Download com.google.api-client JAR files with dependency
jaeger-client from group io.jaegertracing (version 0.34.0)
Jaeger Java bindings for OpenTracing API
com.ibm.websphere.appserver.api.hpel from group com.ibm.websphere.appserver.api (version 2.0.19)
WebSphere Binary Logging (HPEL) API, version 2.0
smallrye-axle-web-client from group io.smallrye.reactive (version 0.0.3)
cicada-client from group com.yirendai.infra (version 2.0.1)
A Dapper based Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure.
android-bsf-api from group com.wu-man (version 3.1.3)
BSF API Implementation for Android
vertx-mysql-postgresql-client from group io.vertx (version 3.4.0)
maven-resolver-api from group org.apache.maven.resolver (version 1.1.0)
The application programming interface for the repository system.
formscanner-api from group com.albertoborsetta (version 1.1.4)
FormScanner - Free OMR Software
grpc-google-cloud-texttospeech-v1 from group com.google.api.grpc (version 0.39.0)
GRPC library for grpc-google-cloud-texttospeech-v1
dagger-android-jarimpl from group com.google.dagger (version 2.13)
A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
jsf-api from group com.sun.faces (version 2.1.21)
This is the master POM file for Oracle's Implementation of the JSF 2.2 Specification.
google-api-client-appengine from group com.google.api-client (version 1.28.0)
datanucleus-appengine from group com.google.appengine.orm (version 2.1.0-final)
Plugin for DataNucleus providing persistence to the Google AppEngine BigTable datastore
disbursements from group com.mastercard.api (version 1.0.3)
Java SDK for integrating with the Mastercard service
oxalis-api from group no.difi.oxalis (version 4.0.0-RC2)
Holds the stuff required by external components, which may be hooked into Oxalis.
Classes and resources in this module should be made available to oxalis-inbound
by placing it into a shared library in the web container.
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