (longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry intersects the geoJSONGeometryFence
3. GeoWithinDistanceFunctionExecutor
Input : (longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string, distance double)
OR (geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string, distance double)
Output : true if (longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry is within distance of the geoJSONGeometryFence
1. GeoCrossesStreamProcessor
Input : (id string, longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string)
OR (id string, geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string)
Output : an event with `crosses` additional attribute set to true when the object ((longitude, latitude) or
crosses into geoJSONGeometryFence and an event with `crosses` additional attribute set to false
when the object crosses out of the geoJSONGeometryFence
2. GeoStationaryStreamProcessor
Input : (id string, longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string, radius double)
OR (id string, geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string, radius double)
Output : when the object ((longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry) starts being stationary within the radius
an event with `stationary` additional attribute set to true. When the object starts to move out of the radius
an event with `stationary` additional attribute set to false.
3. GeoProximityStreamProcessor
Input : (id string, longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string, radius double)
OR (id string, geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string, radius double)
Output : when two objects ((longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry) starts being in close proximity within the
an event with `inCloseProximity` additional attribute set to true. When the object starts to move out of the
an event with `inCloseProximity` additional. attribute set to false. On each event, additional attributes
`proximityWith` gives the id of the object that this object is in close proximity and `proximityId` is an id
unique to
the pair of objects
Group: org.wso2.extension.siddhi.gpl.execution.geo Artifact: siddhi-gpl-execution-geo
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jnr-x86asm from group org.jruby.extras (version 0.1)
A pure-java X86 and X86_64 assembler
Group: org.jruby.extras Artifact: jnr-x86asm
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