Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
github-com-softsimon-ui-router-route-to-components from group org.webjars.bower (version 0.1.0)
WebJar for ui-router-route-to-components
Group: org.webjars.bower Artifact: github-com-softsimon-ui-router-route-to-components
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org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc from group org.eclipse.lsp4j (version 0.24.0)
Generic JSON-RPC implementation
scala-xml_2.11.0-M8 from group org.scala-lang.modules (version 1.0.0-RC7)
org.eclipse.rap.http.jetty from group org.eclipse.rap (version 4.1.0)
Jetty Http Service for use with the Eclipse RAP Widget Toolkit
xtend-android-archetype from group org.eclipse.xtend (version 2.17.0.M2)
kurento-room-client from group org.kurento (version 6.5.0)
Kurento Room library for the client-side of Kurento Room Server
AnalyzerBeans-cluster from group org.eobjects.analyzerbeans (version 1.0.6)
Clustered (master-slave) set-up of AnalyzerBeans
jooby-rxjava from group org.jooby (version 1.0.0.CR8)
fakereplace-wildfly-tests from group org.fakereplace (version 1.0.0.Alpha7)
giter8_2.12 from group org.foundweekends.giter8 (version 0.17.0)
Command line tool to apply templates defined on github
scalamd from group org.fusesource.scalamd (version 1.5)
ScalaMD: A Scala Markdown Processor
geomajas-maven-plugin from group org.geomajas (version 2.6.0)
Geomajas maven plugin, used for extracting documentation extracts.
backup from group org.glassfish.admin (version 3.2-b06)
Backup Restore
camel-example-route-throttling from group org.apache.camel (version 2.18.0)
A client-server example using JMS transport where we on the server side can throttle the Camel
route dynamically based on the flow of messages
osgi-test-xjc from group org.glassfish.jaxb (version 4.0.5)
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