Download com.google.api-client JAR files with dependency
google-cloud-core-http from group com.google.cloud (version 1.18.0)
Core http module for the google-cloud.
Group: com.google.cloud Artifact: google-cloud-core-http
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java-client from group io.split.client (version 3.0.4)
Java SDK for Split
Group: io.split.client Artifact: java-client
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pagerduty-client from group com.github.dikhan (version 3.0.2)
Simple Java PagerDuty client with full integration with PagerDuty Events APIs
Group: com.github.dikhan Artifact: pagerduty-client
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client from group com.megaport.api (version 1.4.25)
This library is a Java wrapper for the Megaport API.
Group: com.megaport.api Artifact: client
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transport-netty3-client from group org.elasticsearch.plugin (version 5.0.1)
Netty 3 based transport implementation
grizzly-http-client from group org.glassfish.grizzly (version 1.9)
Group: org.glassfish.grizzly Artifact: grizzly-http-client
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camunda-engine-feel-api from group org.camunda.bpm.dmn (version 7.10.0-alpha2)
Group: org.camunda.bpm.dmn Artifact: camunda-engine-feel-api
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powermock-api-mockito-common from group org.powermock (version 1.7.0RC4)
PowerMock API for Mockito. Common classes.
maven-scm-client from group org.apache.maven.scm (version 1.2)
SCM Client is a simple SCM command line tool.
tcp-client-processor-kafka-09 from group org.springframework.cloud.stream.app (version 1.2.0.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Stream Tcp Client Processor Kafka 09 Binder Application
Artifact tcp-client-processor-kafka-09
Group org.springframework.cloud.stream.app
Version 1.2.0.RELEASE
Group org.springframework.cloud.stream.app
Version 1.2.0.RELEASE
externalsortinginjava from group com.google.code.externalsortinginjava (version 0.2.0)
Sometimes, you want to sort large file without first loading them into memory. The solution is to use External Sorting. You divide the files into small blocks, sort each block in RAM, and then merge the result.
Many database engines and the Unix sort command support external sorting. But what if you want to avoid a database? Or what if you want to sort in a non-lexicographic order? Or maybe you just want a simple external sorting example?
When we could not find such a simple program, we wrote one.
google-cloud-translate from group com.google.cloud (version 1.20.0)
Java idiomatic client for Google Cloud Translate
Group: com.google.cloud Artifact: google-cloud-translate
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google-api-services-calendar from group com.google.apis (version v3-rev46-1.15.0-rc)
Group: com.google.apis Artifact: google-api-services-calendar
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vaadin-client-compiler from group com.vaadin (version 8.3.1)
Vaadin is a web application framework for Rich Internet Applications (RIA).
Vaadin enables easy development and maintenance of fast and
secure rich web
applications with a stunning look and feel and a wide browser support.
It features a server-side architecture with the majority of the logic
on the server. Ajax technology is used at the browser-side to ensure a
and interactive user experience.
Group: com.vaadin Artifact: vaadin-client-compiler
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adwords-axis from group com.google.api-ads (version 3.14.2)
Contains the autogenerated classes to use the Adwords API with Apache Axis.
Also contains the dependencies on the common library.
Group: com.google.api-ads Artifact: adwords-axis
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