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META-INF.resources.xxl-job-admin.static.js.jobgroup.index.1.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
$(function() {

	// init date tables
	var jobGroupTable = $("#jobgroup_list").dataTable({
		"deferRender": true,
		"processing" : true,
		"serverSide": true,
		"ajax": {
			url: base_url + "/jobgroup/pageList",
			data : function ( d ) {
				var obj = {};
				obj.appname = $('#appname').val();
				obj.title = $('#title').val();
				obj.start = d.start;
				obj.length = d.length;
				return obj;
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		"ordering": false,
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		"columns": [
				"data": 'id',
				"visible" : false
				"data": 'appname',
				"visible" : true,
				"data": 'title',
				"visible" : true,
				"data": 'addressType',
				"visible" : true,
				"render": function ( data, type, row ) {
					if (row.addressType == 0) {
						return I18n.jobgroup_field_addressType_0;
					} else {
						return I18n.jobgroup_field_addressType_1;
				"data": 'registryList',
				"visible" : true,
				"render": function ( data, type, row ) {
					return row.registryList
							+ I18n.system_show +' ( ' + row.registryList.length+ ' )'
				"data": I18n.system_opt ,
				"render": function ( data, type, row ) {
					return function(){
						// data
						tableData['key'] = row;

						// opt
						var html = '
\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
'; return html; }; } } ], "language" : { "sProcessing" : I18n.dataTable_sProcessing , "sLengthMenu" : I18n.dataTable_sLengthMenu , "sZeroRecords" : I18n.dataTable_sZeroRecords , "sInfo" : I18n.dataTable_sInfo , "sInfoEmpty" : I18n.dataTable_sInfoEmpty , "sInfoFiltered" : I18n.dataTable_sInfoFiltered , "sInfoPostFix" : "", "sSearch" : I18n.dataTable_sSearch , "sUrl" : "", "sEmptyTable" : I18n.dataTable_sEmptyTable , "sLoadingRecords" : I18n.dataTable_sLoadingRecords , "sInfoThousands" : ",", "oPaginate" : { "sFirst" : I18n.dataTable_sFirst , "sPrevious" : I18n.dataTable_sPrevious , "sNext" : I18n.dataTable_sNext , "sLast" : I18n.dataTable_sLast }, "oAria" : { "sSortAscending" : I18n.dataTable_sSortAscending , "sSortDescending" : I18n.dataTable_sSortDescending } } }); // table data var tableData = {}; // search btn $('#searchBtn').on('click', function(){ jobGroupTable.fnDraw(); }); // job registryinfo $("#jobgroup_list").on('click', '.show_registryList',function() { var id = $(this).attr("_id"); var row = tableData['key'+id]; var html = '
'; if (row.registryList) { for (var index in row.registryList) { html += (parseInt(index)+1) + '. ' + row.registryList[index] + '
'; } } html += '
';{ title: I18n.jobinfo_opt_registryinfo , btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: html }); }); // opt_del $("#jobgroup_list").on('click', '.opt_del',function() { var id = $(this).parents('ul').attr("_id"); layer.confirm( (I18n.system_ok + I18n.jobgroup_del + '?') , { icon: 3, title: I18n.system_tips , btn: [ I18n.system_ok, I18n.system_cancel ] }, function(index){ layer.close(index); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : base_url + '/jobgroup/remove', data : {"id":id}, dataType : "json", success : function(data){ if (data.code == 200) {{ title: I18n.system_tips , btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: (I18n.jobgroup_del + I18n.system_success), icon: '1', end: function(layero, index){ jobGroupTable.fnDraw(); } }); } else {{ title: I18n.system_tips, btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: (data.msg || (I18n.jobgroup_del + I18n.system_fail)), icon: '2' }); } }, }); }); }); // jquery.validate “low letters start, limit contants、 letters、numbers and line-through.” jQuery.validator.addMethod("myValid01", function(value, element) { var length = value.length; var valid = /^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$/; return this.optional(element) || valid.test(value); }, I18n.jobgroup_field_appname_limit ); $('.add').on('click', function(){ $('#addModal').modal({backdrop: false, keyboard: false}).modal('show'); }); var addModalValidate = $("#addModal .form").validate({ errorElement : 'span', errorClass : 