Download org.seleniumhq.webdriver JAR files with dependency
xacml-spring from group org.xacml4j (version 1.3.2)
angular-elastic from group org.webjars.npm (version 2.5.1)
WebJar for angular-elastic
scalaz-stream_2.10 from group org.scalaz.stream (version 0.8.1a)
oak-tarmk-standby from group org.apache.jackrabbit (version 1.5.1)
Oak TarMK standby module
paradise_2.11.1 from group org.scalamacros (version 2.1.0)
Empowers production Scala compiler with latest macro developments
export-hook_2.11 from group org.typelevel (version 1.1.0)
jboss-osgi-int from group org.jboss.microcontainer (version 2.0.0.Beta10)
JBoss Microcontainer
faux-pas from group org.zalando (version 0.2.0)
Error handling in Functional Programming
legacy-windup from group org.jboss.windup.legacy.application (version 2.0.0.Alpha1)
Furnace addon for Legacy Windup
gsissh from group org.apache.airavata (version 0.15)
The core function of the library is to do GSISSH interactions.
scodec-scalaz_2.11 from group org.scodec (version 1.2.0a)
apache-jsieve-mailet from group org.apache.james (version 0.5)
Apache jSieve is a server side mail filtering system
implementing RFC3028. Apache jSieve is developed by the
James project.
rest-error-handling from group org.trustedanalytics (version 0.0.9)
xml-configuration-example from group org.glassfish.hk2 (version 2.5.0-b27)
An application that is configured by an XML file
bpmn from group org.activecomponents.jadex (version 5.0-alpha6)
Bpmn execution
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