Download org.seleniumhq.webdriver JAR files with dependency
ruta-ep-ide from group org.apache.uima (version 2.4.0)
Provides the UIMA Ruta development environment for Eclipse
xmpp from group uk.org.retep.xmpp.xmpp (version 9.11)
The common classes for XMPP and JAXB.
The published schemas from xmpp.org are retrieved and compiled into
an artifact for each protocol.
External projects should depend on the base module + the protocol's
they are interested in. All other dependencies are then retrieved
automatically by maven.
Group: uk.org.retep.xmpp.xmpp Artifact: xmpp
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
grizzled-slf4j_2.8.1 from group org.clapper (version 0.6.10)
A Scala-friendly wrapper for the SLF4J logging framework
plan-monitor-api from group org.ow2.util.plan (version 2.0.1)
API for the resource monitoring service
scala-stm_2.10.0-RC3 from group org.scala-stm (version 0.6)
http4s-json4s-jackson_2.10 from group org.http4s (version 0.14.3a)
Provides json4s-jackson codecs for http4s
neo4j from group org.neo4j (version 3.1.0-M03)
Neo4j Community Edition
restcomm-connect.fax from group org.restcomm (version
angular-translate from group org.webjars (version 2.11.0)
WebJar for angular-translate
lenskit-specs from group org.grouplens.lenskit (version 3.0-T5)
JavaBeans describing various LensKit objects, used for serializing between Gradle and the CLI.
json4s-mongo_2.12.0-M4 from group org.json4s (version 3.4.0)
jsf-jetty-richfaces-spring-boot-starter from group org.joinfaces (version 2.2.7)
Jsf Spring Boot Starter for Jetty and Mojarra and Richfaces
Group: org.joinfaces Artifact: jsf-jetty-richfaces-spring-boot-starter
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Show documentation Show source
org.eclipse.scada.ui.chart.model.edit from group de.dentrassi.eclipse.neoscada.hmi (version 0.2.0)
Chart Edit Support
Group: de.dentrassi.eclipse.neoscada.hmi Artifact: org.eclipse.scada.ui.chart.model.edit
Show documentation Show source
Show documentation Show source
easybatch-jms from group org.easybatch (version 4.0.0)
Easy Batch - JMS integration module
org.jbundle.thin.app.contact from group org.jbundle.app.contact (version 0.7.7)
Page 5921 from 8419 (items total 126274)