Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
org.apache.oltu.oauth2.jwt from group org.apache.oltu.oauth2 (version 1.0.2)
OAuth 2.0 library - JWT
Group: org.apache.oltu.oauth2 Artifact: org.apache.oltu.oauth2.jwt
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
jetty-xml from group org.mortbay.jetty (version 7.0.0.pre5)
The jetty xml utilities.
flowable-dmn-api from group org.flowable (version 6.0.1)
Group: org.flowable Artifact: flowable-dmn-api
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
errai-cordova from group org.jboss.errai (version 4.2.2.Final)
Group: org.jboss.errai Artifact: errai-cordova
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
org.wso2.transport.http.netty from group org.wso2.transport.http (version 6.0.167)
HTTP Transport based on Netty
Group: org.wso2.transport.http Artifact: org.wso2.transport.http.netty
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
javax.persistence from group org.eclipse.persistence (version 2.1.0-RC1)
javax.persistence build based upon git transaction 82dd749
Group: org.eclipse.persistence Artifact: javax.persistence
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
inputmask from group org.webjars.npm (version 4.0.0)
WebJar for inputmask
Group: org.webjars.npm Artifact: inputmask
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
scraper-imdb from group org.tinymediamanager.plugins (version 1.15)
A scraper for IMDb
Group: org.tinymediamanager.plugins Artifact: scraper-imdb
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leveldb-api from group org.dellroad (version 0.9)
High level Java API for LevelDB
Group: org.dellroad Artifact: leveldb-api
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jaxrs-ri from group org.glassfish.jersey.bundles (version 2.3.1)
A bundle project producing JAX-RS RI bundles. The primary artifact is an "all-in-one" OSGi-fied JAX-RS RI bundle
Attached to that are two compressed JAX-RS RI archives. The first archive (jaxrs-ri.zip) consists of binary RI bits and
contains the API jar (under "api" directory), RI libraries (under "lib" directory) as well as all external
RI dependencies (under "ext" directory). The secondary archive (jaxrs-ri-src.zip) contains buildable JAX-RS RI source
bundle and contains the API jar (under "api" directory), RI sources (under "src" directory) as well as all external
RI dependencies (under "ext" directory). The second archive also contains "build.xml" ANT script that builds the RI
sources. To build the JAX-RS RI simply unzip the archive, cd to the created jaxrs-ri directory and invoke "ant" from
the command line.
Group: org.glassfish.jersey.bundles Artifact: jaxrs-ri
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tomcat-catalina from group org.apache.tomcat (version 8.5.8)
Tomcat Servlet Engine Core Classes and Standard implementations
Group: org.apache.tomcat Artifact: tomcat-catalina
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spring-boot-sample-data-jpa-archetype from group org.springframework.boot (version 1.0.2.RELEASE)
Spring Boot Data JPA Sample
Group: org.springframework.boot Artifact: spring-boot-sample-data-jpa-archetype
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
pulsar-broker-shaded from group org.apache.pulsar (version 2.1.0-incubating)
Group: org.apache.pulsar Artifact: pulsar-broker-shaded
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spring-data-solr from group org.springframework.data (version 3.0.6.RELEASE)
Spring Data module providing support for Apache Solr repositories.
Group: org.springframework.data Artifact: spring-data-solr
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
org.eclipse.equinox.util from group org.eclipse.platform (version 1.1.0)
Equinox Util Bundle
The Equinox Util Bundle contains services to facilitate bundle developers in their programming, and to lighten resource usage at runtime.
Group: org.eclipse.platform Artifact: org.eclipse.equinox.util
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Page 3179 from 8457 (items total 126849)