Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
undoredo from group org.jrebirth.af (version 8.0.5)
Provide Undo/Redo features for JRebirth commands
restcomm-slee-ra-xcap-client-events from group org.mobicents.resources (version 2.8.75)
Group: org.mobicents.resources Artifact: restcomm-slee-ra-xcap-client-events
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Show documentation Show source
scala-parser-combinators_2.12.0-RC1 from group org.scala-lang.modules (version 1.0.4)
Group: org.scala-lang.modules Artifact: scala-parser-combinators_2.12.0-RC1
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Show documentation Show source
http4s-json4s-native_2.11 from group org.http4s (version 0.13.2a)
Provides json4s-native codecs for http4s
kie-remote-ws-wsdl from group org.kie.remote.ws (version 6.4.0.Final)
killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-lib-slf4j-osgi from group org.kill-bill.billing (version 0.24)
Group: org.kill-bill.billing Artifact: killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-lib-slf4j-osgi
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Show documentation Show source
org.kevoree.platform.mavenrunner from group org.kevoree.platform (version 2.0.13)
Group: org.kevoree.platform Artifact: org.kevoree.platform.mavenrunner
Show documentation Show source
Show documentation Show source
restcomm-slee-tools-management-console-server from group org.mobicents.servers.jainslee.tools (version 2.8.64)
Group: org.mobicents.servers.jainslee.tools Artifact: restcomm-slee-tools-management-console-server
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Show documentation Show source
Artifact restcomm-slee-tools-management-console-server
Group org.mobicents.servers.jainslee.tools
Version 2.8.64
Group org.mobicents.servers.jainslee.tools
Version 2.8.64
ajax-best-promise from group org.webjars.npm (version 0.0.7)
WebJar for ajax-best-promise
avsl_2.9.2 from group org.clapper (version 0.4)
A Very Simple Logger
cxf-tools-validator from group org.apache.cxf (version 3.1.6)
Apache CXF Command Line Tools Validator
jackson-datatype-problem from group org.zalando (version 0.10.0)
Add-on module to support Problem data types.
beangle-ems-web from group org.beangle.ems (version 3.5.1.M3)
reco4j-core from group org.reco4j (version 0.5.0)
Reco4j is an open source project aims at developing a recommendation framework based on graph data sources. We choose graph databases for several reasons. They are NoSQL databases, so "schemaless". This means that it is possible to extend the basic data structure with intermediate information, i.e. similarity value between item and so on. Moreover, since every information is expressed with properties, nodes and relations, the recommendation process can be customized to work on every graph.
Reco4j can be used on every graph where "user" and "item" is represented by node and the preferences are modelled as relationship between them.
Current implementation leverage on Neo4j as first graph database integrated in our framework.
http-parser2 from group org.webpieces (version 1.9.29)
A re-usable asynchronous http2 parser
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