Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
clusterbench-common from group org.jboss.test (version 12.0.1.Final)
client-tool from group org.apache.kerby (version 1.0.0-RC2)
Kerby KDC client tool
rdf.rdfjson from group org.apache.clerezza (version 1.0.1)
A rdf/json Parser- and SerializerProvider
windup-rules-java-archives-parent from group org.jboss.windup.rules.apps (version 6.3.9.Final)
Group: org.jboss.windup.rules.apps Artifact: windup-rules-java-archives-parent
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
jcuda-common from group org.jcuda (version 12.6.0)
maven-plugin-anno-parent from group org.jfrog.maven.annomojo (version 1.4.1)
Maven2 maven-plugin-plugin extension that allows writing annotated Mojos using JDK 1.5 annotations
instead of doclet comments.
Group: org.jfrog.maven.annomojo Artifact: maven-plugin-anno-parent
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
jonas-client-core from group org.ow2.jonas (version 5.3.0)
jolokia-tools-siteskin from group org.jolokia (version 2.2.2)
Jolokia :: Tools :: Site Skin
utflute-seasar from group org.dbflute.utflute (version 0.6.0F)
The unit test library for Seasar (with DBFlute)
docs from group org.jruby (version 1.7.4)
Group: org.jruby Artifact: docs
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
grizzled-scala_2.8.1 from group org.clapper (version 1.0.13)
A general-purpose Scala utility library
org.jupnp.android from group org.jupnp (version 3.0.3)
jaxbhelp-tests-iso19115 from group org.jvnet.jaxbhelp (version 1.0.4)
imixs-workflow-jee-impl from group org.imixs.workflow (version 2.1.4)
Imixs Workflow JEE Implementation
ka-event-cdi from group org.kasource (version 0.8.1)
Page 4761 from 8457 (items total 126849)