Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
roma-console from group org.romaframework (version 3.0.0-BETA)
Roma Framework module for build console application
jlot-test from group org.jlot (version 1.2)
org.kevoree.library.javase.defaultChannels from group org.kevoree.corelibrary.javase (version 2.0.5)
Group: org.kevoree.corelibrary.javase Artifact: org.kevoree.library.javase.defaultChannels
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Artifact org.kevoree.library.javase.defaultChannels
Group org.kevoree.corelibrary.javase
Version 2.0.5
Group org.kevoree.corelibrary.javase
Version 2.0.5
specs2-matcher_2.12.0-M4 from group org.specs2 (version 3.8.4-scalacheck-2.12.5)
jolokia-example-osgi-restrictor from group org.jolokia (version 2.2.2)
osgi restrictor service sample
rsf-web-evolvers from group uk.org.ponder.rsf (version 1.1)
Components package for RSF - produces a JAR containing the Java
definitions of evolvers.
org.jresearch.logui.pom from group org.jresearch.logui (version 1.0.15)
The web application to manage runtime configuration of Logback (Java logging library)
Group: org.jresearch.logui Artifact: org.jresearch.logui.pom
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junit-jupiter-api from group org.junit.jupiter (version 5.12.0-RC2)
Module "junit-jupiter-api" of JUnit 5.
jaxb2-basics-sample-annotate from group org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons (version 0.6.1)
Group: org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons Artifact: jaxb2-basics-sample-annotate
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jooby-camel from group org.jooby (version 1.0.0.CR5)
reststop-jaxrs-api from group org.kantega.reststop (version 3.11.2)
patterntesting-concurrent from group org.patterntesting (version 1.6.2)
PatternTesting Concurrent (patterntesting-concurrent) is a collection
of useful thread aspects. It has support for testing, for
sychnronization and for concurrent programming.
Some of the ideas used in this library comes from reading
Brian Goetz's book "Java Concurrency in Practice".
alljs from group org.kevoree.mwg.plugins (version 6)
kite-hbase1-dependencies from group org.kitesdk (version 1.1.0)
The Kite HBase Dependencies module aggregates HBase Hadoop-1 dependencies
Group: org.kitesdk Artifact: kite-hbase1-dependencies
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
brooklyn-commands from group org.apache.brooklyn (version 0.9.0)
Provides brooklyn commands within karaf's shell
Page 4390 from 8457 (items total 126849)