Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
org.connid.bundles.flatfile from group org.connid.bundles (version 1.2)
sota from group org.ak80 (version 0.1.0-beta2)
Provides very basic clone of Java 8 Streams (lambda required) to be used e.g. for GWT 2.8.x
org.oiue.service.action.tcp.bytes from group org.oiue.services.actions (version 1.0.0)
A bundle that tcp bytes action service
Group: org.oiue.services.actions Artifact: org.oiue.service.action.tcp.bytes
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typeserializer-simplexml from group org.anarres.typeserializer (version 1.0.8)
Support for Java generic types in various serialization libraries.
accumulo-core from group org.apache.accumulo (version 3.0.0)
Apache Accumulo core libraries.
http4s-server_2.11 from group org.http4s (version 0.14.4a)
Base library for building http4s servers
archiva-rest-api from group org.apache.archiva (version 2.2.10)
jackrabbit-spi2jcr from group org.apache.jackrabbit (version 2.13.1)
avro-integration-test from group org.apache.avro (version 1.12.0)
Integration tests for code generation or other things that are hard to test within the modules without creating circular Maven dependencies.
Group: org.apache.avro Artifact: avro-integration-test
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
camel-archetype-component-scala from group org.apache.camel.archetypes (version 2.15.6)
Creates a new Camel component with Scala.
revapi-maven-plugin from group org.revapi (version 0.4.5)
Maven integration for Revapi.
scalawebsocket_2.11 from group org.saegesser (version 0.1.2)
cxf-dosgi-ri-samples-discovery-client from group org.apache.cxf.dosgi.samples (version 1.8.0)
copper-jmx-interface from group org.copper-engine (version 4.0.2)
COPPER is an open-source, powerful, light-weight, and easily configurable workflow engine. The power of COPPER is that it uses Java as a description language for workflows.
druid-sql from group org.apache.druid (version 31.0.1)
Druid SQL
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