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org.apache.jackrabbit.vault from group org.apache.jackrabbit.vault (version 3.1.26)
Builds an OSGi bundle for the file vault parts
Group: org.apache.jackrabbit.vault Artifact: org.apache.jackrabbit.vault
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sip-servlets-test-suite-parent from group org.mobicents.servlet.sip.testsuite (version 2.0.0.FINAL)
Group: org.mobicents.servlet.sip.testsuite Artifact: sip-servlets-test-suite-parent
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oak-solr-remote from group org.apache.jackrabbit (version 0.18)
Oak support for Apache Solr indexing and search on an remote
(HTTP) Solr instance
mongojack from group org.mongojack (version 5.0.2)
Maps MongoDB objects to POJOs using Jackson
mule-mvel2 from group org.mule.mvel (version 2.1.9-MULE-019)
MVEL is a powerful expression language for Java-based applications.
It provides a plethora of features and is suited for everything
from the smallest property binding and extraction, to full blown scripts.
hotwheel-spring from group org.mymmsc (version 5.6.9)
detarchive from group org.javaz (version 1.0)
This plugin should be used to get deterministic archives (e.g. not changed from build to build)
java-toolkit-env from group org.no-hope (version 0.2.3)
Slightly improved version of default maven superpom:
- Defines java version for source, target and compiler (or, alternatively aspectj compiler)
- Enables useful warnings and messages from compiler
- Adds 3rdparty implementation of jsr305 (@nullable annotations)
- Turns on source jar generation
Group: org.no-hope Artifact: java-toolkit-env
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redoculous-server from group org.ocpsoft.redoculous (version 1.0.0.Alpha4)
Group: org.ocpsoft.redoculous Artifact: redoculous-server
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utils-apl-derived-table-orientdbconnector from group org.omnaest.utils (version 0.2.14)
Group: org.omnaest.utils Artifact: utils-apl-derived-table-orientdbconnector
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tck-compatibility-tests from group org.opencypher (version 1.0.0-M23)
openCypher TCK compatibility testing
Group: org.opencypher Artifact: tck-compatibility-tests
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openengsb-core-taskbox from group org.openengsb.core (version 1.1.0.M3)
OpenEngSB Core classes for Taskbox Service (responsible for storing tasks, throwing events
and starting workflows, provides methods regarding tasks which can be called by workflows).
compass from group org.openimaj.hardware (version 1.3.10)
Interface to an OceanServer OS5000 digital compass.
org.qi4j.library.jmx from group org.qi4j.library (version 2.1)
sesame-store-compliance from group org.openrdf.sesame (version 4.1.2)
Tests for the core SAILs and Repositories
Group: org.openrdf.sesame Artifact: sesame-store-compliance
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