Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
components-test-du-3 from group org.mobicents.servers.jainslee.core (version 2.9.148)
Group: org.mobicents.servers.jainslee.core Artifact: components-test-du-3
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
modeshape-webdav-war from group org.modeshape (version 5.4.1.Final)
ModeShape Servlet WAR which allows integration testing of the default WebDav framework (forked from WebDAV-Servlet)
Group: org.modeshape Artifact: modeshape-webdav-war
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
org.apache.karaf.management.mbeans.services from group org.apache.karaf.management.mbeans (version 2.4.4)
The Services MBean bundle provides a JMX MBean to manipulate the OSGi services.
Group: org.apache.karaf.management.mbeans Artifact: org.apache.karaf.management.mbeans.services
Show documentation Show source
Show documentation Show source
Artifact org.apache.karaf.management.mbeans.services
Group org.apache.karaf.management.mbeans
Version 2.4.4
Group org.apache.karaf.management.mbeans
Version 2.4.4
msgpack-scala_2.9.3 from group org.msgpack (version 0.6.11)
mybatis-redis from group org.mybatis.caches (version 1.0.0)
Redis support for MyBatis Cache
metainf-plugin from group org.kuali.maven.plugins (version 1.0.0)
Tools for working with META-INF files
emf from group org.nasdanika.html (version 2024.10.0)
Classes for generating HTML Application UI from Ecore model elements.
topic-annotator from group org.chrisjr (version 0.1.1)
Performs common preprocessing steps for topic modeling and allows for annotation of the original documents with the results.
direct-common from group org.nhind (version 8.0.0)
Direct Project common APIs. Includes instrumentation, auditing, and other utility APIs
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.apache.derby.dbdefinition from group org.eclipse.birt.runtime (version 1.0.2.v201107221459)
A component of the BIRT runtime
Group: org.eclipse.birt.runtime Artifact: org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.apache.derby.dbdefinition
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Show documentation Show source
Artifact org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.apache.derby.dbdefinition
Group org.eclipse.birt.runtime
Version 1.0.2.v201107221459
Group org.eclipse.birt.runtime
Version 1.0.2.v201107221459
a3-osgi from group org.objectweb.joram (version 5.7.0)
Builds the Joram a3 osgi project.
static-mock-adapter-osgi from group org.ojbc.bundles.adapters (version 1.0.16)
org.opencms.workplace from group org.opencms (version 10.5.4)
OpenCms is an enterprise-ready, easy to use website content management system based on Java and XML technology. Offering a complete set of features, OpenCms helps content managers worldwide to create and maintain beautiful websites fast and efficiently.
scalate-page from group org.fusesource.scalate (version 1.5.3-scala_2.8.2)
A Multipart page filter similar to the page format found in Webgen
ets-citygml30-part2 from group org.opengis.cite (version 0.1)
Describe purpose of test suite.
Page 6778 from 8457 (items total 126849)