Download cpg-core JAR files with dependency
wicket-mount-core from group org.wicketstuff (version 7.3.0)
core from group com.sinnerschrader.aem.react (version 0.24.3)
Core bundle for website
histream-core from group de.sekmi.histream (version 0.15)
openwayback-access-control-core from group org.netpreserve.openwayback (version 1.0.2)
Group: org.netpreserve.openwayback Artifact: openwayback-access-control-core
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shadows-core-v16 from group org.robolectric (version 3.1.2)
An alternative Android testing framework.
notify-core from group in.ashwanthkumar (version 1.0-rc3)
Core notify library
core-math from group org.openimaj (version 1.3.1)
Mathematical implementations including geometric, matrix and statistical operators.
rule-engine-core from group org.scala-rules (version 0.1)
com.ironoreserver.core from group com.ironoreserver (version 2.0.7)
IronOre Server Core
jdbbackup-core from group com.fathzer (version 1.0.0)
A simple java library to perform db backup
easy-batch-core from group org.jeasy (version 7.0.2)
Easy Batch core module
fluency-core from group org.komamitsu (version 2.7.3)
High throughput data ingestion logger to Fluentd and Treasure Data
arena-core from group org.uqbar-project (version 3.6.1)
functionalgroovy-core from group com.github.mperry (version 0.8)
FunctionalGroovy enhances FunctionalJava for Groovy
org.jresearch.flexess.core.model from group org.jresearch.flexess.core (version 1.3.3)
Flexess general POM
Group: org.jresearch.flexess.core Artifact: org.jresearch.flexess.core.model
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