Download cpg-core JAR files with dependency
swagger-core-jakarta from group io.swagger.core.v3 (version 2.2.28)
ontop-system-sql-core from group it.unibz.inf.ontop (version
functions-unary-core from group net.mintern (version 2.0)
Provides functional interfaces for the most commonly used two-argument functions
pog from group org.overturetool.core (version 2.3.4)
pog from group org.overturetool.core (version 2.3.6)
commandlinetool from group org.overturetool.core (version 2.3.6)
core from group org.webpieces (version 1.9.25)
Someone forgot to fill this in. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38272550/how-to-fail-the-gradle-build-if-subproject-is-missing-a-property
cactus.core.framework.uberjar.javaEE.15 from group cactus (version 1.8.0)
wildfly-model-test from group org.wildfly.core (version 3.0.0.Alpha3)
spring-cloud-kubernetes-core from group io.fabric8 (version 0.0.13)
spring-security-core from group org.grails.plugins (version 7.0.0-M1)
The Spring Security plugin simplifies the integration of Spring Security into Grails® framework applications.
chronicler-core-management_2.13 from group com.github.fsanaulla (version 0.7.2)
Scala toolchain for InfluxDB
disciples-iam-core from group com.github.hushengte (version 2.0.2)
IAM core
ae-maven-kernel from group org.metaeffekt.core (version 0.135.4)
shadows-core-v23 from group org.robolectric (version 3.1.3)
An alternative Android testing framework.
Page 649 from 1007 (items total 15099)