Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
lucene-suggest from group org.apache.lucene (version 7.3.0)
Lucene Suggest Module
Group: org.apache.lucene Artifact: lucene-suggest
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
openejb-core-hibernate from group org.apache.tomee (version 7.0.2)
spring-cloud-dataflow-shell from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.7.2.RELEASE)
Group: org.springframework.cloud Artifact: spring-cloud-dataflow-shell
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
maven-jibx-plugin from group org.jibx (version 1.2.6)
A plugin for Maven 2 to run the JiBX binding compiler, or generate Java sources from XSD schemas.
junit-platform-engine from group org.junit.platform (version 1.0.1)
Module "junit-platform-engine" of JUnit 5.
org.eclipse.rap.filedialog from group org.eclipse.rap (version 3.2.0-M2)
RAP FileDialog
xmlsec from group org.apache.santuario (version 2.0.0)
Apache XML Security for Java supports XML-Signature Syntax and Processing,
W3C Recommendation 12 February 2002, and XML Encryption Syntax and
Processing, W3C Recommendation 10 December 2002. As of version 1.4,
the library supports the standard Java API JSR-105: XML Digital Signature APIs.
Group: org.apache.santuario Artifact: xmlsec
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testobject-appium-java-api from group org.testobject (version 0.0.24)
java wrapper for testobject's appium java apis
cxf-rt-wsdl from group org.apache.cxf (version 3.3.0)
Apache CXF Runtime Core for WSDL Based Technologies
Group: org.apache.cxf Artifact: cxf-rt-wsdl
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
hive-serde from group org.apache.hive (version 1.0.0)
Group: org.apache.hive Artifact: hive-serde
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
maven-javacc-plugin from group org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild (version 1.2.12)
json4s-scalap_2.13.0-M5 from group org.json4s (version 3.6.4)
Group: org.json4s Artifact: json4s-scalap_2.13.0-M5
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
mixitup from group org.webjars (version 3.3.0)
WebJar for MixItUp
Group: org.webjars Artifact: mixitup
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
flyway-maven-plugin from group org.flywaydb (version 5.0.3)
old-elasticsearch from group org.elasticsearch.test (version 6.0.0)
Launches versions of Elasticsearch prior to 5.0 for testing.
These need special handling because they do not support writing
a "ports" file with the port on which Elasticsearch is running.
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