Download org.springframework.kafka JAR files with dependency
yamcs-maven-plugin from group org.yamcs (version 1.3.5)
Maven Plugin that runs Yamcs
scalaz-concurrent_2.9.3 from group org.scalaz (version 7.1.9)
jboss-jaxr-api-1.0_spec from group org.jboss.javaee (version 5.0.2.GA)
The Java API for XML Registries 1.0 API classes
scalajs-ir_sjs0.6_2.12.0-M4 from group org.scala-js (version 0.6.10)
Scala.js IR
deployme-module-jmx from group org.ow2.jasmine (version 2.0-M1)
jbasics from group org.jbasics (version 0.81.0)
jBasics is a collection of useful utility classes for Java. This includes helper for XML, mathematic functions,
restful web services helper, pattern oriented programming interfaces and more. Currently Java7 and up is
supported. Version 1.0 will required at leaset Java8.
goodies-inject from group org.sonatype.sisu.goodies (version 1.14)
sesame-rio-ntriples from group org.openrdf.sesame (version 4.1.2)
Rio parser and writer implementation for the N-Triples file format.
resource-server-template from group org.trustedanalytics (version 0.4.9)
migrations-maven-plugin from group org.mybatis.maven (version 1.1.2)
Migration-plugin is a Apache Maven 2 plugin that aims to integrate into the maven life cycle,
the myBatis 3 Migration tool. MyBatis 3 Migration Schema is a tool that helps you to manage database
schema changes.
core from group org.mobicents.media (version
jcscache from group org.tinygroup (version 0.0.12)
tomee-webservices from group org.apache.tomee (version 7.0.0)
This module contains the classes that will be added to the catalina class loader
maven-shared-utils from group org.apache.maven.shared (version 3.0.1)
flink-avro_2.10 from group org.apache.flink (version 1.0.3-hadoop1)
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