Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
h2gis-ext from group org.orbisgis (version 1.3.2)
Extends H2 database with all H2GIS functions
canova-data-audio from group org.nd4j (version
joram-jca-ironjacamar from group org.ow2.joram (version 5.22.1)
Builds the Joram jca ironjacamar project.
Group: org.ow2.joram Artifact: joram-jca-ironjacamar
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
commons-jelly from group org.hudsonci.stapler (version 1.1-hudson-20120704)
Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting engine. Jelly combines the best ideas from JSTL, Velocity, DVSL, Ant and Cocoon all together in a simple yet powerful scripting engine.
commons-user-phone from group org.oxerr.commons (version 2.0.0)
commons user phone
Group: org.oxerr.commons Artifact: commons-user-phone
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camunda-bpmn-model from group org.camunda.bpm.model (version 7.5.0-alpha5)
perfcake from group org.perfcake (version 7.5)
A Lightweight Performance Testing Framework
tensorflow-horovod_2.12 from group org.platanios (version 0.4.0)
TensorFlow Scala - Horovod
stilts-stomplet-server-bundle-tests from group org.projectodd.stilts (version 0.1.40)
Stilts Stomplet Server Bundle Tests
fabric3-contribution from group org.fabric3.gradle (version 2.5.3)
Fabric3 Plugins
async-commons-rabbit-starter from group org.reactivecommons (version 5.2.3)
Abstract your broker with semantic async messages
camel-rmi from group org.apache.camel (version 2.17.1)
Camel RMI support
resources from group org.restcomm.media (version 7.0.16)
Group: org.restcomm.media Artifact: resources
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rocksdbjni from group org.rocksdb (version 9.10.0)
RocksDB fat jar that contains .so files for linux32 and linux64 (glibc and musl-libc), jnilib files
for Mac OSX, and a .dll for Windows x64.
sakai-kernel-api from group org.sakaiproject.kernel (version 23.3)
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