Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
gemfire-rebalancer from group org.apache.geode (version 1.0.0-incubating.M1)
Apache Geode (incubating) provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency performance with high concurrency processing
org.opencms.workplace.explorer from group org.opencms (version 10.0.1)
OpenCms is an enterprise-ready, easy to use website content management system based on Java and XML technology. Offering a complete set of features, OpenCms helps content managers worldwide to create and maintain beautiful websites fast and efficiently.
ejb-runtime from group org.wildfly.swarm (version 1.0.0.CR1)
WildFly Swarm: EJB Runtime
lie from group org.webjars.npm (version 3.0.2)
WebJar for lie
easybeans-tests-osgi-applications-dummyejb from group org.ow2.easybeans.tests (version 2.0.2)
EasyBeans OSGi Application
Group: org.ow2.easybeans.tests Artifact: easybeans-tests-osgi-applications-dummyejb
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itests from group org.jclouds.karaf (version 1.6.0)
sip11-events from group org.mobicents.resources (version 2.8.45)
cxf-rt-rs-security-oauth from group org.apache.cxf (version 3.1.7)
spring-integration-ftp from group org.springframework.integration (version 4.2.6.RELEASE)
Spring Integration FTP Support
Group: org.springframework.integration Artifact: spring-integration-ftp
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different from group org.tinygroup (version 0.0.12)
arquillian-container-felix-embedded from group org.jboss.arquillian.container (version 2.1.0.Final)
Group: org.jboss.arquillian.container Artifact: arquillian-container-felix-embedded
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onos-protocols-rest-ctl from group org.onosproject (version 1.7.0)
rsvp from group org.st-js.bridge (version 3.0.18-bv3)
forge-maven-plugin from group org.jboss.forge (version 1.0.0.Alpha7)
text2image from group org.tinygroup (version 0.0.12)
Page 7433 from 8457 (items total 126849)