Download org.springframework.boot. JAR files with dependency
scalatra-specs_2.8.2 from group org.scalatra (version 2.1.0.M1)
Specs support for the Scalatra test framework
bw-util-misc from group org.bedework (version 4.0.8)
jrugged-examples from group org.fishwife (version 3.2.2)
Group: org.fishwife Artifact: jrugged-examples
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rhq-enterprise-server from group org.rhq (version 4.13.0)
RHQ enterprise server main JAR
gedcomx-bom from group org.gedcomx (version 3.42.0)
Bill of materials to make sure a consistent set of versions is used for GEDCOMX modules
Group: org.gedcomx Artifact: gedcomx-bom
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synctool from group org.duracloud (version 3.7.4)
http from group org.geoserver (version 1.5.0-RC3)
guvnor-rest-backend from group org.guvnor (version 6.4.0.Final)
Guvnor - REST Backend
gmbal-api from group org.glassfish.gmbal (version 2.0.0-b006)
gmbal API
launcher from group org.glassfish.main.admin (version 8.0.0-JDK17-M9)
Server Launching
cxf-rt-frontend-js from group org.apache.cxf (version 3.1.6)
Apache CXF Runtime JavaScript Frontend
org.apache.stanbol.reasoners.servicesapi from group org.apache.stanbol (version 0.12.0)
Services API of Stanbol Reasoners
Group: org.apache.stanbol Artifact: org.apache.stanbol.reasoners.servicesapi
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lein-iplant-rpm from group org.iplantc (version 1.4.3)
Leiningen Plugin for generating RPMs for Clojure projects.
cmp-l10n from group org.glassfish.main.persistence.cmp (version 5.0)
Group: org.glassfish.main.persistence.cmp Artifact: cmp-l10n
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spring-data-jpa from group org.springframework.data (version 1.10.3.RELEASE)
Spring Data module for JPA repositories.
Page 5671 from 8510 (items total 127649)