'help-block', focusInvalid : true, rules : { appname : { required : true, rangelength:[4,64], myValid01 : true }, title : { required : true, rangelength:[4, 12] } }, messages : { appname : { required : I18n.system_please_input+"AppName", rangelength: I18n.jobgroup_field_appname_length , myValid01: I18n.jobgroup_field_appname_limit }, title : { required : I18n.system_please_input + I18n.jobgroup_field_title , rangelength: I18n.jobgroup_field_title_length } }, highlight : function(element) { $(element).closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error'); }, success : function(label) { label.closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error'); label.remove(); }, errorPlacement : function(error, element) { element.parent('div').append(error); }, submitHandler : function(form) { $.post(base_url + "/jobgroup/save", $("#addModal .form").serialize(), function(data, status) { if (data.code == "200") { $('#addModal').modal('hide');{ title: I18n.system_tips , btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: I18n.system_add_suc , icon: '1', end: function(layero, index){ jobGroupTable.fnDraw(); } }); } else {{ title: I18n.system_tips, btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: (data.msg || I18n.system_add_fail ), icon: '2' }); } }); } }); $("#addModal").on('', function () { $("#addModal .form")[0].reset(); addModalValidate.resetForm(); $("#addModal .form .form-group").removeClass("has-error"); }); // addressType change $("#addModal input[name=addressType], #updateModal input[name=addressType]").click(function(){ var addressType = $(this).val(); var $addressList = $(this).parents("form").find("textarea[name=addressList]"); if (addressType == 0) { $addressList.css("background-color", "#eee"); // 自动注册 $addressList.attr("readonly","readonly"); $addressList.val(""); } else { $addressList.css("background-color", "white"); $addressList.removeAttr("readonly"); } }); // opt_edit $("#jobgroup_list").on('click', '.opt_edit',function() { var id = $(this).parents('ul').attr("_id"); var row = tableData['key'+id]; $("#updateModal .form input[name='id']").val( ); $("#updateModal .form input[name='appname']").val( row.appname ); $("#updateModal .form input[name='title']").val( row.title ); // 注册方式 $("#updateModal .form input[name='addressType']").removeAttr('checked'); $("#updateModal .form input[name='addressType'][value='"+ row.addressType +"']").click(); // 机器地址 $("#updateModal .form textarea[name='addressList']").val( row.addressList ); $('#updateModal').modal({backdrop: false, keyboard: false}).modal('show'); }); var updateModalValidate = $("#updateModal .form").validate({ errorElement : 'span', errorClass : 'help-block', focusInvalid : true, rules : { appname : { required : true, rangelength:[4,64], myValid01 : true }, title : { required : true, rangelength:[4, 12] } }, messages : { appname : { required : I18n.system_please_input+"AppName", rangelength: I18n.jobgroup_field_appname_length , myValid01: I18n.jobgroup_field_appname_limit }, title : { required : I18n.system_please_input + I18n.jobgroup_field_title , rangelength: I18n.jobgroup_field_title_length } }, highlight : function(element) { $(element).closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error'); }, success : function(label) { label.closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error'); label.remove(); }, errorPlacement : function(error, element) { element.parent('div').append(error); }, submitHandler : function(form) { $.post(base_url + "/jobgroup/update", $("#updateModal .form").serialize(), function(data, status) { if (data.code == "200") { $('#updateModal').modal('hide');{ title: I18n.system_tips , btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: I18n.system_update_suc , icon: '1', end: function(layero, index){ jobGroupTable.fnDraw(); } }); } else {{ title: I18n.system_tips, btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: (data.msg || I18n.system_update_fail ), icon: '2' }); } }); } }); $("#updateModal").on('', function () { $("#updateModal .form")[0].reset(); addModalValidate.resetForm(); $("#updateModal .form .form-group").removeClass("has-error"); }); });

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